Alternate "date night" activities

hey all, got a date night with the mrs coming up, looking for some healthier or more active things ideas instead of dinner/movie type of thing.

got any good ideas? :)


  • all4gabs2
    Roller Skating or Ice Skating would be fun!! Bowling is a great alternative as well. As far as dinner, go somewhere that you know will have a healthy alternative menu.
  • skinnnybride
    depending on weather...maybe a picnic? bike ride to a nice spot, pack something healthy...could be fun
  • jessicamckay13
    My husband and I meet at the gym 2x week then on the weekend the neighbor girls come watch the kids and we hit the weights. Romantic, I know. We lift and then sit in the hot tub. But, if you're looking for something even more romantic than lifting weights...

    ice skate!

    does your city/town have a walking path?



    rock climb! it's super fun.

    night ski.
  • tseecka
    tseecka Posts: 90 Member
    I used to love going rock climbing with my bf (when I had one). It's fun, challenges your body and your mind, and makes for some great friendly competition (who can get to the top of their route the fastest?!)
  • devnulldude
    devnulldude Posts: 26 Member
    Roller Skating or Ice Skating would be fun!! Bowling is a great alternative as well. As far as dinner, go somewhere that you know will have a healthy alternative menu.

    ice skating, good call! we do have a rink nearby
  • jpoulsen2
    jpoulsen2 Posts: 65 Member
    dancing! romantic, fun, and active! take a class together or just go out and wing it!
  • devnulldude
    devnulldude Posts: 26 Member
    great replies everyone, definitely looking into some of these in my area now