Why am I gaining weight?



  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    If you don't have one already, invest in a Heart Rate Monitor (Polar FT7 on Amazon.com for under $80 shipped). You might be overestimating how much you are really burning and if you are not weighing and measuring all your food you might not be most accurately logging your food.

    Also, if you are exercising then sometimes your body need water to repair the muscles and that can look like a gain. And if you are building lean muscle it could contribute to the weight gain.

    Have you taken measurements? When you start working out sometimes you lose inches without losing weight. In a month I barely lost 3 lbs when doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred but lost 5 inches off my tummy.

    Also, it will be harder to lose weight if you are not netting close to 1200 calories. The eat more to lose more actually works....did for me when I plateaued!!!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    I am doing a lot of weight training but I didn't think it was possible to put on a pound of muscle in only a week. I opened up my diary though I am a little embarrassed lol. Thank you everyone for your help! I try to be pretty accurate and am for the most part with meals but sometimes its hard when I am picking at things so a lot of times for snacks i do the 'Quick add' option
    For exercise I have been doing Biggest Loser power sculpt and cardio max videos as well as working on the elliptical.

    In some instances, especially those who havent' workout in a long time, it's possible to gain a little muscle initially, but it's practically impossible to gain muscle under a caloric deficit. What is happening, or from what I can tell, is you are not feeding your body enough food, which it's conserving the food that you are putting in your system. What happens is your body holds onto the food and converts it to fat rather quickly to create energy later. So what your body might be doing is adding glycogen to your muscles for protection.

    What is your caloric deficit set at?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Keep sticking with it. I gained three pounds my first month - very frustrating. I had been working out weekly with a trainer and doing lots of weights and cardio. Imagine my disappointment when we weighed in a month later - UP three pounds! He told me not to stress about it. We then used a device to measure body fat and I was down 1%. (I didn't know much about body fat percentages and thought 1% was atrocious.) He said that it was terrific and I was going in the right direction.

    Keep on plowing through and start taking measurements with a tape measure!

    If it's a handle held device, you can't trust that you actually lost 1% body fat. Bioimpadence machines are one of the least accurate ways to measure body fat. Depending on your hydration level, it can vary 1-3%.
  • uniquewrapz
    uniquewrapz Posts: 160 Member
    I took a quick look at your diary and just wanted to ask if you've been skipping meals? I see a couple of dinner entries missing and a couple of breakfast....I caution you on skipping the meals especially if you're working out hard. You will put your body in starvation mode and won't have enough fuel to burn the fat....you'll be burning muscle.

    Just something I've learned from my own mistakes....

    And muscle is heavier than fat so if you're doing weight training, you may initially see a gain, but that will ebb as you continue under 1200 calories and cardio workouts.

    Hang in there!!!
  • Eleisabelle
    I agree that you're not eating enough for the amount of working out you're doing. If you don't give your body enough fuel for the work you're doing, it freaks out and starts holding on to fat. A calorie deficit of more than 500 per day is way too much.

    As others have said, eat back at least some of your exercise calories. Crash dieting may seem to work, but our bodies don't respond the way we think they should to that kind of thing. The better idea is to gently lose about a pound per week.

    The only exceptions to this are if you are morbidly obese and are working under a doctor's care. In which case, I suggest you talk to your doctor.

    Good luck!
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Remember that muscle weighs more than fat. When my scale lies to me, I get out the measuring tape...it never lies!
    This is wrong! 1lb muscle=1lb fat. 1lb of feathers=1lb of steel. 1 lb of muscle occupies less space than 1lb of fat. This is why you should take measurements and compare them over time. If you are working out, over time you will lose fat and gain muscle. Lean people often weigh more than their fatter counterparts for this reason. Fat is fluffier. Muscle is dense. But 1lb = 1lb.
  • MistyGo
    MistyGo Posts: 7 Member
    when you first strart working out you will gain a little weight but this weight is muscel. Muscel weighs more than fat. this new muscel that you are putting on will start reving up your metabolisum and if you keep doing what you are doing you will see a drop soon. Making sure that you eat every two - three hours is key to keeping your matabolisum up as well. Best way to do this is keep fruit on your desk.

    Also if you want a more accurate way to know how many calories you are buring get a heart monitor.
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    If you eat too little your body retains every single calorie you intake no matter how hard you exercise. Also, you could be gaining muscle mass instead of fat. To accurately gauge if you are losing weight, measure you waist, thighs and so forth. If you are dropping sizes, you are toning. Muscle weights more than fat. Drinks tons of water too!!!!! Even though it's annoying to pee every ten minutes:( Lol.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I have exercised every day for the past month for around an hour and a half each day. MFP tells me I should eat 1200 a day but I do eat some of my exercise calories. My net for the day is usually not that high at all. For the past 2 weeks I have gained a pound each week and don't understand why. I don't know what I should do differently and am losing motivation.

    After 5 months of steady loosing, I had the same problem. I tried upping my calories and all that. Still it's slow going.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I took a quick look at your diary, and here are some suggestions based on my experience!

    1) cut out processed foods. Anything that comes in a box! contains who know's what and tons of sodium. (try tracking your sodium)

    2)do you have a heart rate monitor? I wore mine one day, just on a typical day to see how many calories i burned in a day, and then deducted 1,000 calories from that to determine what i should be eating every day to lose 2 lbs a week

    3) are you insulin resistant/diabetic?? if so you might want to lower your carbs, try eating under 150 and never going over that.

    4) are you logging accurately? I know sometimes i forget to log things like olive oil and condiments and such. makes a big difference.

    Ok, that's all I can think of. My diary is open if you ever want to get an idea of what i eat. (i just started back on the 1st though)
  • jc0123
    jc0123 Posts: 6 Member
    I took a quick look at your diary and just wanted to ask if you've been skipping meals? I see a couple of dinner entries missing and a couple of breakfast....I caution you on skipping the meals especially if you're working out hard. You will put your body in starvation mode and won't have enough fuel to burn the fat....you'll be burning muscle.

    Just something I've learned from my own mistakes....

    And muscle is heavier than fat so if you're doing weight training, you may initially see a gain, but that will ebb as you continue under 1200 calories and cardio workouts.

    Hang in there!!!

    Occasionally a dinner was missing because I had a very late lunch and wasn't hungry later or just had a snack and several breakfasts are missing because I'm on break for school and its too easy for me to sleep until noon every day :smile:
    Thank you !
  • uniquewrapz
    uniquewrapz Posts: 160 Member
    I totally understand...my suggestion is to have a protein bar on hand for when you're not really hungry ---that will keep your calories and proteins to the optimal level in order to fuel your body.

    Good luck!
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Do not get oo discouraged.

    Hopefully you're not plateauing - I'll take a closer look at your daily schedule too, tonight.

  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    you are eating
    Bread - Italian, 1.5 oz
    Hormel - Chili With Beans, 3 cup
    and white chocolate chips and you are wondering why you are not losing any weight? :noway:

    edit: read this-- http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/416542-i-hope-this-helps

    You can lose weight just fine eating the above foods. You don't have to eat perfectly "clean" to lose weight.

    It appears that the OP is eating too little and/or exercising too much. Our bodies do not respond well to this. It causes our bodies to release hormones that mask (through water retention), slow and even stop weight loss. Additionally large calorie deficits can lead to a lot of muscle loss. Moderate calorie deficits are key.



    Also, you won't be gaining pounds of muscle in a calorie deficit. So the argument "muscle weighs more than fat" is not valid here. (and it doesn't weigh more than fat it is more dense).
    lose weight "fine" eating the above foods??? really? none of those foods are nourishing her body, not helping the metabolism and not fueling her muscles which raise our BMR. did you even read the post on that link? seems like you didn't
    i never said muscle weighs more than fat! obviously, i know it has to do with density. and i know not eating enough slows the metabolism.. which is why i posted the link in the first place! :noway:
  • PetitePerfection
    PetitePerfection Posts: 199 Member
    youre not eating enough to fuel your workouts and your daily living expenditure. If you exercise and burn 800, but only eat 1300, you're leaving your body with 500 calories for all of your organs to function, breathe, think, talk, walk, write etc... Its not enough to sustain all that occurs in your body in a given day, so your body hangs onto every calorie and gram of fat it can get so that your organs don't fail and you have "energy stores" (fat) to tap into. Just eat more and you should start dropping the weight within a week or two
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    you are eating
    Bread - Italian, 1.5 oz
    Hormel - Chili With Beans, 3 cup
    and white chocolate chips and you are wondering why you are not losing any weight? :noway:

    edit: read this-- http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/416542-i-hope-this-helps

    You can lose weight just fine eating the above foods. You don't have to eat perfectly "clean" to lose weight.

    It appears that the OP is eating too little and/or exercising too much. Our bodies do not respond well to this. It causes our bodies to release hormones that mask (through water retention), slow and even stop weight loss. Additionally large calorie deficits can lead to a lot of muscle loss. Moderate calorie deficits are key.



    Also, you won't be gaining pounds of muscle in a calorie deficit. So the argument "muscle weighs more than fat" is not valid here. (and it doesn't weigh more than fat it is more dense).
    lose weight "fine" eating the above foods??? really? none of those foods are nourishing her body, not helping the metabolism and not fueling her muscles which raise our BMR. did you even read the post on that link? seems like you didn't
    i never said muscle weighs more than fat! obviously, i know it has to do with density. and i know not eating enough slows the metabolism.. which is why i posted the link in the first place! :noway:

    Someone else implied that the OP might be gaining muscle, not you. Sorry for the confusion.

    I skimmed your link.

    With the exception of eating too little and working out too much (like the OP is doing), losing weight is all about calories. You CAN lose weight eating white bread, chocolate chips and chili from a can. The chili probably even has a decent amount of protein, and fiber.


  • SergeantSunshine_reused

    ^^^ yes yes yes yes. I drink hot cocoa, eat mac and cheese, and other "forbidden foods" and am loosing weight and leaner than ever.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    lose weight "fine" eating the above foods??? really? none of those foods are nourishing her body, not helping the metabolism and not fueling her muscles which raise our BMR. did you even read the post on that link? seems like you didn't
    i never said muscle weighs more than fat! obviously, i know it has to do with density. and i know not eating enough slows the metabolism.. which is why i posted the link in the first place! :noway:

    Chili is a rather good choice, actually. Legumes are great- protein and carbs. Presumably the chili has meat in it, so more protein, also a good choice, meaning the OP IS nourishing her body just fine.

    As for the chocolate chips? I find it much easier to stick with a diet if I can eat some sweets now and then.

    I don't understand why people feel the need to make dieting harder than it has to be. I'm all in favor of healthy choices- I try to make good choices myself- but processed food is not evil and a little bit of sugar isn't going to kill you.

    OP, I'll add my vote for eating more. I think it will really help you. If you do increase your calories, expect a small gain as you build up glycogen stores, but you'll start losing again soon.

    Which ever way you go, good luck.
  • Momwidomski
    Momwidomski Posts: 24 Member
    Did your trainer tell you that muscle weighs more than fat? Not to worry.:wink:
  • Momwidomski
    Momwidomski Posts: 24 Member
    That was such good advice, thank you.