Who has the time to work out?!



  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    You have to make it a priority. Find something you enjoy and you'll make time for it.

    I don't WANT to wake up at 4:30 am to go to the gym before work, but I make myself. Realize that your health and losing weight is a priority and that you HAVE to find time for it. Sleep is awesome, but being healthy and in shape is more awesome.

    Start with short workouts (Jillian Michael's 30 day shred is 20 minutes of exercise time). Surely you can find 15-20 minutes a day to exercise.
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    I have had this same dilemma. I tried going straight to the gym or pool after work, but found (sometimes very realistic) excuses not to. I tried exercising after the kids went to bed, but I am exhausted by then.

    Over the last week or so I have been making myself go to bed by 10, and never later than 11 (I have always been a night-owl, so it's an adjustment). For incentive, I make a cup of sleepytime vanilla, get a good book, and take a warm bath.

    Then I wake up at 5:40 and get my butt in gear. It's not easy-- and this morning I begged off cuz of a headcold, and have kicked myself for it all day. I should have gotten up and moved, and will tomorrow morning.

    I have exercise DVDs, a stationary bike, weights, and the Wii. My new favorite is Wii Zumba 2, which is an awesome workout, and gets me really ready to face the day.

    As a friend said, "If you have time to watch ____ on TV, you have time to exercise."
  • Strobins05
    People do what they want.

    You don't work out because you don't want to. Weight loss is hard. I've lost 75 lbs and I can guarantee you that.
    No one can motivate you if you don't want to do it. The choice is yours.
    ** High Five*

    You have got to want it. Make a plan for yourself when you are at home that include some simple workout moves such as lunges, squats, jumping jacks and even jogging in place. Buy a 20 minute workout to do before you leave the house and before bedtime! Good luck to you and know that you have to fight for this if you want it!:flowerforyou:
  • emmaruns
    emmaruns Posts: 189 Member
    I didn't want to work out in the mornings either. What's very interesting to me, though, is that I now have much MORE energy from exercising. It took about two weeks, but now I really feel worse if I don't do it.
  • cecilia0909
    cecilia0909 Posts: 188 Member
    Honestly and bluntly....everyone has the time. It just has to be important enough for you to really put your time to good use.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I am serious about losing weight this year and eating 1200 a calories a day almost seems impossible to me. I have been going over by 100-200 cals a day :(
    I want to start working out and doing come cardio, however with school and work I just seem to be tired and not motivated. I would like to start getting up early in the morning and working out before my day begins but I can't seem to get myself out of bed. Any suggestions???

    It's not a good answer but the answer is that you just have to make time for it somehow. I get up at 3:30am to get my workouts in because that's all that really works for my schedule. It sucks but it works for me.
  • kaylabubbles
    kaylabubbles Posts: 4 Member
    Luckily, for me, I live 5 minutes away from my gym but sometimes I still feel too lazy to go!
    I find that if I change into my gym gear the second I get home from work, I will go to the gym. Doesn't have to be straight away, I'll have something to eat and have a sit down for about an hour after that and then go.
    That really does work for me.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    You make the time. Period.

    It's easy to come up wtih 100 excuses why I can't. But losing weight and staying in shape is not the easy road. And the hard road requires guts and commitment and heart.
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    I work about 30 hours a week and have an 11 month old at home, work out of the home and have a 6 year old. I just make the time somehow because i have to. My son has higher needs then a typical baby too which takes a lot of time as well. Luckily hubby is supportive and helps out when needed.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    You have to find what works for you. I'm someone that KNOWS that if I get home from work and sit down for just a minute, I will NOT want to get up to work out! I also despise getting out of bed early! So, what works best for me is utilizing our gym here at work and working out for my lunch hour. I get 3 - 4 strength training sessions in during the week and then get some cardio in on the weekends.

    As far as calories go, when you reduce the amount you eat, at first, you will likely be hungry all the time. You have to give your body a chance to adjust. If, after about 2 weeks of eating 1200 calories (going over 50 - 100 calories isn't a huge deal), you find that your energy level is low, then you may need to increase the calories slightly. Give yourself time to adjust, and then make the decision to tweak it!
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    People do what they want.

    You don't work out because you don't want to. Weight loss is hard. I've lost 75 lbs and I can guarantee you that.
    No one can motivate you if you don't want to do it. The choice is yours.

    Exactly! You have to be committed to a healthy lifestyle and making the time to work out and making yourself
    be disciplined with your eating or you will never succeed. You have to want it bad enough to make yourself
    do it.
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    In the beginning, the only way for me to exercise, was to write it on a calendar, and stick to it. Writing my goals (time, calories, etc.) still helps me going out every single day. It's written down, and I see it like an engagement that I have to fulfill. I use my hotmail calendar, and change the settings so the calendar is the first thing that pops out when I open my computer. Like this morning, it was -21C outside, and I definitely didn't feel like going outside and run or walk. But I finally did. It was freezing cold, but I felt great when I came back. The first days are the worst... Don't give up. You'll find your way around this.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Set the alarm?
    Seriously, I have a full time job, part time job (as a fitness instructor, but those aren’t my workouts, those are my participants workouts), a 2 yo, and a house to look after. I get my workouts done in the morning before work. I set the alarm, I set the coffee, I pack my bag and lunch the night before, and I just do it. The first few days were tough, now it’s just my routine. This is what I do.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Dig deep. We all have excuses. Work, school, kids, I am tired, I have no time, I am not a morning person, etc. Just get up and do it.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    You make the time. Anything else is just an excuse.
  • kaylabubbles
    kaylabubbles Posts: 4 Member
    If you have resistance bands here's a nice 30 minute workout you can do at home. I usually alternate my days doing this one day and going to the gym the next, with the weekend as rest days.
    Hope this helps!


    The girl in the video is one of my inspirations too.
  • vinniesooner
    vinniesooner Posts: 119 Member
    I love this!
    People do what they want.

    You don't work out because you don't want to. Weight loss is hard. I've lost 75 lbs and I can guarantee you that.
    No one can motivate you if you don't want to do it. The choice is yours.
  • rastagrrl
    I suggest trying to workout at lunchtime. That's what I do. I eat at my desk at about 11:30 and then walk, run, or do whatever at 1 p.m. or so. As a working mom, this is the sanest schedule for me.
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    I used to think I never had time...until someone pointed out that we all have 24 hours in our day. The I realized it was more a matter of prioritizing and multitasking. But YOU have to find what will work for YOU. None of us can drag you out of bed in the morning. You have to find that you want it bad enough. Another thought, maybe 1200 calories is too low for you. You might want to play around with that a little.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Well, for one thing working out will give you more calories to eat. I like to keep my net around 1200 a day but if I exercise that lets me eat over that 1200 mark a bit.

    I admit it can be hard to find the motivation to work out but you just have to start doing it and have it become routine. When I'm laying in bed early before the kids are up I'd rather keep sleeping but when I drag myself out of bed, work out, and have that quiet time to enjoy my coffee in peace after I'm always so glad I did it. Even if it's just a half hour with an exercise DVD in the living room just pick a time that works and start doing it. Pretty soon you will miss it if you skip a day...