cheater, cheater pumpkin eater!

Do you guys have a "cheat day" or a "cheat meal"??? if so how often or what is it???

i haven't decided what I am going to do about this.....because I know the day will come when i will crumble in the face of food!!!!!! ;)


  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    The word cheating is bad, and makes us thing we're doing something morally wrong.
    I read somewhere to call them a free day.
    No, I stay within my limits. If I want it, I gotta work it off.
  • The word cheating is bad, and makes us thing we're doing something morally wrong.
    I read somewhere to call them a free day.

    ^^^^^^ THIS!!!!!!
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 410 Member
    You could start by not thinking of food as something to 'cheat' with!

    I log everything - good or bad! You are only cheating yourself by not logging! If you eat a bit extra one day eat a bit less the next or excercise a bit more - this should be a lifestyle not a quick fix!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Do you guys have a "free day" or a "cheat meal"??? if so how often or what is it???

    i haven't decided what I am going to do about this.....because I know the day will come when i will crumble in the face of food!!!!!! ;)
    I have a weekly cheat day where I go 1000 over maintenance, and a monthly binge day where I eat like a government mule for 24 hours - LOVE IT!
  • Saturday. I'm off work. It's Shabbos - the day of rest. I get pretty intense with the calories and all during the week so for one day, I allow it all to just slip away. I'll still write down what I eat but I know I'm going over HARD and that's fine. From sundown Friday to sundown Saturday, it's whatever the hell I want and I'm making peace with that.
  • Jhulet
    Jhulet Posts: 32
    Nope. No desire to eat crap and wreck everything I have worked on the other days. If I want something I make sure I have the calories for it and make sure if it's a treat it's in moderation. Agree with the cheating word being yuck, nothing wrong with having a splurge once in awhile, or giving your body a break by eating a little over your calorie goal for the day. Moderation not deprivation. :flowerforyou:
  • LMHinson15
    LMHinson15 Posts: 201 Member
    If I have a day I definitely call it a "free" day (not a cheat day, cause I'm not doing anything wrong!) I don't have one every week, but every once in a while is fine (for me). But I do still log it, just to be cognizant of what I'm eating.
  • twhitney
    twhitney Posts: 65 Member
    I find if I cheat, then I really go overboard and eat everything in sight. If I do go over my calories I try to make up for it in the workout department.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i pretty much stick to working out and my planned diet..however being the human being that i am , i do have my days where i want something thats not on my list of healthy food for example i had lays potato chips and not just one serving.. im fine with it.,i worked out hard and am happier than a lark i had it .. i will be strict the rest of the week and next week i will have my moment again..last week i had ice cream cake and a piece of regular cake..they were normal pieces and i enjoyed them. now if i were doing that all the time every day i would question myself . im on here to lose weight so doing that all the time isnt going to help me achieve my goal .. enjoy something you want but try to do it in moderation so you dont regret it .
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I've been at it for 3 months and havent felt the need to go over in my calories yet. If we are planning on dining out at night I just check the restaurant menu and nutrition info online and design my meal before I go. That way I dont even have to open the menu. I generally also fast those days and save for dinner. We dont do this often but did do it 2 or 3 times during the holidays.
  • Thank you, I understand what you are sayng with the word "cheat" but i was just using the lingo, nothing "bad" intended....whatever your choice of word maybe is what I was referring too.

    I agree i had enough calories to have my dear Queen Anne's cherry cordials (dark) and still come in under my goal!!!
  • Thats what i do as well. I plan before I go :)
  • savage22hp
    savage22hp Posts: 278 Member
    I personally don't have a "free" day (what I am trying to get free of is this fat old guy I have become ) .I have been dieting for 88 days and have only binged 1 day that I didn't pay for with exercise . It is entirely a personal decision though without a right or wrong answer ..... Whatever will work best for you .
  • I agree!
  • haha government mule! thats funny. thanks for your input :)
  • mandi791
    mandi791 Posts: 27 Member
    I can't. I don't know why, but I feel like if I stopped doing this even for one day, then it would be hard for me to start again. Like I would have to get the motivation all over again. Just gonna keep going.
  • Me and my hub have been doing this for last 6 months we log and exercise daily staying in are calorie range ,but Friday is freeday! wee look forward to this and free day we can eat whatever and not log that dosent we go eat 6mc Donald burgers it means we have that pieace of pie,cake or the holidays we moved it to christmas day so we could enjoy xmas dinner without worrying , its been working well for us we have temptation to go overbord during the week
  • You could start by not thinking of food as something to 'cheat' with!

    I log everything - good or bad! You are only cheating yourself by not logging! If you eat a bit extra one day eat a bit less the next or excercise a bit more - this should be a lifestyle not a quick fix!

    i don't think of food that way....just using the lingo, but thank you for your input
  • Me and my hub have been doing this for last 6 months we log and exercise daily staying in are calorie range ,but Friday is freeday! wee look forward to this and free day we can eat whatever and not log that dosent we go eat 6mc Donald burgers it means we have that pieace of pie,cake or the holidays we moved it to christmas day so we could enjoy xmas dinner without worrying , its been working well for us we have temptation to go overbord during the week

    thank you! thats makes sense. I was trying to figure out how everyone else worked it :)
  • Jessie544
    Jessie544 Posts: 127 Member
    I have one "cheat" MEAL per week... but I'm not going to take one until end of the month for my bday... we're all going out to karaoke/drinks because my brother in law is back from war so.... celebrate good times.... COME ON!