Tired of being fat!

I'm Tiffany, and I became the stereotype!

I remember when I was in nursing school. I was heavier than my usual, but still 132 lbs and in shape. I remember always noticing that there are many overweight nurses. I thought that ironic since we are supposed to set an example for our patients. Back then I remember my instructor saying the average weight of an overnight-shift RN was 250 lbs.

After nursing school, I watched as my weight climbed. I said "I refuse to hit 150". Then 160...then 175. Finally I "refused" to hit 200. I did in October of 2010. I immediately got to work and lost 8 lbs.....just to find i was pregnant again. At 32, while overweight and out of shape...pregnancy is HORRIBLE to you! I was tired, in pain, winded.....

I was 10 lbs below pre pregnancy weight by 5 weeks post partum and very encouraged. I couldn't really "diet" as I am nursing the baby (still). But between Thanksgiving and New Years, i gained back those 10 lbs. SO, here I am....trying to nurse a baby (meaning I can't really cut my calories....and myfitnesspal doesn't offer an option in calorie goals taking a nursing mother in mind), and lose weight.

My goal weight is 135. Hopefully by New Years 2013. I am currently 196. Just lost 3 pounds and still feeling fat, uncomfortable in my own skin, and discouraged. I want to be a good example for myself, my kids....and my patients. Not the stereotypical "fat nurse" that I always heard about in nursing school. It's hard. Pharmaceutical companies bring us fattening lunches. Patients show appreciation by bringing cookies, cakes, and snacks. It's EVERYWHERE!

Hope to find my encouragement here!


  • hollykan
    hollykan Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome to mfp! This is a great community with alot of support. I sent a friend request!
  • luvche
    luvche Posts: 19
    Thank you! I have been doing the app on my Kindle for about a week or a little more. I was so shocked to see how the little extra bites of food here and there add up!
  • kme2011
    kme2011 Posts: 100 Member
    welcome! sending you a friend request. :)
  • MalibuBeth
    MalibuBeth Posts: 87 Member
    you can get the app on kindle?! cool! or do you have the kindle fire?

    well anyways, welcome! add me if you like :-D i'm new too, been here little over a week.
  • atlantapiper
    atlantapiper Posts: 133 Member
    I too, am uncomfortable in my body! You're on the way to be super comfortable in your body, I saw someone had a profile pic that said, "Don't reward yourself with food, you're not a dog!" I must keep this in mind! True, temptations everywhere!...avoid them! Good luck! you can do it!
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Welcome!!! I'm also a nursing mother and wish wish wish I had known about this site when I was nursing exclusively!!! I nurse morning and night now so I know I can cut and it won't hurt her.

    There IS an option for nursing mothers. It took me a while to find it but it's under FOOD of all places. When you go to a meal or snack and "add food" type in BREASTFEEDING and all of these options appear. It will ADD calories since that is what you need to make the food nutritious for the baby!!! So you can do it and you can log the breastfeeding!!!!
  • luvche
    luvche Posts: 19
    Yes, I have the Kindle Fire. The app is on there
  • luvche
    luvche Posts: 19
    Oh, great! About the breastfeeding option! I will look at that ASAP!
  • nurseroc

    I am in my first semester of nursing school and I weigh 245 right now. I am wanting to make a change asap! I don't like feeling uncomfortable in my own skin so I know I need to try to make better choices now before it's too late!