P90x anyone?

So a friend of mine has the workout dvd's for p90x. This is something she said she would let me try. Before I invest time into another work out dvd program that offers "Before and after" pictures (-these could have totally been photo shoped) I want to talk to some real people for which it worked.

My question is: Who has done this work out program? and Is it as good as the before and after?


  • careyharv
    careyharv Posts: 134 Member
    I have P90X and I think it is a very good program. There are some additional items needed (pull-up bar) to be able to perform all the workouts. As long as you follow the program, you should see results. However keep in mind that depending on your current weight, you may have to do the cycle more than once to be like the before / after pictures they show.

    I don't do the program current as I hate working out at home. I prefer to go to a gym because it helps me focus on working out. When I am at home, I see all the other things I could be doing - like the dishies. :happy: I do the yoga & abs session though - I love it!
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    Does it help you get lean muscles or does it have a bulky side effect because of high amount of weights? I didn't want to go out and buy the pullup bar for it. Is there an alternative? Resistance bands maybe?
  • leojsivad
    leojsivad Posts: 124 Member
    Yes, you will want to do 12-15 reps on weight days to get the lean look you want.

    You can also use resistance bands instead of a pull-up bar.
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    Can you guys give me a little more feed back about the different types of work outs? Should I have any concerns. Were there exercises you couldn't do? I had a baby 4 months ago and I'm just now getting back into shape. I'm trying to prepare for a week long back packing trip out west (yellow stone) and I need to get my endurance up to 3 times where I currently am.
  • ElenaNom
    ElenaNom Posts: 6 Member
    I got the TurboFire DVD's which are geared more towards women. The same company, Beach Body, makes them and they are a lot of fun! The DVD's come with the resistance bands you need which is nice. It won't make you as bulky as P90X. I like them a lot :) They might take up a bit more time though.
  • kiters
    kiters Posts: 60 Member
    I literally just got done with one of my p90x workouts. I won't lie, its day 3 and its hard BUT I know I am drenched in sweat and feeling great! But the booklet comes with a workout routine named "Lean" for those who don't want to bulk up.
  • careyharv
    careyharv Posts: 134 Member
    The programs show alternative ways of doing an exercise. My suggestion would be to start will a small amount of weight when learning how to perform the moves. Form is key when lifting. If you friend is going to let you try the workouts, why not just watch the dvds first to see how it is done. This way you can decide if you want to buy it.
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    Thanks everyone this was very helpful!
  • desirae500
    desirae500 Posts: 146 Member
    I like P90X but it is tough. I go to a gym but do a couple workouts at home. The ab program is great. If you start it, just do your best and don't worry about what the people on the program do. The trainer is warm and likable. My only complaint was that each workout session was 1 hour long but even then you are given a way to do only half. I saw good muscle growth - not bulky tho. There is 3 different program schedules offered. It is good that you can borrow it first. It's pricey and I think there are other programs that are just as tough and effective. Good luck.
  • ely0205
    I have the P90x program, and it really works. It's hard to do the first week but you can get used to it. Really recommeded. You will be sore the next day.
  • branflake5
    Just started it a week ago tomorrow is day 7 for me, I am doing the lean schedule which is to lose fat and get lean muscle. It is a very hard workout but it feels great to get through each day. It requires an hour to hour and half per day for 6 days and you get the 7th day to rest or do the stretch dvd. Some of the moves are pretty hard and I am not able to do it as long as they do, so I just push through as long as I can and they tell you its okay if you can't do it all perfect but push harder every workout. I am extremely sore and looking forward to tomorrow my rest/stretch day. I have a good friend who is a P90X grad and she looks incredible she has lost 48 lbs and is doing her 1st bikini competition in a week.
  • Mslinda44
    My sister gave it to me for X-mas. I am slowly starting to use it, so far I like Tony Horton's coaching.:bigsmile:
  • TaraMKL
    TaraMKL Posts: 124 Member
    I'm getting ready to do my 2nd round. It works and is a great workout! Good luck to you -- hope you enjoy it!
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    Does it help you get lean muscles or does it have a bulky side effect because of high amount of weights? I didn't want to go out and buy the pullup bar for it. Is there an alternative? Resistance bands maybe?

    Hey Kaytee!

    Funny you posted this!! I was actually considering starting back up again since I don't have a good idea of what to do at the gym these days having been out of it for so long! I did the Lean program last summer, and you definitely don't need a lot of weight to do this. It's up to you how much you want to lift. I averaged 5-8lb dumbbells simply because I hadn't bought 10's... which would've come in handy for the Shoulders & Arms DVD!

