I need help breaking this plateau!

I am getting really frustrated and feeling kind of hopeless here. I started my diet on Jan. 5th @ 165lbs. and was down to about 151 by end of March/first of April. I have since (finally!) broke the 15 lbs. mark but it's been almost 2 months and I'm only down (on a low day) 4 lbs!! In 3 months I lost almost 15 lbs and in the last two I can't even stay down a consistent 5!! I had a really big goal I was shooting for and I'm afraid it's completely out of reach now. My 10th wedding anniversary is coming up June 19th and my husband and I are taking a trip together (without the kids!) for a long weekend getaway. I was trying really hard to make it to my wedding weight of 135 by then. I have 24 days (counting today) and 14 lbs to lose!!! How am I even going to come close to that when in 2 months I can't even lose 5 lbs!!! I feel like giving up...like what's the use because it seems like the harder I try the worse I do! I realize it's pretty unrealistic to think I can reach that goal at this point but just getting closer to it would help! Anybody have any words of wisdom, diet secrets, magic fairy dust to share? :D


  • MissesOfficer
    MissesOfficer Posts: 368
    What have you been doing? I have lost atleast 1.5 lbs every week since Feb. and most of the time its more like 2-3 pounds... one week i even lost 5! and I think its because I have NO routine! Walk one day, weights one day... but in no order... and I do Mel B tottally fit and now I've started Biggest Loser Cardio Max.... I have no particular sequence in which I do these or on what days I do them... so my body is always guessing!! Good Luck!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    If you aren't eating enough you could be storing what you eat....I had to increase what I eat to lose again....I am at 1380 per day and I try to eat as many of my exercise calories on top of that ..... it won't give you a 10 pound a month loss but I am stead at 5 pounds a month with that and I am rarely hungry
  • barsis
    barsis Posts: 4 Member
    :drinker: You may need to add some calories or excercise. Breaking a plateau is frustrating work but being careful aobut logging food and making sure you add food with excercise is someting to look at. If your activity level is up, your food intake will need to go up also or your body will go into preservation or starvation mode. Try also making sure you are getting enough water and less sodium.
  • clstin2000
    clstin2000 Posts: 1
    Try tricking your metabolism by not dieting one day out of the week.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Since you are so close to your goal, it is going to come off slower. 1/2 pound a week (the 4 pounds you lost in 2 months) really isn't that bad for your weight. Also, from what I have read the last 10 pounds or so is the hardest, and can take a while to loose. Your body is happy where it is at, and is going to fight you on the last little bit.

    Be proud of what you have lost, and hard work you put into it! Enjoy your new body, and have great long weekend with your hubby. You deserve it!
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    I have been stuck too, saturday I went over my calories by 500+ in one day , I have reversed my eating habits, eating big in the morning and salad lite in the evening. I just lost 2 more pounds, same calories, same exercise. in 3 days! Breaking that plateau is hard, but you can do it!
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    also try to up your protein and lower your fat and carb. my trainer put me on a 1200 cal. protein 80-90, carb 150 and fat 30g. those numbers are way differnet than this site gives. I love the site, I just adjusted my numbers in my head and shoot for them. I broke a 9 week plateau last week with a 1.5lb loss. I started at 170-lost 9lbs in the first 4 weeks and then got stuck and only lost 4 lbs over the following 9weeks. I was so frusterated. I am now at 157.5 and I hope to lose another by this weekend. unfortunatly, it was a higher cal weekend, but I still exercised and I think my gainof 1.5lbs is just water. so keep up the fight and just try to lose as much as you can by your goal date and be happy with that. you have plenty of time to reach your goal by your 11th anniversary. :smile:
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    Thank you all! I have been working out a little more, but I've been afraid to increase my calories because I was afraid I'd gain more!! I think I just got so used to losing so consistently that now that's stopped (or slowed waaaaaay down) that I've just gotten impatient and have been focusing too much on the short term (week to week) wanting to see the same results I was getting. When I have a bad weigh in then I immediately look for something I'm doing wrong or some other way of doing things. Maybe I'm not giving anything time to actually work.

    I have tried to make sure I'm getting at least 8 glasses of water a day and less sodium. Also trying to get more sleep. Maybe I need to reduce my stressing over losing this weight by my trip!

    Thanks for the advice...I've been using the food diary/exercise log on this site for a few months now. Only recently started posting but you all are wonderful! I love this part of the site too! :happy: