5'3 what should my goal weight be?

I'm currently 5'3 and 204, however I don't look it because I am proportioned well (big hips, butt, thick thighs) so i guess you can say I am thick, but when i was a senior in highschool i was 118, and that was the lowest I could get. I feel like my goal weight with muscle/toned is 125? any other suggestions?


  • dbaker814
    dbaker814 Posts: 2 Member
    1st suggestion....never take advise from charts or any other people ....even me. Find where you are comfortable and accepting of your body image and love yourself from there! Best of luck on your way!
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    Go with what feels good for you once you start getting healthier. I'm 5'3" also and I set my initial goal at 150 lbs. That's an overweight BMI so I'll see how I feel when I get there. My highest was 225 lbs and I started on MFP at 207. Now that I'm closer to that goal, I'll probably go for at least 140 but I really just want to get rid of my problem areas (ab area mainly) and get toned. 140 is a normal BMI but at the higher end of healthy. I don't think I would look or feel good a lot lower than that. I'll see as I move forward.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    100 lbs at 5' and add 5 lbs/inch for medium frame. If you have a large frame or a lot of muscle add 10%. So at 5'3" "ideal" would be 115 (100+5*3) up to 126.5 (115*1.1) if you have a lot of muscle or a larger frame.
  • IndigoVA
    IndigoVA Posts: 164 Member
    I think it totally depends on your frame. I'm also 5'3, and my long-term goal is between 135-140. I tend to carry a lot of muscle and have a fairly large frame. I've also been as low as 118, but it wasn't through healthy means and I don't think I looked very good.
  • jenn101984
    :smile: Im 5'3 also and sure in highschool i was 125lbs and kept that weight til i was 23ish but I was running 5 miles a day and strenght trainning for atleast an hour for days a week. Youve got to find a weight that fits your lifestyle because you dont wanna feel like you can never let go and have fun..ya know? Now Im a new mom so my hips and tummy look...bad....so im focused on cardio and abs with strength trainning for 30-60mins a day for 4 days a week. So if you can hit 125lbs and maintain awesome if not i would shoot for mile stones like 20lbs by this month and another 20 by that month til you feel you look good and can maintain.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    I'm 5'3" and a med frame. My goal is 140, I don't care to be skinny, I have curves and want to keep them. When I get to 140 I might change my mind, but that's what I am starting with. My highest was 224lbs and I am down to 174lbs now.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    100 lbs at 5' and add 5 lbs/inch for medium frame. If you have a large frame or a lot of muscle add 10%. So at 5'3" "ideal" would be 115 (100+5*3) up to 126.5 (115*1.1) if you have a lot of muscle or a larger frame.

