I could use some support...

I started MFP probably around the beginning of December sometime. I lost 4lb in two weeks, I was doing great! Then christmas came..and oops I gained one pound. but i was okay with that because i was going to workout to get it off, then...my mom was hopsitalized for 3 days. she has real bad high blood pressure problems, sleep apnea, and is really overweight. I'm a stress eater. And I had to take care of the house, get my sister taken care of, take care of the animals, cook, clean, and get myself to school! I was so stressed and whiney.... I ate. Like. a lot. when i joined i went from 150 to 146. Now I probably weigh about 152-153...I never been over 150 in years. I can't believe this happened to me. I delayed my weight goal probably by an extra month. My goal weight is 118. I'm going to weigh myself on Friday... It's hard for me to keep my self control in situations like that... then i feel so digsgusting if my fiance is over.. i wont want him to see me emotionally eating and cramming food in my mouth like a bear... so i took nutella and a bagel and hid it in the bathroom and ate it (a day my mom was in the hospital)...it wasn't the fact i had extra calories that upset me..its the fact i was trying to hid my eating/problem that truly upset me. I know its bad, it's really bad. But i'm trying so hard now to lose this weight, after all my mom is going through..I don't want to be like that. I'd never want my child or family to go through that again. I worry about my mom everyday. I know I had a big oops..I've been so upset about that. Please some support or encouragement or maybe stories to relate? I know I'll feel so much better. Thank you so much.


  • TyneeKitty
    Hi :) Your fiance loves you for you; So theres no point in hiding anything from him. I used to try hiding things from my other half but turned out he knew everything all along and just pretended he didnt. If your upset talk it over with him, sometimes thats all you need to stop yourself from reaching out for that apple pie just a little vent and someone to say its ok.

    Don't beat yourself up over little slip ups, if you know your stress eater you can prepare for it, put healthy food in easy reach, like lots of fruit, nutella is amazing and theres nothing wrong with it in small doses.
  • brighteyesxluv
    brighteyesxluv Posts: 334 Member
    Thank you for commenting..I guess it is something him and i should talk about. I never do, because I tend to whine when im tired and upset. I even annoy myself with it..so i feel bad even bothering him. but it's something i should do. and when he tries to take the food away from me when im stress eating i feel like he's calling me fat..though im sure that's not the case. It's just how i feel i guess because my self esteem is so low.
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Please feel free to add me, I'm happy to provide support. Have been on MFP for a little over a month.

    Be kind to yourself, there will be peaks and valleys on this journey.
  • krautgoddess
    You're so far ahead of the game by knowing you are a stress eater. Now you need to plan for it. Get some healthy foods and divide into snack baggies, ready for the munchies to hit!! Tomorrow is a new day and you really can do this. I've "fallen off the wagon" so many times and used to beat myself up about it. Doesn't help. You have to be very specific about what you want your fiance to do - whether it's listen, suggest a different snack, take you out for a walk, play cards to keep your hands busy - he just doesn't know what he really should do.

    Cut yourself some slack and know tomorrow will be better. Good luck!
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    I am an emotional eater as well and I know exactly how hard that is to battle! But you can do it. Venting is a great way to help with emotional eating. blogging, talking to a friend, journaling etc.

    Another key tool is to not beat yourself up for every little slip up because with emo eating that just means more emo eating, Adding stress to the stress that made you over eat in the first place will not help. Insted rationalize with your self and even better encourage yourself. Say self, it's ok that you slipped up you will just stop right here and not allow yourself to add insult to injury. Even better lets do some damage control and log the food (it makes you accountable) then do a little calorie burn! good for excercise AND getting some frustrations out is turning up the music and just dancing all over your house, room, yard, whatever! Don't matter if you can't dance or you are a pro its the doing that counts!! I hope these suggestions help and I am going to send you a friend request. So I can continue to encourage you :)
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I'm a stress eater too. It's difficult not to reach for food when your life is sucking, but you realize you're doing it and that's the start to trying to combat your stress in other ways.
    And most importantly, cut yourself some slack! You don't have to be perfect. It's ok to have bad days. Just try to get back on track as soon as you can.