Tired of "mom" being an excuse

I'm a working mom trying to get back to who I am. I have a spunky four year old daughter who I'm having trouble keeping up with. I've watched my "baby weight" morph into "toddler weight", and now that I'm at "preschooler weight" I've come to the conclusion that there is no way I can justify "teenager weight" so it's time to get serious and stop the excuses.

I'd like some friends who can help keep me accountable and kick my butt when I come up with the "it was a bad day I need to eat chocolate and sit on the couch" excuse. I have flat feet and it hurts to run but I love walking, and I also have an elliptical that I'm pretty sure is tired of being a coat rack. Please add me if you think you can help and I'll try and do the same. :smile:


  • hjfischer
    hjfischer Posts: 250
    I feel ya. It is hard to lose 'baby', 'toddler' weight. But yes, don't want it to be teenage weight. Keep focused and have small goals. You will do great. I have 4 kids (7, 6, 4, 16 months). I run every day at lunch and on Sundays. I love it. I feel good and never get sick - bonus! Especially with school germs coming home!
  • bcereuskk
    That's impressive how much you run! I hope I can get better at finding "me" time.
  • dirtybubbles1
    dirtybubbles1 Posts: 4 Member
    I also have a 4 year old daughter and feel the same way.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    i agree, cant use the baby weight excuse anymore. def time to dust that machine off and get on it. I have flat feet too, but love to run. All you need is a pair of good running shoes and some good music! I have a 3 year old daughter. I mostly run in the evening when she is asleep twice a week , and do most of my workouts like zumba in the evening too. I do my dvds during the weekends and she tends to 'join in' for a few seconds, get bored and get back to her toys.

    It can be done, requires determination,planning and goals. set small achievable goals. On days that it all goes wrong, pick yourself up and start over.