Breakfast/lunch ideas for the week?

So this weekend is my "cook/bake for the rest of the week" weekend and i'm wondering what kind of breakfast/lunch meals I can cook/bake and put in Tupperware or in the freezer that will last me through the week. I'm thinking muffins for breakfast and some sort of stir fry because I want to go heavy with veggies next week ...any suggestions?


  • hughesnc
    One of my favorites is a toasted english muffin (double fiber, etc. is 120 calories, with a couple of pieces of canadian bacon which is very low in calories. Protein and Carbs and I am a happy camper.
  • sallyspan
    sallyspan Posts: 14 Member
    For breakfast consider making egg cups in a muffin pan - including eggs of course loaded with veggies and light cheese on top. Pop in the microwave for quick protein boost in the AM all week.

    For dinner ideas I always check out and for meals that stay well in the freezer/fridge all week like lightened up casseroles or stews I can make in the crockpot.
  • xprincessxjanetx
    you could make omelette's or frittata's for breakfast and freeze them. That way any left over veg etc can be thrown into it and it's healthy.

    Lunch could be soups such as minestrone which is quick to make and only 150 calories a portion! Can also make homemade burgers using extra lean minced beef and onions which again is very low in calories.
  • vanillafrosting
    vanillafrosting Posts: 21 Member
    I usually so soups, stews, and chili for lunches/dinners when i pre-cook. Salads are also pretty easy to throw together if you have everything cleaned, chopped, and stored in tupperware containers.

    I also always overcook and freeze whatever isn't going to get eaten within the week.
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    Every morning (pre-workout) I have a 1/4c. oatmeal, 1/4 tsp cinnamon and 1/4 c. frozen mixed berries & mix 1 tsp Ideal brown sugar which equals to 94 calories

    After a workout I have a banana spinach smoothie ( around 140 calories) with a high protein source. I break the bananas up in chunks and weigh them at about 100g each baggie, & put them in the freezer.

    I chopped up sweet potatoes and weighed them, so each baggie has 100g in weight then I put in the freezer.
    I pre-measure a lot of things and store them so I can take it out and cook it. sometimes I cook it ahead of time (no longer than 4-5 days in advance) that way I can pop them in the microwave, or take them with me in a cooler. I try to eat at the same time every time.

    edited: I try to freeze as much as I can just in case I don't get to it that week.
  • starcatcher248
    I'm guessing that because you want to put it in tupperware you might be taking it to work? I've found that something as simple as 2 hardboiled eggs and a piece of fruit keeps me going strong until lunch. You could also add 1/4 cup of unsalted walnuts if you wake up feeling starving and those 2 things aren't cutting it!