Bodybugg vs. HRM?

I got a Bodybugg for Christmas and am curious about what people's thoughts are, particularly versus a heart rate monitor. I walk during the day while I work so I wanted to try to track that. Thanks in advance!


  • msmellebelle
    i want to hear about this too. I've been interested in buying something like a body bugg but the price makes the product an investment i need to know is going to work out and well.
  • dobenjam
    dobenjam Posts: 232 Member
    I was wondering the same, Body Bugg or FitBit
  • gypsybug
    gypsybug Posts: 106 Member
    I have a BodyMedia which is pretty much the same thing as a bodybugg. There are major differences. HRM's are intended to be worn while you work out. They give you an idea of whether you are working within your target heart rate zones and many of them will give you an estimate on how many calories you burn. Depending on the model, you will get varying degrees of accuracy. So if you just want to know how you are doing durning your runs or cardio or even strength training, this is the way to go. Look at Polar's ... they have some great ones.

    The BodyMedia, BodyBugg and FitBit are designed to be worn ALL DAY. They record how many calories you expend in a 24 hour period, so yes, you wear them while you sleep. They also record how well you sleep, whether you are waking up a lot, how efficient it is etc. They record all your steps as well and what type of activity you are vigorous vs moderate. So these give you an idea of how many calories burned just being alive and going about your business AND working out.

    There is a substantial cost difference too. The HRM is usually a one time cost for the equipment. With the BodyMedia and BodyBugg, you have to get an online subscription service to "dump" the data to. This runs about 6 bucks or so a month. I'm not sure about the FitBit costs. These units tend to be pricier to purchase as well.

    I LOVE mine. It opened my eyes to the fact that my metabolism is not all that. It also made me evaluate my night time routine so I could get a better night's sleep. It pushes me to do more, even if it's just get up from my desk and take a walk midday.

    So definitely do the research, visit the websites and weigh the investment you are willing to make vs what you want to get out of it.
  • emmaruns
    emmaruns Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks so much! I wanted it because I am walking on a treadmill desk all day in addition to going to the gym. I have wanted a "walking workstation" forever and I LOVE it. But it's all over the place with what my calorie burn is during the day with mfp.

    Bodybugg is charging up right now for my first use. Does it matter when I put it on for the first time? Can it tell when I'm walking and typing or will it just think I'm sitting if my arm isn't moving? I'm excited about my new gadget!
  • gypsybug
    gypsybug Posts: 106 Member

    I was the SAME! Totally ecstatic when mine arrived. It does not matter when you put it on. It will start recording data from that moment so you might start with half a day or so, but after a week it won't matter. It knows when you are walking vs sitting. Even if you are typing and keeping your arm up to do so, it should still catch that you are walking because there will still be a bounce. You can double check it though by making sure it's recording steps taken during times you know you are at your walk station.

    It will take it a few days to adjust to you. So don't be surprised if it gives you higher burns the first week then drops off a little. It doesn't have any back data to go on so it has to "learn" you a bit. Also, when you take it off, then put it on later, it will use the before and after to kind of estimate what you might have burned while off body.

    If you do something active that involves water - leave it off. You can go on the site and enter an "off body workout" to try and account for that activity.

    These have a 90% accuracy rating overall, so pretty good. There are things that it has trouble with. Like biking. Because your arms are so stationary and there is no bounce like a step would cause. Some people have found a way around this by putting it on their calves. Not perfect, but at least closer.

    Welcome to the BB/BM world! :bigsmile:
  • tynebird
    tynebird Posts: 2 Member
    I bought my husband a fitbit for Christmas and he loves it so far (he originally wanted the Jawbone UP, but they went off the market before I could snag one). There is no monthly subscription to a website, and it actually syncs with myfitnesspal (though he doesn't use this website). It seems to be fairly accurate as to the amount of steps taken/miles walked/flights of stairs climbed and has really opened his eyes to his activity level (he though he was very active, when in actuality, he's not... shh...). Once I hit my next weight loss goal, I actually plan on getting one for myself... Hope this helps!
  • emmaruns
    emmaruns Posts: 189 Member
    It's green it's green! Strapping it to my arm right now! :)
  • dobenjam
    dobenjam Posts: 232 Member
    ok, just bought two FitBits for my wife and I. Why am I the only guy that seems interested in tracking his activity level throughout the day? Oh well...
  • gypsybug
    gypsybug Posts: 106 Member
    It's green it's green! Strapping it to my arm right now! :)

    Haha it'll feel weird for a while but you'll adjust quick.

    The fitbits didn't come out, or at least I didn't discover them, until after I bought my BM...but I have a coworker that got one. He loves it. Cool that it doesn't require a subscription. But I gotta say, I'm a chart/data junkie and I LOVE the interface online with it's graphs and lines and colors lol!!
  • gypsybug
    gypsybug Posts: 106 Member
    ok, just bought two FitBits for my wife and I. Why am I the only guy that seems interested in tracking his activity level throughout the day? Oh well...

    You aren't the only guy. I know at least 2! :bigsmile:

    My boyfriend did the BM for a while just for kicks, (he is in fantastic shape) and he wanted to see how he was sleeping. He has since learned what he wanted and passed it on to his mom.