sugar addict

hi, i'm andrea and i constantly battle with sugar. im 257 lbs and my idea is to be healthy and thin and wear pretty just like the skinny girls. i fed up with myself that i dont have the strength to say no to sugar. i feel like need tough love support to get through this. i was at one time 130 lbs and i hope i can reach my goal. im new here so any blunt encouragement is welcomed.


  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm healthy and thin.

    And I eat sugar.

    Real sugar, never the fake stuff.

    I eat raw honey.

    It's all about moderation. Sugar is not something I overdo, but I can't live without it.

    I'm 5'6", 139lbs
  • Hey there, I'm Kristina. I have a terrible sweet tooth that has made me the size I am. I am 210lbs, and looking to lose at least 50lbs. More would be lovely but I'm big boned so I'll always be that tiny bit heavier.

    I am here to offer encouragement and hope we can be friends. :)
  • toasterlisa
    toasterlisa Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Andrea,
    I am not a doctor or a nutritionist, but I have taken a few classes on nutrition. I have been told that sugar and fat are addictive, just like drugs and nicotine.

    Check out this article:

    The entire site has great information about nutrition!

    Best wishes on your health and wellness journey!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    re: found on Dotfit:

    All legitimate science agrees that the causes of continuous weight gain in developed nations consists of a variety of environmental, psychological and physiological factors, not sugar and sweeteners.[1] Researchers found that obesity was positively linked with time spent watching TV or at a computer and diets high in fat. Sweeteners are unfortunately guilty by association because of their presence in the foods and drinks (thus calories) we choose to consume. In other words, we can get fat on anything if we eat more calories than we burn. According to a 2003 article in Obesity Research, “The use of caloric sweeteners has risen across the world, and has contributed to an increasing number of calories consumed per day, which leads to weight gain”.[2] The sad truth is that as a society we simply make poor food and drink choices. No one would argue that a diet high in sugar and the low nutrient density foods that deliver it is good for you, but in the end these poor food choices are simply a delivery vehicle for excess calories. There is nothing inherently fat producing about sugar. But, the reality is that sugary foods do make up a significant portion of the typical American’s diet. Coupled with low daily activity, this is a recipe for disaster, tipping the scale in favor of weight gain. The take home message should be more accurately, “reduce junk food intake and increase physical activity to improve health and body composition”. Not, “don’t eat sugar, it will make you fat.”
  • ashquin
    ashquin Posts: 248 Member
    i am a sugar addict also. sweets are my weakness and my downfall. since being on this plan and tracking my sugars i have been trying to find new ways to satisfy my sweet tooth. sugar free fat free pudding is good, also edy's ice cream makes a line of no sugar added ice creams. they are really good and have very low sugars. there is also a line of cookies out (not sure the brand . they are in a blue and white package) they are all sugar free cookies. and they taste good!! what has been working for me is looking for low in sugar or sugar free products so i can still satisfy my sweet tooth. you can do it :)
  • Hi, Andrea!
    You can do it! It may be the best option for you to make a clean break with sugar, and things that contain hidden sugars. Don't just throw it in the trash, take it immediately out of the house! I did this a while back, and it helped me if there was not anything in the house that I could substitute for candy, cake, etc. Even snack foods (like my kid's Cheez-its!) have more sugars than people realize! I limited my sugars to whole fruits, and only in the mornings. Eliminating bread also helped me. It was rough for a few days as I "withdrew" from my sugar cravings, but don't give in! Every time you say "no" makes it that much easier the next time. You have the ability to do it!!!! Good luck!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    i am a sugar addict also. sweets are my weakness and my downfall. since being on this plan and tracking my sugars i have been trying to find new ways to satisfy my sweet tooth. sugar free fat free pudding is good, also edy's ice cream makes a line of no sugar added ice creams. they are really good and have very low sugars. there is also a line of cookies out (not sure the brand . they are in a blue and white package) they are all sugar free cookies. and they taste good!! what has been working for me is looking for low in sugar or sugar free products so i can still satisfy my sweet tooth. you can do it :)

    Here's a helpful article on why those 'healthy cookies' may not be the best choice. It's all about real sugar, but in moderation:
  • LilMizDetermined
    LilMizDetermined Posts: 174 Member
    There is nothing wrong with a good sweet tooth!!

    Try Snack Well's Fudge Drizzled Caramel Popcorn. It's only 130 cals a pack, and more than satisfies my sweet tooth!
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    I know exactly what you mean! I could eat sugary foods all day and be content. Everything in moderation is the key!
  • alwaysanoland
    alwaysanoland Posts: 3 Member
    Andrea, You aren't alone!
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    hi, i'm andrea and i constantly battle with sugar. im 257 lbs and my idea is to be healthy and thin and wear pretty just like the skinny girls. i fed up with myself that i dont have the strength to say no to sugar. i feel like need tough love support to get through this. i was at one time 130 lbs and i hope i can reach my goal. im new here so any blunt encouragement is welcomed.

    hmmm....what's wrong with sugar? how much sugar are you eating?
    I've been told to keep my friends close but my enemies closer, sooo... if you're in a "constant battle with sugar"? :wink:

    You could try working with the calorie goals MFP sets for you and then revisit those numbers in a few weeks. I DO think the amount of sugar MFP has set is a bit low, but it can't hurt to try it out. I'd focus on the calories though.

    Good Luck! :smile: