Trying to get into the Military???

Hey everyone!! I was just wondering if there is anyone else losing weight and trying to get into the military?

I want to join the US NAVY so I have to lose 110lbs ((be approx 160 or 33% body fat)). I was just curious if there was anyone else out there like me?? I figured it would be fun to do it together =D

Feel free to add me <3 I love new friends


  • Stephensaj
    Hey saw your post and wanted to reply. Once upon a time I was trying to get in the AF and had to go from 200 to 155. I have always been the chubby fat kid and I was able to do it. I joined the gym and took aerobics. I have to admit I am very uncordinated and took me a bit to catch on, but I did it I lost the weight. Let me know if you have any questions about the military.
  • hlcook
    hlcook Posts: 92 Member
    I did it! I had to lose about 30 lbs and boost my strength so I could do the required amount of push ups.

    Great goal! Go for it!!
  • Dancergrrl87
    Hey there! I also am enlisting in the Navy, hopefully as a CTI. Once I get the paperwork I need in, I'll be enlisting in about a month. I had to lose 35 pounds to get in, and I'm still hovering on that 'maximum' line. I wish you good luck, and drink TONS of water and very little salt. Doing those two things alone made me drop 15 pounds in the first month!