
Any Muslims here?? If so, I was wondering how hard it is to workout wearing the headscarf?? Sorry to bother anyone, but im just curious!:tongue: I'm a muslim, but i dont wear the headscarf, so is anyone here Muslim??
P.S I am NOT a terrorist!! Many people believe all Muslims are terrorists, but its not true!! Sure, there are some bad people out there, but that doesn't mean everyone is bad! Its the same thing for every religion. Im a normal girl, raised in America, and am hoping to lose weight!!


  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    Any Muslims here?? If so, I was wondering how hard it is to workout wearing the headscarf?? Sorry to bother anyone, but im just curious!:tongue: I'm a muslim, but i dont wear the headscarf, so is anyone here Muslim??
    P.S I am NOT a terrorist!! Many people believe all Muslims are terrorists, but its not true!! Sure, there are some bad people out there, but that doesn't mean everyone is bad! Its the same thing for every religion. Im a normal girl, raised in America, and am hoping to lose weight!!

    Hi, and welcome to MFP. I wish you good luck on your fitness journey! Peace be upon you.
  • Thanks, I appreciate it! Peace to you as well!
  • Hi I've just joined in the hope of losing 14lbs so I can be a better horse rider. I wear the headscarf and I don't have to compromise anything. I have a "Burkini" which is a Muslim swimming costume when I go swimming (basically it's a full body swim suit with built in swimming cap). I also ride and compete with horses at dressage and show jumping and just wear a headscarf under my hat. All my friends support me and I don't even think about it. I converted when I was 25 or 26 and I have loads of headscarves- one for every occasion:) And don't feel you have to apologise for being Muslim.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Considering the history of Christians it is ironic that some of them now look at Muslims as terrorists. So much horror has been perpetrated in the name of religion. But as the Bible says " by their fruits you shall know them". So the bad people don't represent either of us! Good luck.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    I hope this isn't a stupid question for our Muslim members. Is there a website to show you how to tie the head scarf? I am not Muslim but I bought a beautiful scarf in Jordan and would love to wear it some. The scarf is long with lace along one edge.
  • brokebackmotors
    brokebackmotors Posts: 9 Member
    Sidebar...your comment above reminded me of one of our favorite movies...
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    Sidebar...your comment above reminded me of one of our favorite movies...

    Yes and wasn't that wonderful and inspiring for all!
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    I hope this isn't a stupid question for our Muslim members. Is there a website to show you how to tie the head scarf? I am not Muslim but I bought a beautiful scarf in Jordan and would love to wear it some. The scarf is long with lace along one edge.

    This might help; it even has a video. I have no idea how to tie one either.. There's a bunch of photos as well. Did it help even a little?
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    Isn't it a shame that the actions of a few mar the name of many? There are times I feel like I have to apologize for being a Christian! Hey we all behave at times in ways that do not honor The One we have chosen to follow. I wish you well with your decision to lead a healthier life, and I hope you find lots of support and encouragement here on MFP. :flowerforyou:
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    There are times I feel like I have to apologize for being a Christian!

    In this day and age, none of us should ever have to apologize for who we are. I don't apologize for being sober, pierced, tattooed, gender variant, ad infinitum.
  • Well I find that normal things bond us all! I have many friends from a variety of beliefs who all ride horses. I think that we are all on this forum because we want and need to lose weight. Pretty wonderful hey?
  • aamierra
    aamierra Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I am Muslim and wear headscarf for my workout. I too been struggling to find the right material and size so that it does not irritate me during my workout. Personally, I prefer a small size ready-made headscarf (the one that you just pull over your head) made from light cotton so that it absorb the sweat away from my neck (the most irritating part where your neck gets sweaty and it does not dry because the headscarf too thick). Small sized for me would mean the scarf hem would fall covering the chest. The most annoying part is when the back of the scarf keep flying all around whenever I run. So either I twisted the scarf so it stays in place or tuck them in my shirt (this is why cotton scarf is the best).

    This is a link to a webpage where they sell ready-made headscarf that looks like the kind I'm wearing during my workout.
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    I hope this isn't a stupid question for our Muslim members. Is there a website to show you how to tie the head scarf? I am not Muslim but I bought a beautiful scarf in Jordan and would love to wear it some. The scarf is long with lace along one edge. Go to this one instead. Heck, try either. This one was easier for me to understand, not that I'm going to be tying any head scarves anytime soon..
    Well I find that normal things bond us all! I have many friends from a variety of beliefs who all ride horses. I think that we are all on this forum because we want and need to lose weight. Pretty wonderful hey?

    Normal does bond us all; we're all humans; all bled red; all breathe same air. Horses kinda freak me out. I know, they're really calm and gentle and stuff, but they're so much bigger than I am. I sometimes don't know if I really need to lose weight. I like the way I look, but I'm kinda stuck in a rut.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Isn't it a shame that the actions of a few mar the name of many? There are times I feel like I have to apologize for being a Christian! Hey we all behave at times in ways that do not honor The One we have chosen to follow. I wish you well with your decision to lead a healthier life, and I hope you find lots of support and encouragement here on MFP. :flowerforyou:
    So true; fanaticism is the brother of doubt.
  • scoyne999
    scoyne999 Posts: 59 Member
    Welcome to MFP and good luck with your journey! :smile:
  • Gosh everyone here seems so friendly - It's going to make the job of losing the weight a bit more fun than I thought it would be.
  • munkeyfunk
    munkeyfunk Posts: 141 Member
    Hey just wanted to say, since reading the rugmaker of Mazar-E-Sharif, iv come to understand and respect the muslim culture a lot more, so cudos to Najaf Mazari :).

    Good Luck with your goals!!
  • Im a muslim, wear a headscarf but i workout at home on my cross trainer so dont need to wear it lol x
  • aamierra
    aamierra Posts: 14 Member
    "Normal does bond us all; we're all humans; all bled red; all breathe same air. "

    Got no idea to quote just a piece of sentence but... <3 This!!
  • Princess41463
    Princess41463 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm sorry you feel like you have to tell people that you aren't a terrorist. What a sad way to have to go through life. {{{hug}}}.

    About five years ago I was going through a divorce and had to sell my house. I was unemployed and literally losing everything I had and my house was in pre-forclosure.

    A young Muslim couple came to see the house and they brought their two young sons. My son was about the same age and they boys played while the adults toured the house and chatted. About two days later the Muslim couple came back and brought with them TONS of food for my son and I. I will never forget their kindness and generosity. My (ex) husband had left us without a vehicle for transportation and we were too far from the grocery store to walk even if I had the money to buy groceries.

    This is how I see Muslims. This is how everyone should see Muslims. Terrorists are NOT Muslims.