Anyone else cold?

Justkf Posts: 208 Member
Since I have dropped a few bags of potatoes I am freezing my *kitten* off constantly! My husband complains because I want to turn up the heat (he keeps it at 63.....brrr) but even 65 and I am looking for gloves!


  • lc504
    lc504 Posts: 130 Member
    Lol funny - last "winter" (I'm in California, after all) I was around 155, and never cold even outside when it was in the 50s wearing short sleeve t-shirts. This "winter" I am FREEZING! Not sure if the 15 lbs I lost had anything to do with it, but it is quite a coincidence :laugh:
  • vespaberrie
    vespaberrie Posts: 86 Member
    You're not alone. I was the girl always turning on the air at work, always comfortable. Lately70 degrees is just comfortable. I guess it's because I'm/ We're loosing our extra insulation.
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    i am cold all the time! my BF% is 20.3%, down from 25%, and i cannot seem to get warm. the absolute worst is that, when i'm really cold, i actually start sweating (underarms and behind my knees), and as a result, get colder :$ my only suggestion is that you wear layers (yeah, even indoors) and perhaps buy a hot water bottle!
  • aaronburgess
    aaronburgess Posts: 13 Member
    Yes, a lower BF% will result in being colder. I'm about 12-13%BF and I am often cold even in the summer.
  • Amineral
    Amineral Posts: 24 Member
    yeah my bmi is 20.2 and im anemic so my blood has trouble circulating and I am constantly freezing..good thing i live in arizona where it warms up fast and stays warm longer. i feel perfect if the temp is exactly 101...yeah i actually figured it out throughout the years I have been living here haha I hate cold weather too so I guess I'm glad i live in this desert...
  • Justkf
    Justkf Posts: 208 Member
    wow- i have no idea what my body fat is all have me curious.
  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member
    Yes always cold now a days...again. Used to be like this prior to my weight gain. Now back to cold. Since everyone is warm in my family will be stocking up on warm clothes and extra blankets around the house. Good luck with this.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Yep. Hands are always cold at work. No fat on them anymore.
  • frugalmomsrock
    Yep! I'm freezing now! My husband said it's because I've lost my insulation...
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    dang....I'm already freezing even when it's 60 outside! Our house is kept between 62 and 65 in the winter and I'm walking around the house in thermal under clothes, sweatpants, sweatshirt, and have a blanket over me when I'm sitting!!! I hate to think how cold I'll be when I lose weight!!!! I'm happiest when it's in the 80s and 90s outside! LOL
  • PetitePerfection
    PetitePerfection Posts: 199 Member
    ALWAYS cold. could have something to do with living in SAn Diego my whole life. If its 62 degrees, it's freezing to me!! lol. yeah, I'm a wimp :laugh:
  • CrystalMarie253
    Same here! I never even owned a coat. I lived in hoodies if I was cold at all. Now I am freezing at work all day and at home! My heat in my house is at lik 72 too.
  • bridgeo74
    bridgeo74 Posts: 191 Member
    I used to get so cold, that I could not get to sleep unless I took a hot bath before bedtime to warm up!!! Brrrrr!!! And lving in Wisconsin did not help!!!
  • allenpearcy
    allenpearcy Posts: 227 Member
    Ditto. I need to buy a new work jacket!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I got my work to expense a space heater for me to sit under my desk - It's unreal, but I am still cold even with it on full blast all day. I've lost 70lbs+ and my body just cannot seem to warm up! Good luck :ohwell:
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    I too live with an "ice" man. that keeps the temp very low. I keep a rice bag that is microwavable and warm it up to lay on my lap. It warms my whole body in no time.
  • treesha450
    treesha450 Posts: 321 Member
    I'm so cold right now. I was warm and cozy last winter with my extra meat on me. I have a blanket wrapped around me and a hat on. I keep my heat on 55 usually. I'm splurging because its 39 degrees outside so I turned it up to 57. Oil heat is expensive and I have an old under insulated house.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Yes, I'm freezing this winter as well! Since it's only 50 degrees on a cold day where I live I know it's me not the weather.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    It's 23 here on Belfast, Northern Ireland. LOL. I would for it to be anything over 50 right now. Or at least snow.

    This time last year it was 5.
  • 6wwe1fan9
    It's 23 here on Belfast, Northern Ireland. LOL. I would for it to be anything over 50 right now. Or at least snow.

    This time last year it was 5.

    With two feet of snow!!!
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