Anyone using a summer trip or wedding dress shopping for mot

I am new to this website. I was using a different one last year and did not like it very much. User interface was confusing. I am looking for some friends to help keep me motivated. I want friends who will leave positive comments and I will in turn do the same! I want to be healthy and live a disease free life if I can. But my immediate motivation is a family vacation this summer with my boyfriends family and a possible looming engagement. I want to be able to feel good in any wedding dress when I get the chance to try them on.

I'm wondering if there is any one else on here with similar goals. I am looking to lose about 50-60 lbs but more importantly lose fat and build lean muscle.


  • kme2011
    kme2011 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm trying my best to get into shape just because i wanna look good and feel good about myself. I'm already married so I'm working toward that summer trip. lol. I sent you a friend request. :)
  • Hi there!

    I have similar goals. I want to lose at least 60 lbs and at least keep the muscle I have. I have spent some time on the BFFM website, but since I prefer to log my food on this site, I would like to find some like-minded people to help motivate each other. Right now my goal is to lose about 40 lbs by sometime in May. Have you read the "burn the fat, feed the muscle" book by Tom Venuto? His principles are what I use to create my plan.

    Feel free to hit me up
  • qkidney
    qkidney Posts: 258
    Hi there! Welcome!! I am looking to drop around 40 lbs, and I am going on a trip in September which is a time goal that I have set for myself!
    Feel free to add me!
  • I just got married in October & am trying to lose weight & tone for our honeymoon this summer. I had a broken ankle when we married, so we didn't take one then.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    We are going on a family vacation in August. I hope to be down another 70 pounds by then so that I am in better shape to keep up with my kids!
  • I am married so I don't have a wedding dress to use as a goal but I have a vacation coming up in July and I really want to be able to wear a swimsuit this year without being self conscious. My husband and I have only been married for a couple of years and even though he calls me his princess and loves me to pieces as is....I want to be proud of myself when with him. He is quite a bit younger and I like to be able to keep up with him. I also have 2 children that I want to be healthy for. I am always trying to make sure they eat and drink right while not taking care of myself. 2012 is a new year and a new beginning for me. I am done not looking out for myself. I also don't want to lose muscle. I was very active years ago and I would love to get back into tennis and not worry about what I look like on the court :) I sent you a friend request. Support always helps. When I did WW with friends - the support was what helped me achieve lifetime status. I love this site and hope this will be a great answer to what I have been looking for in support. Good luck with your journey.
  • Hi all! I'm turning 30 in 3 motivation is to welcome my 30's as a hot, fit mama! I'd love to get motivated with other people! I think it makes achieving your goals easier when you have others on the same track.
  • mandiemma
    mandiemma Posts: 128 Member
    HI! I'm turning 30 this year and also have an "impeding" engagement... we know we're getting married but just haven't done the acts which point us in that direction lol.

    I'll send a friend request and get fit together for those dresses!
  • I am in the same situation, 30 is fast approaching and my boyfriend of 5 years keeps lingering on an engagement.
    The devil in me thinks that if i lose weight the engagement will happen faster... eeek i know those are dangerous thoughts! Nevertheless I dont think its a bad idea to get in shape so I dont have AS much work to do when/if it happens.

  • i'm getting ready for summer vacation! and a WISHFUL engagement/wedding in the future...if my long time boyfriend gets it together :)
  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 154 Member
    I have the same family vacation this summer with my in-laws!! We can help support and motivate each other to reach our goals before the summer vacations!!! We can do it!!!!! :drinker:
  • thank god there are some other women in my same holding pattern!!! sometimes it gets lonely!!

    Are any of you ladies around the NYC area? I walk by the same wedding shop every morning, and Im like a kid looking in a candy store... bad news bears.
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    Welcome! I'm going wedding dress shopping this summer and hope to lose 40-50 pounds by then. I want to lose 80 total. This site is amazing and has helped me SO much!
  • Hi! I have a goal of just being healthy and a friend and I have given ourselves a challange to lose 2 pounds a week for 35 weeks. This ends on my birthday, so i am aiming to be inching down in pounds when my brithday comes around. My brother is getting married in December and I want to be in a much smaller dress than a 20/22 or 22/24 (in bridesmaids dresses) when we go to purchase our dresses in Sept/Oct.
  • hi im going on holiday to cuba in may for the hubbys 50th birthday and i want to lose at least 42lbs before i go, mmmmmm just hope i can do it add me so we an support each other
  • Hi

    I am new to the site and just finding my way around. A work collegaue told me about the site, i think it's great and it will save me a small fortune. I have followed the ww plan in the past which worked for me but it is expensive.

    I am getting married in August so i could do with all the support i can get. My dressmaker may not be too happy if i lose weight ( lots of alterations) but i will feel better.


    Good luck
  • I do not have a wedding dress to getme motivated unfortunately, but I do have a 3 1/2 year old daughter who is enough motivation for me! I want to set a good example for her! I want us to live a healthy "LIFESTYLE".

    I am looking for some encouraging words, so anyone that would like to give me positive feedback and support feel free to add me :)

    I sent you a friend request!
    Good luck, and Best wishes to everyone on MFP!