What a weekend!! I totally caved!

sinisme Posts: 148 Member
I kept telling myself I wasn't going to go crazy and over eat this weekend.. and that went out the window pretty damn fast! LOL.. :grumble: I couldn't even get on here to log my food.. I felt so guilty. I did walk/jog 6 miles on Saturday... but that was the extent of my workout. And then yesterday was no help... my husband and I went to the movies and HAD to get popcorn and coke.. then we went out for Chinese food.. LOL
*sigh*.. its back to the daily grind again... doesn't today feel like Monday? :huh:


  • yankeefamily05
    Oh gosh..i was in North Carolina all weekend. I was pretty good Saturday. Come Sunday, Forget about it....My dear husband went to Bojangles while his mom and I were shopping at the outlets. I asked him to get me a grilled chicken sandwich...So he comes back ..They didn't give him the sandwich:grumble: I ended up eatting 2 pieces of fried chicken...:angry: crap....Monday we stopped at Mcdonalds and another crap moment....

    But you are right back to the daily grind. I have eatten good all day:smokin: : According to the scale I only gained about a pound....But it could just be water weight, I am sure it is..:drinker:

    Although, I did manage to do my walking !!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    it happens, as long as you continue to stick to diet and exercise then everything will be fine.
  • Tiddle
    Tiddle Posts: 762 Member
    I did really bad this weekend too (well--yesterday)... it's all good--just gotta workout a little harder this week!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I did it a little too, but in my case it's wierd.

    I slow roasted a pork shoulder, then separated the fat and pulled & shredded the lean. Then I juiced it up with my special vinegar/salt/brown sugar/cayenne/pepper sauce and we feasted. This stuff is pretty irresistable for me, and I probably scarfed down 1/2 a pound over the course of the day.

    It is really lean if you separate it well. Really just a little heavier than turkey. The calorie count is pretty reasonable - but it's really REALLY salty. (I don't eat like this every day,,,).

    So this morning I got up feeling a little logy and did my 30 minutes on the Elliptoy and hit the shower and then hopped on the scale, just like usual.

    :noway: THREE #$%in' pounds!?!? :grumble: :angry: :sad:

    Now I know I'm just retaining water to process that salt, and I know it would take more than 10,000 calories of overeat to really gain 3 pounds and there's no way I did that - and I know that It'll be gone in a couple days and I'll be back on track,,,

    But it still sux.
  • rayemlls
    rayemlls Posts: 45
    Weekends are rough!!!!I did the same thing and it seems to happen every wekend! Back to tuna sandwiches !:sad:
  • angel1face
    angel1face Posts: 110
    Weekend Bad oh yea!!!
    saterday we had a bbq, didnt do to bad until they brought out "THE CAKE" well that so did it for me.
    i totaly crashed this weekend. but tomorrow is a whole new day.. i know im getting back on the wagon im scared to weigh in this week, but i have to suck it up i guess.. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    So all in all your not the only one in this spot lots of us do it. Its just a matter of hopping back on. so first step for you is done. realizing what you did. and take control. you can do it. :flowerforyou:
  • ducky5m48
    ducky5m48 Posts: 50 Member
    so i started out really great eating just like i should but then all of the sudden we had a cookout n it was like i lost my head n ate way to many sweets. ugh. i hate the weekends. they r sooooo hard. :(