    Wow, so being 5' 4" I should be 120lbs. Might have to change the ticker! :)
  • hollin40
    hollin40 Posts: 120 Member
    I am 5'3" and I want to be down to 135. I'm at 211 right now and it sucks. I'm only on day 2 of being on MFP, so I have some time to do it. I think what really is important to me the most is feeling better and being able to wear cute clothes and not feeling like a frumpy mama. I am a lot of fun and can have some funky taste in clothes and stuff but don't feel like doing anything for me anymore. Anyway, I'm just going to play it by ear. When I was in high school, I was a cheerleader and in GREAT shape, weighed 125, and was a size 4. I'm 40 and have had 3 kids. That ain't happening but I am going to be realistic for me.
  • Mom2M_and_O
    I agree -- figure out what you think is likely healthy for you. I am also 5'3" and was about 117 in high school. I look back at those pictures now and think I look too thin! Besides, I just don't think that our bodies are done maturing in high school, so it wouldn't be right for me to try to go back to than anyway. After I had kids and got some curves, my 140lb pictures look awesome. So, that's why my personal goal is 140 even thought the BMI chart would say that's high for our height. I'll also note that I plan to begin working on muscle tone this year, so that will make me even healthier.
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    it totally depends on your body type, age, and comfort level with yourself :) i am 5'3.5" ish with a medium build, thicker thighs, and a butt (not much in the chest though) and pre-prego i was very comfortable between 127-131ish...a lot of sites, other MFP friends, and recommendations said that an 'ideal' was closer to 115-118, but for me i knew it wasn't ideal or realistic...shoot i still wore a size 6 at 143lbs pre-MFP...my goal after my baby is born is to get back close to 130 again and toned...the smaller you get and the healthier you get, you will get a better feel for what works best for your body :) good luck on your journey :)
  • MaryODwyer
    I agree with what everyone says about how you feel. For example, I am 5'3 and I look really healthy and in shape at 128. However, my body naturally likes me at 135. That means that I don't have to watch what I eat - just eat normal and excerise 3 times a week. Right now, I'd take that as I'm so heavy but I know once I reach that goal I will try to get back to 128. Good luck! Just take small steps right now. That's all that matters.
  • juliabielawski
    juliabielawski Posts: 3 Member
    I'm not too sure about you, but I am 4'11 and my lowest weight was also 118. However, looking back at pictures at that weight, I think I looked much too small and sort of gaunt looking (especially in my face). My target weight that I am aiming for is about 125 to 130 and I am about 4 inches shorter than you. I'd say, just go with your plan and don't neccessarily restrict yourself to a specific number. You may feel that at 130 or 140 that you feel amazing. In any case, good luck on your journey:happy:
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    100 lbs at 5' and add 5 lbs/inch for medium frame. If you have a large frame or a lot of muscle add 10%. So at 5'3" "ideal" would be 115 (100+5*3) up to 126.5 (115*1.1) if you have a lot of muscle or a larger frame.

    Wow, so being 5' 4" I should be 120lbs. Might have to change the ticker! :)

    with those figures i should be 110 - 120, to me that is too low. i was that weight when i was a teen.... i doubt i could ever get to that again no matter how hard i would try. my body just isn't the same especially after having a child and now having hips, etc. i think those calculation may work for some but not all that's for sure!
  • elzettel
    elzettel Posts: 256
    100 lbs at 5' and add 5 lbs/inch for medium frame. If you have a large frame or a lot of muscle add 10%. So at 5'3" "ideal" would be 115 (100+5*3) up to 126.5 (115*1.1) if you have a lot of muscle or a larger frame.

    I think this is VERY general. I am 5'2" have a medium frame and currently weigh 130. I'm good anywhere between that and 125. I've seen a wide range here and it is all about what you are comfortable with and what is healthy for you. If I weighed 110 I'd seriously look sickly. Maybe focus on a weight that would get your BMI in the normal range and then re-evaluate--would you like to lose more, tone more, etc...
  • atiffany1
    average weight for 5'3 is anywhere from 108 to 135. but who cares what average is, work on your body until your happy with it, until you feel sexy and confident about yourself.
  • avk9802
    avk9802 Posts: 84 Member
    I am also 5'3 and my goal weight is 140. I started at 191.
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm 5'3 as well and currently weigh 190, though I am wearing clothing I used to be able to wear when I weighed 170lbs. Building muscle is SO important!! My goal is 165 at this point, and I will re-adjust that when I get there. I have medium bones, so I should be able to get to 140, but I wouldn't even consider going below that...but that's me! I'm thinking 155 might be ideal, for myself.

    One of my trainers (kickboxing) is 5'3 and 140lbs, but she *maybe* looks like she weighs 120.

    Others have perfect advice -- go by how you feel. Find that balance. You don't want to weigh 110, for example, if you have to eat like a bird and exercise like mad to maintain it.
  • KatelynnMDuggan
    KatelynnMDuggan Posts: 41 Member
    I am 5'1 and I have a lot of muscle, but have put on some pounds since college. my goal is to be between 125 and 130 and see how I feel there. Don't make a "unrealstic" goal weight. I'd say pick a weight a little higher and see how you feel. if you feel like you can loes more than make another goal afterwards.
  • Jadesfattorment
    Well your goal weight is "your" goal. so whatever you want to be. :) Where are you most comfortable at? Where do you feel great at? That is the goal you should shoot for.