Over 50? Let's get together and encourage each other!



  • I'll be 50 in about a month so, lost 55 lbs since December 2010. Down to 185 and work out like a nut.. Haven't felt his fit since before children, Want to lose 10 more...
  • Hello :)
    I will send you a inviation!
  • just joined about 1/2 hour ago...co-worker at new job told me about MFP...going to track my food for a week to see exactly what is going on in that area and just dug out Leslie Santone's Power Mile walking DVD and did that... am very interested in the online support aspect of this site and hope to figure this out...main challenges are a desk job and winter weather! best wishes to all as we work on our 2012 health plan!!!
  • nanas10
    nanas10 Posts: 12 Member
    Would love to help as much as I can. I am new at this calorie counting to. I did WW also for two years. Got to be a little pricey for me .Add me as friend if you would like to.
  • Sending a friend request, I will be 51 in a few weeks. Looking to keep a healthy lifestyle from now on!
  • dietonthego
    dietonthego Posts: 87 Member
    I just turned Fifty in November and looking for a pal who has the same challenges as myself with the same mid life thing going on. Please join our group. We will do it together! Maryann
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    You can absolutely do this. I am 59 and have lost 56 so far last time I posted my weight (actually now 54 due to holidays) :smile:
  • dietonthego
    dietonthego Posts: 87 Member
    Friend Me! Just hit fifty this past November and looking for ladies my age to lose weight with! Need all the friends I can get! Maryann
  • Hi! Feel free to friend me too. I joined MFP in April 2011 (one month before my 50th birthday!) and lost 41 pounds between April and October. I kinda fell off the wagon in Nov and Dec. and gained 10 of that back - so here I am AGAIN!! I love this site though.
  • I'm over 50, and work in a program for kids age 18 - 21 with disabilities. I take them to job sites during the day. They keep me hopping. By the time I get home, I am bushed. I need to lose ---- lots!! My doc suggested this site because she knows I can do it if I try. I would love to get together and encourage all us "old folks". I need to lose weight for lots of reasons, but mostly so I can keep up with the kids.
  • I'm 51... Just joined today and figuring out this platform. I think it will be a great tool. Anyway, once upon a time I weiged 420 pounds. Lost 270, on my own, in 2 1/2 years. Maintained for three years. A hysterectomy and menopause, torn knee, and love of red wine has resulted in a 20+ pound regain. I think this tool and the support offered here will be a tremendous help!