Potential MFP Friends: Apply here! ;)

Goooood Morning!!

I'm going to just jump into this :)

I feel like I'm in a weird place right now.. I'm overweight (need to lose 80ish pounds!), 23 and married.

The overweight part I can handle. Just knowing that I'm working on it makes me know that I wont be for very long.
It's the 23 and married part that's getting to me! Now don't get me wrong, I love being married!! Its just that since I graduated college and my husband got out of the army, all our friends are across the country and, let's face it, no one makes an effort to keep in touch. Facebook makes it too easy to just update yourself on peoples lives instead of picking up the phone and asking how that person is.

Regardless, I want friends. we both do! How do people meet people?! I think I'm going to start becoming really active on here and grab some online friends. I hate that lonely feeling!

Also, I find that I get the best scale results when I have a friend! An old college friend and I use to text each other pictures of the scale every Sunday to see how we were doing. It was great because I felt like I didn't want to let her down by sending a high number! Sadly, it came to a stop.. she got a lot further than me and slowly stopped texting almost all together.

SO, with that being said, if anyone was interested in doing something like that let me know!! Even if we started a group on MFP with weekly scale pictures! (for all I know there is one.. but the groups with a lot of members intimidate me.. I always feel like I missed the boat!)

Sorry if this post is a mess of information ;)

<3 Nicole


  • cherigurl
    cherigurl Posts: 184 Member
    You could start be going to a gym if you are not alreday and just starting a conversation with the ladies there, i am very out going and will talk to anyone, but that is just me, or a class at the gym i am sure you would be able to find a closer friend in a group of young ladies trying to get their sexy back lol.
  • NicolelaJones
    I really love spinning classes so that's actually a great idea!
  • AngelJLV83
    AngelJLV83 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Nicole! I completely get where you are coming from! I am not married, however I was one of the only people to have a kid early on in our group of friends. So I was often at home with the baby while my friends are out. Now that he is older and I can get out more, those friends are settling down getting ready to start families!

    Is there a local gym by you? Try signing up for the gym and some group aerobics classes. The girls in the cardio kickboxing class are always going out together. Plus, you all have the same goal of wanting to lose weight! I also chat with people at Zumba or when I take my son to family swim. You never know, alot of people might be looking for a workout buddy just like you!! Or maybe take some non-credit classes at your local community college? You're still young enough to fit in! I am in Nursing school and I make a friend or 2 in each of my classes. Find a craft or hobby you always wanted to do and sign up. You can learn something and meet people with the same interests.

    I feel you on not wanting to join the groups with a large number of people involved. And I don't know if I am confident enough to post my pics in a discussion group on the board. I am not quite there yet! You are braver than me! I am not ready! Feel free to friend request me. We can secretly message pics to eachother on progress. :)
  • mollyb33
    Regardless, I want friends. we both do! How do people meet people?! I think I'm going to start becoming really active on here and grab some online friends. I hate that lonely feeling!

    Also, I find that I get the best scale results when I have a friend! An old college friend and I use to text each other pictures of the scale every Sunday to see how we were doing. It was great because I felt like I didn't want to let her down by sending a high number! Sadly, it came to a stop.. she got a lot further than me and slowly stopped texting almost all together.

    SO, with that being said, if anyone was interested in doing something like that let me know!! Even if we started a group on MFP with weekly scale pictures! (for all I know there is one.. but the groups with a lot of members intimidate me.. I always feel like I missed the boat!)

    I know this feel completely! Over the year I've been separated from a lot of friends and at the moment am trying to build up a group of friends I can get fit with. It doesn't help that next month I'm moving out of state.

    Well, I love you idea about texting pictures! :) If you every want to chat let me know, I'm always interested in making new friends. :D
  • NicolelaJones
    You're still young enough to fit in!

    Thank you! Thats something I need to keep reminding myself!! :)
  • NicolelaJones

    It doesn't help that next month I'm moving out of state.

    no way really??! I hope its at least a good move!! :) Good luck!

    I'm going to friend you!
  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    I need new friends! I feel like I don't have that many close friends because all everyone does is drink!! That is the WORST sabotage to my life style...it doesn't help that I am a 22 year old bartender lol. But I only have one friend that is interested in diet and fitness, so I've been staying close to her. The picture of the scale is cool! I feel like I want to post them on my wall, kind of like a height chart when you're young.
  • MMH86
    MMH86 Posts: 120 Member
    count me in! : ) I know how you feel.. I moved away from all of my family/friends in Sept of 04' so I totally get the lonely feeling!
  • hlweb32
    hlweb32 Posts: 3 Member
    count me too!! i also get that lonely feeling being so far away from family/friends.. and its even harder being a single mom.. i feel so isolated, almost depressed at times, and looking at the left-over baby weight just doesn't help!
  • mollyb33

    It doesn't help that next month I'm moving out of state.

    no way really??! I hope its at least a good move!! :) Good luck!

