Tips for a 25yo, 5'6" female, 225lbs... ???

Hi All,

After all of the holiday festivities I am really ready to crack down and would hope to see the scale move down instead of continuously creeping up. If you are of similar height and have had successful weight loss/toning, please share what worked and didn't work.

Calories/day? (I'm currently set to just under 1500, was trying 1200 for a bit and it seemed to make me gain!)

To eat or not to eat back exercise calories?

Workouts? (I'm attempting to do the elliptical 3-4 times/week, 30 min. each)

Other tips?

P.S. I am VERY aware on the basics of healthy eating and try to avoid all "white" carbs, refined sugars and processed foods. I aim to drink 8-10 cups of water/day but have a weakness for Diet Coke that I have reduced, but just can't seem to kick due to my 'fizz cravings'.

Thanks for any and all help during the beginning of my journey!


  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    It sounds like you're getting your eating under control and are exercising... so the only thing I can really say is to simply keep it up :) You have to stick to the program and you WILL eventually lose weight. The last time I was on here, it took me 6 weeks before I saw any weight loss. I lost about 10 pounds last year, and I'm looking to lose 10-15 more this year.
  • meaganh13
    meaganh13 Posts: 55 Member