Struggles at work



  • MlissaB
    MlissaB Posts: 16 Member
    I'm lucky enough to have a job where I can't snack at my desk so I have to make a conscious effort to go somewhere where I can eat. When I was able to eat at my desk though, I used a lot of sugar free gum too. It really seemed to help. I also measure out the snacks into serving sizes (peanuts and raisins in a snack sized bag, 100 calorie pack snacks etc.) and only let myself have one an hour. If I pulled it out and tried to make it last for the hour it really seemed to help.
  • Audi68
    Audi68 Posts: 113 Member
    I have the same problem but I learned if I pack snack for my self along with my lunch that will help. Also, make sure they are filling snacks like yogurt with frozen berries (the berries are thawed out by the afternoon and the yogurt is still cold from the frozen berries). I also have almonds in my desk (just make sure to count them out and put the lid right back on or the can will be gone in one sitting). Hard candy like a jolly rancher also helps and takes a long time to eat.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    Desk job here - I take a walk when I want to mindlessly eat because it's the afternoon and I'm tired of sitting. Usually when I get back I don't want to snack anymore, and if I do, then I allow myself to. Just my two cents!
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    decaf coffee FTW.

    There is much truth in this. I drink black decaf coffee all day long, in between my water and snacks. :)
  • erintheinspiration
    erintheinspiration Posts: 229 Member
    Well, as I type this I'm munching on some pretzels and water, LOL! I think I might just have to quit eating at my desk all together! And I totally wish I could raise my desk to stand... that would be fantastic!
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    I used to be hungry all the time and really struggled with cutting calories for the first few weeks. Then I upped my protein intake and haven't had trouble with it. I do drink a LOT of water and add in decaf tea once or twice a day, so that may be helping as well. I think it maybe took a little time to retrain my brain not to think I needed to snack all day.

    On the days I have snacks with lower protein, I'm constantly hungry. You might try that.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I have less of an issue with feeling snacky and more of an issue with the woman who sits across from me eating takeout chinese like 2-3 days a week thinking that because she ate a gallon of salad with avacados, cheese, and bacon that she is eating healthy. Then wondering aloud how much weight she lost and waving a fried shimp under my nose. Slowly nibbling on my lunch right now feeling prideful in the fact that I abstained.
  • wmhackett
    wmhackett Posts: 1 Member
    I work a desk job, and not only dealing with the hungry feeling but resisting all the junk food brought in by coworkers to share! I made it through this Christmas by always having snacks with me. The 100 calorie snack packs are nice, not much there but they are controlled portions, and I also find that as I have less and less sweets, that fruit is tasting better to me and I actually crave it. So I usually have a 100 calorie snack and a piece of fruit in the mornings, and usually one of either in the afternoon. And the water is a good thing too, sometimes the hungry feeling is just thirst disguised. I just try to plan snacks that I won't feel depressed entering in my diary, and watch the carbs especially, since I'm on a dr. prescribed carb diet. If I watch the carbs I find I don't have to worry about the calories, they're always under or right at what I am allowed. My weight loss has been steady by doing this. I think the key is having your allowable snacks with you, so you don't become tempted by something you'll wish you hadn't eaten.

  • I do.. I've been drinking more water with flavor packets in it, and I do drink diet soda... I'm hungry a lot, but I'm kinda used to it, I'm hungry no matter how much I eat :(

    Other than that, get snacks that have small pieces (I do peanuts sometimes) measure them out, but then eat them one piece at a time, slowly... so they last longer..they taste the same in small bites as large...

    be careful with the flavor packets and diet soda!! diet sodas and flavor packets have artificial sweeteners such as aspartame. its horrible for your body, can actually cause you to GAIN weight, and can make you feel hungry when youre really not!! there are also reports of it causing cancer, hair loss and reproductive problems (mainly in women). i am a diet coke addict, so i couldnt give it up all together. just be careful!!
  • mrsjefa
    mrsjefa Posts: 20 Member
    yes a desk job gets boring therefore you may want to eat more when you are not even hungry. i have the same problem!! so i try to have healthy snacks like pumpkin seeds,apples, yogurts. nuts. I'm also trying to schedule my snack time for instant one 10am and then 2pm in between i will drink water , or hot tea w/no sugar. if i cant fight the temptation i will eat a fun size chocolate candy....but try to eat just ONE. also chewing gum has helped...or just get up and take a brisk that helps me too when i'm bored...hope this helps:wink:
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,468 Member
    I am also a coffee drinker. When I get the munchies, I just get another cup of black coffee and it usually works for me.
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    I used to be hungry all the time and really struggled with cutting calories for the first few weeks. Then I upped my protein intake and haven't had trouble with it. I do drink a LOT of water and add in decaf tea once or twice a day, so that may be helping as well. I think it maybe took a little time to retrain my brain not to think I needed to snack all day.

    On the days I have snacks with lower protein, I'm constantly hungry. You might try that.

    I'm the same way... if I don't eat protein for breakfast or enough for lunch then I'm hungrier all day. .. I'm at a desk job too and on top of it I'm a corporate chef so I write and think about food ALL DAY long... I have started drinking lots of water... making sure I have something healthy to munch on in the afternoons... and then not waiting until I'm starving to have dinner. i usually munch on raw veggies while fixing dinner.

    Oh and I always drink 16 oz of water before lunch, snack and dinner.. that seems to help a lot without making me feel like I'm sloshing around inside!!!
  • rtell
    rtell Posts: 27
    Force yourself into a habit forming routine. Decide what time you are going to take your healthy snack in the morning and afternoon and stick to it. Your appetite will adjust to fit the routine. Grazing is not a good habit, since you cannot always guarantee having sufficient lowcal/healthy foodstuffs available.
  • I have almonds at my desk to snack on if I get really really hungry! Though usually I try to have water first, I have water with me always through the day. But sometimes, if I'm distracted by eating it is because I'm stuck/frustrated with work! So I find going for a wander to the bubble tap (drink fountain) and having a breather really works. I'm then taking the time to re-focus on work when I get back to my desk rather than still being focussed on food.

    A big crunchy apple in the afternoon mostly tides over any cravings until tea time too!