    I'm going to friend you!

    Aww thank you! :) It's actually a really good move. I'm an adventurous person stuck inside a realist's mind. :P I'm really excited about changing my location it's just hard to lose a lot of friends. Honestly with distance most relationships fall apart and not having the person to call up out of the blue to spend time with can be even more difficult. MFP has been a big help with curbing that feeling. :)
  • NicolelaJones
    Seriously?? If you only knew how great if feels to not be alone! We're all awesome people! We deserve best buddies :)
  • NicolelaJones
    count me too!! i also get that lonely feeling being so far away from family/friends.. and its even harder being a single mom.. i feel so isolated, almost depressed at times, and looking at the left-over baby weight just doesn't help!

    aww!! It must be nice though to know and feel that your baby's favorite person is you <3
  • NicolelaJones
    I made the group if anyone was thinking about joining!! :)


    Thanks again everyone for the pep in my step today!
  • Thulpa
    Thulpa Posts: 55 Member
    I am happy to help offer support, though I can tell you it is hard even from a guys perspective to make new friends. With guys, you have to find time, common interests, and usually a reason to hang out. Sometimes you get lucky and get invited to something, other times it takes a while to even break into a new group.

    It is even harder if you want to be friends with females. I have worked in all female staffs for 7 years, there is nothing that I have not heard, encountered, or been a part of. That being said, females tend to look at men being friendly as trying to hook up with them. And I am not going to lie, that is usually the case. Every now and then though there is guy who goes, I can help or I know a great ... that really has good intentions.
  • NicolelaJones
    I am happy to help offer support, though I can tell you it is hard even from a guys perspective to make new friends. With guys, you have to find time, common interests, and usually a reason to hang out. Sometimes you get lucky and get invited to something, other times it takes a while to even break into a new group.

    It is even harder if you want to be friends with females. I have worked in all female staffs for 7 years, there is nothing that I have not heard, encountered, or been a part of. That being said, females tend to look at men being friendly as trying to hook up with them. And I am not going to lie, that is usually the case. Every now and then though there is guy who goes, I can help or I know a great ... that really has good intentions.

    That's how i bet my husband feels too :( its one thing when you're in the army and everyone is grouped together but, like you said, its a whole new story when you feel like you need excuses to hang out :-/

    I work with all men so I can see how much they go out of their way to avoid being just like what you described. A nice guy goes a long way though.. just remember that :)
  • MaryODwyer
    I love your idea! I just joined two days ago. Would love to be your scale buddy. I agree, it's always easier with a friend!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me
  • kraebear
    Can I join in? I need some support in my weight loss journey. I am probably one of the smaller people on here though, and I know some people might look at me and want to punch me in the throat. Anyways, it's hard for me to find support/work out buddies. I'm a young mom, and most of my "friends" aren't my friends anymore. And the select few I do have aren't really reliable when it comes to staying on track.
  • Shevaun619
    Shevaun619 Posts: 34 Member
    Feel free to add me...the scale pics sound like a great idea! I got married pretty young too (22 yrs old) and moved away from a lot of my family and friends so I know all about the lonely thing. However, I've come to meet some great people @ my job and the gym. This site is also great to find folks with the same interest as yourself. You seem like a cool chick so I'm sure you'll have your own crew in no time ;) Best of luck to you on your weight loss journey!
  • 139pilotwife
    139pilotwife Posts: 241 Member
    I would love to join in...I know where you are coming from. Both my husband & I were in the military and are friends are spread across the country. Then about 2 years ago my husband was offered a good job working overseas in Saudi Arabia so we packed up the family (2 boys & 2 dogs) and moved to Saudi Arabia.

    We live on a company compound on the Persian Gulf. It's a small compound and it should be easy to make friends but sometimes I feel awkward mostly because of my weight. I have a few friends here but would enjoy the support of others trying to lose weight.

    I rely on FaceBook to stay in touch with family & a few friend from back home. I look forward to getting on Facebook in the morning here (we're 8 hours ahead of EST) to see what everybody was up to.

    Nothing helps more than to have friends keep you motivate and on track.