Where do you find your willpower?

I start out every day feeling great and plan to eat right! When when I plan my whole menu I somehow throw it away.

I'm very big on the "I'll start tomorrow" thing.. I hate it!

It's such an emotional mind game for me. What keeps you motivated? What makes you say NO to the cookies, or cake, or whatever?

Saying "I'm fat and I hate it" just doesn't work for me.


  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I still eat biscuits and sometimes a small tart......The answer is moderation.....I can't deny myself bubby biscuits as they are great dunkers in my cuppa.......I just work it into my daily calorie plan......
  • estherpab
    estherpab Posts: 59 Member
    I love sweets and I'm not letting go of them! I think if you plan ur meals for the day that will help you and don't deprive yourself of something sweet. I buy the 100 cal snacks and they r great! So plan ur meals and stick to them and add something sweet with ur snacks as long as u stick with ur calorie goal u will be fine. Good luck!
  • Shanphichloe
    For me it's about dedication. Willpower will get you started but you'll keep going with dedication.
  • beautyreaps
    Never say, "I'll start tomorrow". Instead say, "I'll start now." That's what gets me going. If I fall off my plan by eating one thing, I won't allow it to get me down for the rest of the day. There's a whole day ahead of you from the time you may "slip up". Eat right for the rest of it, drink water to help you digest and add in an extra 15 minutes of activity tomorrow or that day, depending on when you ate it.

    Secondly, don't prohibit yourself from eating foods you enjoy. Give them to yourself in portions (make room for them in your intake goal).

    I find willpower from myself. Do this for you, not because you think you're 'fat', but because you want to be a better you. Maybe you want to set an example for yours kids, family or just for yourself. Remind yourself of those things and think, "Is it worth it?" If the answer is no, toss it aside. If you really can't resist, give yourself a portion and just enjoy it. If you deprive yourself of anything you'll only end up binging on it later.
  • kendrafagan
    Where Do I find the willpower? To be totally honest, the less I think and mull things over, the more willpower I have. For example, if I plan on going to the gym the night before, the little devil in me often will try to find reasons "not to go" the next day. What you have to do is just don't let yourself think before you do something you know is good for you. Just do it, as Nike says. And then next thing you know you will be on your way to the gym without trying to talk yourself out of it. Also planning ahead is super important. I find that having plenty of healthy foods around makes it much easier to prepare a healthy meal and get full that way than to wind up hungery and reach for the wrong things. The willpower is easy when you feel filled up on healthy food, so just think of things you can do ahead that makes the good choices easier each day. If the choices are too hard to make, then the willpower goes away also.
  • stepheculver
    stepheculver Posts: 10 Member
    What keeps me motivated is my desire for optimal health. I want to live to at least 90. Heart disease and cancer has consumed my older relatives and I do not want to add fuel to the fire that may very be my future. I want to be fit and strong to be that old grandma who can go out to eat and travel with the great-great grandkids. I want to be around for as long as I can to enjoy what this life has to offer. I want to see my son's children's children and I want to accomplish so many things in life, that I do not feel is worth throwing away because I just "don't feel like it". Granted, I have my moment and periods of time (ahem - years) but I always go back to where I was. I quit smoking and rarely drink. When I have my bad moments, I just start daydreaming of how my life can be if I just took care of myself, and eventually I get in the mood and get motivated for a long period of time.

    Some people also make short-term goals such as: anniversary lingerie, summer bathing suit, etc...

    good luck!
  • th2much
    th2much Posts: 156 Member
    Remembering that where I am today because of that"do it tommorow" attitude. As I age ( turing 40 this year!!!!) I want to make sure that I am Healthy and the thought that I am going to go down hill If I DONT stick to the plan :) also I don't overthink it. Anytime the opportunity comes to cheat I move myself quickly away from there. Also keeping busy is the key for me as" I am bored=eating) . Make a commitment and stick to you, you will thank yourself later. We all are here to support you .
  • BethTaylor93
    BethTaylor93 Posts: 22 Member
    I take some time on the weekend to plan and shop for my meals for the week. I am a big fan of the crockpot so I have no excuse to eat junk after a long day. I do my workouts in the morning, before work. It was hard getting up so early at first, but now I have such a feeling of accomplishment when I am done! Plus, the satisfaction of knowing I can go home after work and relax. Good luck!
  • Ellister1996
    I think about how sexier I will be to my husband, that I will not sweat every time I seem to move. Feel better about the way I look to myself & others. And can keep up with my little man. Drink water...it has helped ALOT!!!
  • sitstaygimmeeakiss
    sitstaygimmeeakiss Posts: 130 Member
    I've been away & am just getting started - again. This thread is great for me, too.

    One thing I would find so difficult is if I had sweets & junk food in the house to tempt me. I see you have little ones - try to start substituting healthy options (better for them, too!). Realize that you can't do it all in one day - be joyful for the little steps you take, and for even making the decision to do this.

    I'm also of the mindset not to totally deny myself treats. One thing that was helpful that I did before was to make healthier snacks - like sugar free, low fat pumpkin muffins, for instance. Not a lot - cuz I'd eat them all! I also took note of the foods that caused me to binge the most & kept those out of the house. And the most difficult thing to do (old habits!) and best to keep me strong was to eat small portioned meals several times a day - smaller main meals along with healthy snacks in between. I'm home most all the time, so that was easy - well, the eating part was - shopping for all of it for me is a challenge, since I don't have the use of a car anymore. This is something I really have to get back to - I found I had better will power since my body was being fed the nutrients it needs, plus long spans w/out food wasn't playing havoc with my blood sugar.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    One of the best motivators for me is how much better I feel being 30 pounds lighter. I don't want to return to my old self again so it keeps the unbridled eating in check.

    But even when I was just starting out, I'd remind myself that all of this is my choice. Sure, I can dive into the cookie jar, but at what cost? Everything we eat gets tallied on the scale. Either losing weight and becoming healthier is my top priority or it isn't. It's my choice. But because it is my chief priority, it's easier for me to discard anything that keeps me from achieving my goal.

    Stealing a quote from another MFPer: "Don't give up what you want the most for what you want in the moment."
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    I find my motivators from how far I've come, but also from here. Everyone totally encourages everyone and it's awesome. It makes me want to do well. I also got rid of all the crappy food in my house awhile back and I have a lot of fruit and healthier replacements for cravings.