Anyone somewhat embarrassed by the weight loss?



  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    I know exactly what you mean! I don't really like any comments about my weight at all, I find it really uncomfortable to think that people are even watching my weight, you know?

    Like, it's great to be told 'you look nice' but when people say 'you look great, have you lost weight?' I feel mortified!

    This. tell me I look good, great, healthy. Don't tell me I look lighter!
  • ajarduini
    Be proud and confident in who you are no matter what shape or size. Be extra proud and confident if you are working to improve your health. Weight loss is not an easy demon to tackle. Congratulations.

    I was always told that if you knew all the more people thought of your looks, you would worry a lot less.

    Have a healthy day. :smile:
  • Kristalmyah
    Kristalmyah Posts: 8 Member
    I'm not embarrassed by the weight loss, but by the actual # itself. When people ask me how much weight I've lost, it's actually hard to say the #. By doing so its like I'm giving away actually how much I used to weigh.:blushing: I don't know why, but I do hate doing this sometimes.

    Don't feel obligated to satiate their nosiness! People ask questions that are none of their business.

    Kudos to you on your loss - you should be proud of all of your hard work and determination! Awesome, awesome job.
  • Bubdog1
    Bubdog1 Posts: 72
    Oh, yes, I have these feelings, too. I think that when we're heavier, we're almost "invisible". That's what we get used to. Then, when we've lost the weight and someone notices, it's like your magic invisible cape has suddenly been removed and it's uncomfortable to actually be "seen." I know that my first reactiion when someone says something about my weight loss is to downplay it. I ALWAYS say something about how much I've still got to lose. I wish I could just appreciate what I've done so far and not always downplay my accomplishments.
  • mfp_1
    mfp_1 Posts: 516 Member
    It's helpful to learn a few formulas. Here are some suggestions:
    "Thank you" [then say nothing - very powerful when used appropriately]
    "Thank you, I'm getting more exercise"
    "Thank you, I've been using Myfitnesspal - a health and fitness website"

    "Yes, I'm eating better"
    "Yes, I'm looking after my health"
  • sexymewannabee
    I totally understand - especially the invisible bit - since I have lost weight the amount of people that have never spoken to me before are all of a sudden my friend and wanting to know the ins and outs of my personal being. I am very open about my self to my friends and my family but for these people to whom I was invisible before I am not about to tell them anything to personal.

    They then give me a complement about my loss which I dismiss and then they continue with - I remember you when you were huge and used to wear your husbands clothes bla bla bla and some how there nice comments are wiped away with horrible memories!

    I know they are trying to be nice - but I would rather they kept it zipped
  • lexoxoc
    lexoxoc Posts: 135 Member
    I completely understand where you are coming from. Personally though I turned around all those comments and made them into positives. Instead of just accepting them I embraced them in that, I used them to motivate those around me. When someone says, "you lost weight!" I say, "Thank you! I've been using MyFitnessPal it's a life changer!" and usually we'll get into a conversation about how/what MFP is all about and I inspire that person to use MFP as well. Kinda cheesy but it made me feel a lot better!
  • PhiSigAmber
    PhiSigAmber Posts: 44 Member
    I know EXACTLY how you feel. I have tried explaining this feeling to my close friends & family, but I guess it's one of those things that's hard to explain. I'm not necessarily embarrassed that I've lost weight, but I am definitely more self-conscious about my body.
  • NinjaMonkey201
    Thank you for putting this up here. It makes me feel less kooky knowing that other people are the same way. :-D