
I am new to mfp as of 1/6/2012.. but I started my journey right before Christmas. I have cut out soda, fast food, and been eating 1200 calories a day. I also go to the gym 5 days a week and do cardio and weight training. I have only seen a 5 pound difference so far. And no physical changes. Anyone else have this problem?


  • kgollaher
    kgollaher Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in the same boat.. I started a few days before Christmas as well. I have only lost 1 pound so far and weigh in day is tomorrow and it doesn't appear I will have lost any more than my initial 1 lb loss. For two days now I have stopped counting the calories that I gain from my workouts because I don't want to turn around and eat those calories in foods which MFP gives back to me. I thought that would help for sure but it hasn't.

    I do feel a lot better from the work-outs and my sleep is much better as well so that's a plus but I want to see the pounds come off!
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    5lbs in a week is excellent. I don't have time to post a huge comment, but go into the motivation and support or introduce yourse
    F thread and have a search for recent posts. There are many people asking the same questions, and many people providing the same answers...
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    Losing 1 pound a week is excellent progress! When you are losing weight the right way, it will come off slowly but it will be a lot easier to keep off if you keep up the routine. Good job so far!
  • mayabean01
    mayabean01 Posts: 6 Member
    We gained this weight over time... so we can't take it off in a day. Hang in there and keep up the good work. Your body is just adjusting.:smile:
  • richfaber
    richfaber Posts: 31 Member
    You really are doing great!
    Several things....1-2 pounds a week is a good goal. For many people it is a difference of only 500 calories a day. You need to be very careful about tracking your food. You can burn up 500 calories just like that. or you can blow a weeks worth of work on a single 3000 calorie dinner out.
    If you are going to the gym and doing any strength training with weights you are adding muscle that weighs more than fat- dont go by weight alone, how do your clothes feel, how do you look?
    Weight loss is not a straight line will drop, gain, stay the same, drop some more etc. The affect will be gradual and should be take it off slowly and it will stay off.
    It took years to put the weight on it may take a long time to take off.
    Try not to lose weight, try to be healthy- exercise, more sleep, right foods in the right amounts for the rest of your life.
  • stephaniev07
    stephaniev07 Posts: 59 Member
    Let me start off by saying five pounds is great! especially since (and I could be totally wrong) you don't look like you are outragously overweight. Just my opinion of looking at your face. I personally would love to have a slender face. For me it's going to take a lot longer. at 1200 calories that is the minimum amount that is recommeded. try upping your calories just a little. Secondly I personally don't cut out anything from my daily diet. Because I know if I do I will eventually fail. All I do is if i really want something I eat it, then work around the calories I have had, by either working out more, or making lower calorie choices for the rest of the day. I have found that having the choice to eat it or not really helps me stick with it. And a lot of times I want the crappy food that's not good for me, and probably 75% of the time I decide it's not worth the extra work. So I don't eat it. Anyways your doing great stick with it!
  • 4me2day
    4me2day Posts: 41 Member
    Your weight loss is individual. I's good if you ask me. I do think you should be eating at least 1/2 of your exercise calories (the ones mfp adds back when you log exercise). 1200 is pretty low for a "5-day-a-week" exerciser.
  • jmorrisof2
    jmorrisof2 Posts: 108 Member
    I agree with the other posts as well. I think you need to be eating more calories since you are exercising 5 days a week. Take me for example, my calories are set at 1200. But I am eating more like 1600 a day because I workout at the gym and burn about 450-500 calories a day. So it gets added to the 1200. You don't have to eat back all the calories but try to do at least half. It is working for me. I just started really tracking this week and the weight is falling off. Try and see...Hope this helps. Don't quit. You are so worth it!
  • that sounds like a great weight loss in the last 3 weeks!! I don't think it's bad at all!! A loss is a loss...
  • ajlarz
    ajlarz Posts: 155 Member
    Everyone is different, but me personally, I find that I have better weight-loss and results when I actually eat more calories. My goal is set at 1340/day but I also go to the gym 5 days a week so I usually also eat back at least half of my exercise calories. You will find what works best for you with some experimenting!

    ETA: I also wanted to add that 5 pounds is awesome!
  • amandacochran15
    amandacochran15 Posts: 105 Member
    Thank you all so much! I packed extra food today! I think that it will help. I dont want to hit a weight loss plateau already. I am going to eat more since I work out so much!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Good for you. 1200 is definitely too little for someone working out that much. Best of luck - I hope you feel it's less of a struggle now.
  • Hello, I just want you to know that it may seem frustrating at first but if you stick with it you will amaze your self! 5 lbs. in a week is great! there are some weeks you will lose more than others.. it's just your body.. do not for get after a while to change up your exercise routine.. so your body does not get use to it.. i say like once a month or something.. plus it will help you not get bored with it. good luck!:smile:
  • tdaddybarlow
    tdaddybarlow Posts: 673 Member
    I struggled with that as well in the beginning. I was driving me bonkers. Then i read something someone posted about this journey being a marathon and not a sprint. We all want results right now but we must keep in mind our "fat selves" didn't just arrive overnight. Be patient and keep logging. Also 1200 may not be your right range and it also depends upon what the 1200 consist of. May be time to reevaluate. Friend me and I will always have your back. You can do this! Go killer go!
  • This may not work for everyone, but I lost about 2lbs a week with my calorie intake set on 1/2 lb a week. I was starving at 1400 calories a day it gave me to lose 2lbs a week - not to mention I never lost much at all then either. With my goal on 1/2 lb a week and burning 500 to 700 cals a night I've losing 2lbs a week steady and not going hungry. It's great!
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