Week From Hell

Things have been so out of control this week. I feel like i am slipping and i need to stay on track. I've been staying at work til 11pm and got to work at 7am this morning. I want comfort food!! A salad just isn’t cutting it!
My normal way of de-stressing is writing however my main cause of stress this week is an awful client, and although i wouldn’t mind airing my grievances, it seems rather inappropriate.

Any stress relieving ideas? i need to stop thinking about cupcakes!



  • Freyja2023
    Freyja2023 Posts: 158 Member
    I do shadow boxing. it is amazing when you are stressed right out and you just start punching the air around you. I go into a low squat and just start doing punches and pictured the object of my stress as standing in front of me. It really helps and works as a effective low impact cardio and tones the muscles as well. After that i feel better and chew a piece of sugar free gum.
  • SickofBeingChub
    yes i believe punching something right now might be VERY effective! Thank you for the tip!!!
    Do you do Shadow Boxing alone in your house or is this something at a gym?