Hello from Florida

Hello! Today marks my 2nd week of a true routine of working out. I've been working out pretty regular. Last week I went 6 times and yesterday was my rest day. I stated with MFP last Thursday and have tracked what I ate according to what the application suggest. The only problem with that is I've been starving, tired and getting lightheaded when it gets close to meal time, so obviously I'm not eating enough. Has anyone else experience this? I'd be interested to hear what you did to remedy that.

I'm female, 5'10 and weight 167 lbs. I workout 6 times a week doing 20-30 mins cardio (jogging walking on treadmill) the 30 mins of weight training. According to MFP I'm suppose to eat 1600 calories a day. That seems a bit low to me..........thoughts?


  • awalk2000
    awalk2000 Posts: 4 Member
    Are you eating the calories back that you are burning? Or does that 1600 allowance include your burn? If not, I would recommend eating back some of the calories that you have "burn earned" but also still maintain a deficit to allow for faster results.
  • atlantapiper
    atlantapiper Posts: 133 Member
    could it be you are eating less sugar and caffeine? Maybe your body is adjusting. My calorie recommendation is 1200!
  • emgirl0405
    I guess It's truly just an adjustment. I probably am evening out as far as burning the calories I've eaten you don't see what you've burned from weight training just cardio.
  • kkruspe
    Yes, I feel the exact same way...I just started yesterday and feel like crap and am starving!! I did this two years ago and felt the same way the first couple of weeks, but it did get better, so hang in there. For me personally I think it is just because it is such a shock for my system to actually be eating healthy!! I know that might sound crazy, but I ate terrible, not of crap, so my body is obviously craving it and I cut it all off completely, caffeine, sugars, fats, etc.!
  • nvouvalis
    When I first joined, my calorie recommendation was 1610 as well (5'7" and 160 pounds, set at losing .5 pounds/week). I was thinking what the hell, all the packages say 2000 calories a day!! But after a few days of trying to adjust, I did just fine. I recently decided to look at what my calorie allotment would be if I switched to losing 1 pound per week, and 1360 is just too low for me at the moment. So I went in and manually changed mine to 1510, and I'm going to see how that goes. But it's definitely do-able (coming from someone who really likes to eat!!) When you're first starting out, don't be afraid to go over. At first, I just wanted to see what I was really eating. From there, I started making better choices (banana as a snack instead of cookies, salad for lunch instead of going out for burgers) and it began to even itself out!

    And workout days are awesome, because I still love a good burger!