Go Vegan with me?

I am 21 Female from California. As a teenager I was a vegetarian an after a year I started eating meat again. Now after years of eating meat I am finally sick of it.. I recently watched a documentary on a whole plant based diet called Forks Over Knives and decided to go Vegan. This is my 4th day of being on the diet and I feel AMAZING, I feel like I have more energy and positive thinking, It would be nice to have some friends that are also making or have already made the change!


  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Copngrats but I'm not converting.
  • kbutler123
    Hang in there - I've been vegan for 3 1/2 years, and I feel great. I'm 38, and joined MFP to get in better shape, but am positive that my cholesterol and blood pressure is better than the average person. Good Luck!
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    Congrats! (and a bump for you)
  • So proud of you! I was a perfect little vegan for two years and now I have succumb to my ultimate temptation: seafood. Still staying off of dairy though.

    Anyway, I commend you. Should be joining those ranks again soon enough. :)
  • TMSVegan
    Hey Pindie! Am I glad I joined myfitnesspal.com!!! Guess what my friend? I'm a Vegan too! I've been on and off a Vegetarian diet for 10 years, and Vegan for 5. Now, I've finally made the transition to Vegan for good (also after watching Forks Over Knives), and after 40+ days I feel AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been recording my Journey on my blog: http://findingthecouragetoheal.blogspot.com/

    and I have all kinds of tips, recipes and Inspiration waiting for you there! Come "follow" the blog, so that you can have instant updates, and let's support each other here as well! Look forward to getting to know you better, and reading your comments on my blog! :)

  • pindie
    pindie Posts: 3
    Seafood is the hardest for me. But if I get a hankering I go to a vegan restaurant in town to get their soy fish burrito and it tastes delicious and I stick with avocado and cucumber rolls for sushi and I'm content! Dairy isn't hard for me at all, I never liked Milk and I feel like for me it creates a lot of mucus and congestion. Since I ruled it out of my diet I have less phlegm.

    A question to Vegans.. Since I've been tracking my vegan diet on MFP.. Obviously I am consuming less protein but I'm nervous about my carbohydrates... it seems the most of my percentages on a daily bases is 50%+ Carbs. What do you find your results to be and should I be worried? Also I am not meeting my daily Vitamin count, do you recommend taking a vitamin pill?
    Thanks for the help!
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    I would have to see your diary to know why you are not hitting your vitamins. I do recommend vitamins when starting out and I recommend B12 to all vegans period.