Cut fat AND build muscle!



  • aquapussy
    aquapussy Posts: 112
    Intermittent fasting and heavy weight lifting. Check out Lean Gains and Strong Lifts (Google).

    I went up a lot in strength and lifts, I can now do actual chin-ups which is amazing to me since when I first got my chin up bar I could not lift my *kitten* an inch off the ground.
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    That's going to be hard especially since you're a girl. What you can do is do heavy compound lifts (e.g. barbell squats, deadlifts, bench press) 3 times a week and it will help your body preserve what muscle you have right now so you'll have something to show when you do lose the fat :)

    Just because she is female? BULL****!
    The to replace it, you need to change up your macros, and yes...lift more. Lighter on the fats, heavier on proteins mid on carbs....I have a friend that went - 20/35/45 F/C/P

    Mix up your diet and you wil find the right path.
    Yes, females produce significantly less testosterone than men so it is more difficult to build up muscle... Not to mention that she's on a calorie deficit.