Feel Great

Exactally one year after I had my beautiful baby boy I was still only down 10 lbs of the 40 lbs I put on during my pregnancy. I noticed I was becoming kind of depressed about myself and decided it was time to start doing something about it. I came across myfitnesspal.com on google. I signed up 3 days ago, and told myself I could do this. Three days later and I am down 3 lbs already. I also signed up for beyonddiet.com they help you find your metabolism type, and set out a plan of how many carbs, proteins, and fats you should eat at each meal and snack of the day. They also give you a list of allowable foods, and there are endless videos with tips you can watch. I would defenitely recommened both myfitnesspal.com, and beyonddiet.com to everyone. I was someone who was eating whatever I wanted, and just with the calorie counter alone I was able to challenge myself to eat right. I find it fun, and there is so much support.

Heres to a great start, lets give each other that push to start, to get out of a rut, or to just keep the healthy habbits going.

Cheers everyone <3



  • kme2011
    kme2011 Posts: 100 Member
    welcome! I love it here. The people are so nice and its easy to use. feel free to add me and we can do it together. :)
  • Keep up the good work
  • Hi, I'm linda. Just started the gym this week and really hopeful for a new me ... a new man would be nice too!

    I am treating myself to hair extensions at the end of the month i just wanna be a GLAM CHIC!!!

    As soon as I reach my goal of one stone off I will purchase the glam satin dress in Debenhams.
  • hey,
    My 2 sisters had a babie to their trying to loose wight too. They say it hard but keep up the good work. Before you know it you'll loose more wight then you wanted to.