    As for a pull-up bar, I skipped that too (I'm poor) LOL. So when they'd do pull-ups, I did push-ups. That's one exercise I always need practice in!!
    Resistance bands are good for the pull, but release doesn't give you anything. Either way, they're still effective and doable with this program.

    I didn't bulk up from it, mainly due to the low weights, high reps I'd do. I didn't lose much weight either. I did however gain lots of muscle, and that's all I really wanted from this program since I was running and cycling for my summer activities. You will definitely get lean and your body will change if you follow through!

    Good luck and I think I've got the schedules saved somewhere on my work PC that I can give you. I'm starting on Monday and am going with Classic this time. I'm hoping to make it the full 90 days this time, injury free!!

    Feel free to add me if you like, we can support eachother! And since it's not FB, we can be as annoying as we want with fitness talk!! LOL

  • dynabass139
    Glad to see so many people that are doing it or have done it. I'm just finished my 10th day. I'm male and 25 years old. I can say that when I started I was pretty darn sore the next day after each workout. Starting the second week I notice I was already getting stronger doing the same reps but more weight. I was suprised. Plus I wasn't nearly as sore as that first week. I think it had something to do with the fact I hadn't been working out for the longest time before but just jumped right in. The community is correct when the say there are way to bulk up and there are was to lean out. I think its 6-8 reps or 12-15 reps. Really bigger weights or smaller weights. The are 3 different schedules Classic, Lean, and Double (adds two workouts on some days). But the exercises are great I can't wait to finish phase 1. Then I know I'll be able to finish. Resistant bands could be used but for pull ups realize the need to be pull down from the celling or wall. I would say a pull up bar is better and if your not good at doing pull ups like me. Use the chair method. One foot on the chair while do pull ups. Hope this helps feel free to message me if you have any other questions.
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    Realized this post I left on a friend's page fits well into this thread so I'm pasting it here too!

    P90X was wonderful.. I didn't lose much weight like I had wanted to, but I gained lots of muscle and my endurance shot through the roof! I wasn't a runner, but had gone out a month after the program for a run and was running further than I'd ever run before (without stopping) and was comfortably breathing the whole time. I think I did 2, almost 3 miles that night. I was very excited and then started running regularly. Again, didn't lose much weight, since I ate too much to compensate for my burns!! LOL.
    Definitely recommending this program, it's amazing!

    Hoping this time around I am more disciplined with my eating habits so I can reap the benefits!
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    Does it help you get lean muscles or does it have a bulky side effect because of high amount of weights? I didn't want to go out and buy the pullup bar for it. Is there an alternative? Resistance bands maybe?

    Hey Kaytee!

    Funny you posted this!! I was actually considering starting back up again since I don't have a good idea of what to do at the gym these days having been out of it for so long! I did the Lean program last summer, and you definitely don't need a lot of weight to do this. It's up to you how much you want to lift. I averaged 5-8lb dumbbells simply because I hadn't bought 10's... which would've come in handy for the Shoulders & Arms DVD!

    As for a pull-up bar, I skipped that too (I'm poor) LOL. So when they'd do pull-ups, I did push-ups. That's one exercise I always need practice in!!
    Resistance bands are good for the pull, but release doesn't give you anything. Either way, they're still effective and doable with this program.

    I didn't bulk up from it, mainly due to the low weights, high reps I'd do. I didn't lose much weight either. I did however gain lots of muscle, and that's all I really wanted from this program since I was running and cycling for my summer activities. You will definitely get lean and your body will change if you follow through!

    Good luck and I think I've got the schedules saved somewhere on my work PC that I can give you. I'm starting on Monday and am going with Classic this time. I'm hoping to make it the full 90 days this time, injury free!!

    Feel free to add me if you like, we can support eachother! And since it's not FB, we can be as annoying as we want with fitness talk!! LOL


    Your THE BEST!!! Thank you! I need support this summer. I have a lot of stuff I want to do and I'm sooooo out of shape. I don't even know were to start. I got your email about the program. I'm going to try the power 90 dvd first to help me get there. Thanks again!
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    Looks like its time for me to get these dvd's. Thanks again to all the posts.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    ME & I loved it! I’m doing Insanity now…, it’s brutal cousin.
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    ME & I loved it! I’m doing Insanity now…, it’s brutal cousin.

    I heard about insanity. The military uses that type of training. I'm no were near that level of fitness. GOOD LUCK.