Anyone Using WiiFit?

ok. So Wii Fit. It's fun, it's cute, it makes me feel just peachy when my avatar expands lol

So who is using Wii Fit? Do you find it is working for excersise? Do you find the cals lost/burned is accurate?
I have a toddler, so it seems to be a great way to get exersise in with him and he loves anything tv or game like.


  • nicki_1004
    I am using the wii fit. There aren't any gyms near me and I live on a really busy road that makes it impossible to walk. So the wii is basically the only thing I have. I like it. I don't know how accurate the calories burned is. I was looking at the amount of calories burned doing cleaning on here and it is more than an hour of working out on the wii. I know I am sweating my but off when I am working out so how am I burning less calories??? I don't understand that.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I started out using WiiFit Plus - I just used the walking or jogging part on it and yoga. It was not much of a challenge, though - so I bought the wii Active series (all of them) and recently purchased The biggest loser challenge - much more challenging and makes your body feel like it really got a work out. If my daughter (also 2) is with me, we'll do the wii fit and I give her a controller, so she thinks she playing too ;)
  • HannahMarieMcDougald
    I also use Wii fit and I dont think the calories are correct btw dont go by what the calories for cleaning on here you can google calories questions but it may not be rigt....I am going to get a counter thingy and wear it haha so it can be closer to what I burn...
  • emmaonamission
    I use it, as I'm too poor to go to a gym! I really enjoy it, and it's the only exercise I have actually stuck at, probably because it's in the comfort of my own living room and it's fun. I do it every day for 30 minutes, and it does help me to lose weight. I do get bored of it though, but I recently got Wii Fit Plus and it's sparked my interest again! Feel free to add me, fellow Wii Fitters ;)
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I have the Wii Fit. I used it for a while, but have since found it to not be challenging enough. I still use it for tracking weight, but for working out, I've found that the XBox Kinect games kick my butt more than Wii Fit could, in part because each game is longer, and the flow from one to another is smoother, so there's less downtime in between.
  • alyssanichele
    I use it!
    But the only thing I use it for is for the Body Test each week, which accurately tells my weigh in for the most part.
    The Wii Fit is fun, and although it does get you moving, I don't think its a great way to exercise.
    The amount of cals burned it tells me, is a completely different number when you log here on MFP, so I wouldn't count on it as a primary form of exercise.
    If you really want to get moving, try a Wii Zumba Fitness game or Wii Just Dance 2.
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    I use it sometimes and I don't know but I have heard others say that MFP is a little high on thier calculations. if you are sweating then you are burnning calories , i would go with that. I don't count house cleaning unless it is someting extra that I don't do every day.
  • HarpingOn
    HarpingOn Posts: 55 Member
    The only thing I use Wii Fit for now is to do weigh ins. I use it as my consistent place to check my weight. I only wish it did a proper job, and gave me KG instead of Stones. Who uses stones?

    Wii Fit may (or may not) be accurate, but I'm hoping it's at least consistent. Seems to be.

    If I do computerised workouts, I use EA Sports Active 2, which is easily the best I've found.
  • TimWilkinson101
    TimWilkinson101 Posts: 163 Member
    Used Wii Fit, Wii Fit Plus and EA Sports Active (not the latest one which is crap). Of them all, I've found EA Sports active to be the best and the one that has given me results. I've sworn lots at it, so I can confirm its bloody hard work! :)
  • MaryBachert
    MaryBachert Posts: 66 Member
    You said that you use EA Sports Active (not the latest one which is crap) and how do I know that I am not getting the lastest one if I buy it?
  • emmaonamission
    I use other Wii games too - the Biggest Loser one is my favourite, though I liked the EA Active one. I'll probably start using them again once I feel I'm ready to - I haven't exercised in a while, so Wii Fit is my stepping stone, if you like.

    Personally I would hate it if the Wii Fit measurements were in me it's 'who uses KG?!' ;) There should be a choice though, I agree.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    The latest of the Wii Active Series is Wii Active 2. It comes with an HRM that you wear on your arm. It also has a leg band so you don't have to use the Nunchuck (that is a BIG PLUS). It supposedly tells you how many calories you burn; however, I use a Polar HRM with a chest strap along with it and the Polar says I've burned almost double the amount of calories that the Wii Active (all of the series) say I've burned. All of the Wii Active games are real butt-kickers. The workouts are longer than they should be, though, because of the downtime between the different exercises. A 30 minute workout ends up being up around 45+ minutes. Not good when you don't have much time. It sort of sucks a lot to wait so long in between rather than a smooth transition from one to the next, but I usually do squats or jog in place while I wait.

    The Wii active are much better than the wii fit if you really want to sweat and work all of your muscles. I have developed muscle definition in my arms, legs and abs. LOVE IT! I don't think the latest of the Wii Active (the wii active 2) is 'crap' - I just could have better transition between exercises and a more accurate calorie counter, especially because of the HRM (Which actually will stop responding for seconds at a time, drop way down when clearly your heart is pumping at a rapid speed, or continue to calculate when you aren't even doing anything)
  • HarpingOn
    HarpingOn Posts: 55 Member
    I use EA Sports Active 2 on the PS3, and I don't have any issue with the HRM. The reading agrees with my polar, and the calories are broadly similar. The exercise transitions can be a bit tedious, but they do contain the instructions. You can largely skip the transitions, certainly the instructions if you're familiar with the exercise. All that said, I now use bodylastic resistance workouts for strength, and skipping and running for cardio. I do return to EA Active from time to time though