Any Members with Arthritis???



  • I have rheumatoid, I walk and go for swims when the weather permits. Stretching exercises are very important to me, especially in the morning before getting out of bed.
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Arthritis can make life so frustrating! You know you'll feel better if you work out, but it hurts so much that working out is the last thing you want to do! I was diagnosed with a rare form of arthritis (spondyloarthropaty) when I was 14 and it's been a struggle on and off for the last 18 years. I can totally understand your frustration. Have you used or talked to your doctor about using any supplements? I find that religious use of fish oil and glucosamine and chondroitin has helped to ease my pain some. Not sure if they would help you or if you could take them, but just a thought. Do you have access to a pool? Swimming and water aerobics are a great way to get your heart rate up without the impact that can further hurt your aching knees. Also, maybe some low impact exercises using bands or perhaps yoga? I wish I had some wonderful advice to offer, but really it's finding a balance of what works for you. If there is anything I can do to help or you just want to talk, feel free to message me :)
  • Thank you so much for the replies and encouragement. Amber82479, I understand what you mean about feeling better from working out but the pain makes you not even attempt to. It is very frustrating. I'm going to try to keep exercising, and lorijo you had a good point about stretching daily. I'm not on meds, but do take a calcium and vit D supplement daily along with advil or ibprofen.
  • runwithmike
    runwithmike Posts: 145 Member
    My knees!
  • james_scholte
    james_scholte Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Amber. I also have Arthritis. Actually I have a rare auto-immune disorder called Still's Disease, which Arthritis is part of. I am having a hard time walking as fast as I would like to, due to the Arthritis. What sort of exercises do you do that work for you and minimize joint pain? Thanks for your time!

    ~Jim Scholte
  • I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which is a collagen defect disorder. Because of my loose joints and frequent dislocations, I have arthritis in several joints. It makes exercising complicated, and there are days that I can't even move, but I am keeping at it because I am not giving in! I have been walking and am going to try some weight lifting to see if I can strengthen some areas. I have a physical therapist that I will be starting with soon, and I am hoping to get some good ideas there. I will share!
  • pglaf
    pglaf Posts: 257 Member
    I too have arthritis all over. The worst is in my knees and hands.
    Like others have said, keeping active helps so much.
    Do whatever you can. I started out just with walking and that helped. Then once I lost weight I felt better and was able to do more and more.
    There are still some days that are worse than others and I still have to modify workouts to me specifically but its so beneficial to keep moving.

    Good luck to you
  • meltygarden
    meltygarden Posts: 111 Member
    My arthritis is mostly in my spine, and yoga has helped that tremendously. Like, I have been able to stop using painkillers because of yoga.

    I do have some arthritis in my knees and ankles and the elliptical feels a lot better to me than most other things. Also it helps a lot to wrap a heating pad around my joints and warm them up before I start exercising.
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I agree with the above posters about working out=less pain. I work out all the time--Zumba, Hiking, Kettlebells, Yoga, Pilates, Zumba Toning, etc. For me, it's the key to controlling my pain.

    In fact, there's an overwhelming body of evidence that shows the benefits of exercise on all forms of arthritis. I watched a video last night that outlined a clinical study which followed a large number of people over 9 years. Out of the patients who had arthritis of the knee, there was a 47% decrease in pain and symptoms in people who were active for 30 minutes a day, or for at least 150 minutes a week. By "active" they focused on the simple act of walking. Basically, you don't have to go high-intensity to get "exercise". Start by just walking outside or on the treadmill. Even just 1 hour a week is enough to improve symptoms and overall health. If you'd like to see the video for yourself, it's called "23 1/2 Hours" and it's on YouTube. I'd put the link, but I'm at work so I'm blocked lol.

    If you need a friend who knows what you're going through, feel free to friend or message me anytime!!!
  • I had arthritis when I was small - diagnosed at age two. I have since 'outgrown' it - this is what the doctors have told me - but I have since developed another joint problem and most likely will need knee replacements by age 30.

    I haven't worked out in several months (due to university, work, etc), but as of late have started again. When I was working out daily, I had virtually no pain. In the beginning, I did, but as I started running and doing more with my knees, the pain gradually subsided. Once I stopped working out, it came back. My knees are stiff all of the time - it even hurts to walk up the stairs.

    My advice to you would be to consult your doctor for his or her advice, but start doing something! Don't push yourself too hard, just little step by little step! Best of luck to you and hope all is well! x
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 406 Member
    yep. I'm 57 with arthritis in pretty much every joint. Friends and relatives ask how I exercise when it hurts? Fact is, it hurts less with exercise and exercise is one of the best things you can do for your arthritis because not only does it make the joints more mobile by stimulating the synovial fluid, but it also strengths the muscles around the joints which in turn helps move the joints. Motion of the joints is what helps arthritis. Just get it into it slowly. If you just walk to the end of your driveway and back, that's a starting point. Increase a little every day.....before you know it, you'll feel that much better. You are way too young to even begin thinking about limiting yourself because of arthritis. You'll end up with a poor quality of life. Get MOVING!!! ;)
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    I have arthritis too, mostly in my knees (I'm 25 and I've had it since I was 19 or so). I will second the recommendation of using an elliptical. It's the only machine I can use that doesn't cause me intense pain. I've also found that doing a really thorough stretch before hand helps as well.
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 228 Member
    I have rheumatoid arthritis. When a joint hurts, I rest it. I was attempting push ups the other day and my wrists were SCREAMING, so I stopped. If I'm having trouble with my knees, I avoid things like squats. If my shoulders are killing me then I'm not going to do anything to aggravate it. I do feel less stiffness when I move around enough, so things like walking are good. I love to run, but have been dealing with tons of lower leg pain when I do it so that is more of a treat than anything else.

    Basically, I just try to stay smart about it. I have gained a considerable amount of weight in the last two years (about 33lbs to my high weight) and that is when I've had my worst flares...when I can't move like I'd like to, I get depressed or anxious and end up eating like crap too.
  • efcmama
    efcmama Posts: 1 Member
    I have arthritis in my feet and back (SI joint). I go to a deep water workout, which has minimal impact on the joints, but because of the resistance of the water, I get a good workout. I can walk quite well (running/jogging is out...) and even just walking from the train to my home instead of taking the bus has helped!

    Good luck!
  • alfpalmer
    alfpalmer Posts: 150 Member
    I do - in both ankles. Wishing for an anklectomy some days! Can't help but think losing weight will only help it. Like many others its aggravated by cold and damp but somedays - its just anything that aggravates it.
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    I do. I find the more active I am, the better I feel. There are lots of things I can't do when exercising. I can't do EXACTLY what is on the DVD or in the aerobics class. I have to modify. But that's okay as long as i'm still moving.

    Weather makes a difference how I feel too. Some days are better than others. But I try to keep moving. It's worse when I do nothing.