new & looking for friends (that sounds a little desparate, e

HI. I’m Laura. Brand new to the scene.

I gave birth to my daughter Nina in October, and I have a 2.5 yr old adoptive son, Dante. They keep me on my toes, but as many of you know, it’s hard to be as healthy when you’re busy with kids, working full time and have other commitments.

More about me : I like to read (currently working my way quickly through The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo), I’m married to a thin & healthy marathon runner, I’m liberal, and I enjoy Frasier re-runs (nerd).

In 2 weeks I've lost almost 10 pounds. I assume breastfeeding has something to do with it.

I need friends for motivation – please feel free to add me!

Good luck to everyone and happy 2012.



  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Friend request sent! :-) Nice to meet you. :smile:
  • tanyavella09
    tanyavella09 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Laura!!
    Glad to meet you!! It sounds like you are a really busy lady and congrats on the birth of your daughter!!! We can keep eachother focus and headed toward our target goal weight!!
  • TG683
    TG683 Posts: 41
    Im Trish, Good to meet u..we can motivate each other!! :)
  • I'm Diana! im trying to lose weight as well i have been yo yo dieting forever! and it has def caught up with me! we can motivate eachother!!!
  • tiffastar
    tiffastar Posts: 46 Member
    I'll add you :) I'm new on here too and have three boys I am trying to keep up with. Like you, I gave birth to my youngest 5 months ago and my oldest is adopted. My husband is naturally thin so keeping up with all my boys (including my middle son that would be 4) is a goal in my weight loss.

    Thanks for posting :)
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Hang in there you can do it....friend request sent!!
  • HI Laura, I'm Lori. I am brand new to myfitnesspal. I have tried for years to get busy and loose some weight. It is very hard with funny schedules and a busy lifestyle. Finally my body just starting screaming at me to get going. It must be tough for you with little kids. Mine are just now turning 16 & 14 in March. They are great & supportive kids. My husband just lost 35 lbs just from eating healthy and walking outside. He has very bad issues with the disks in his neck and started to received some pain management that allows him to walk without pain now. He has never said one word about my weight but recently said to me, " I know you would feel 100 % better if you lost some weight" Well I know he is right but getting me here is tough. I need support and be held accountable. I thought about weightwatchers but it just won't work at this time. I work afternoons and get 4 1/2 hours sleep. I get up with my kids every morning to make breakfast & pack lunches. People tell me they are old enough to do this on their own but this is the only time I have with them and maybe and hour after they get home from school to feed them dinner then head off to work....So blah blah. I sleep 41/2 hours at night, wake up for an hour with the kids, then go back to bed until 11:00ish then get up start dinner, shower & get ready for work again. I am in need of some energy to exercise or I feel at my age the weight will not come off. Well, I don't want to go on and on with excuses...That's the problem, now for some solutions. Great to meet you on line. Hope we can support one another!
  • 10 lbs in two weeks is amazing!! If that continues, you will be thin in no time! It is hard when you have so many things to do---putting yourself at the top of the priority list is not always easy. Good Luck!
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    Just friended you................welcome!:bigsmile:
  • hilaurious
    hilaurious Posts: 6 Member
    thanks everyone - my blog post shares a little more about my feelings right now. good luck to all on your journey to healthy.