Wow--did I fall off the wagon!!

Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
I started this journey last march when I went to the doctor and lab results came back positive for type 2 diabetes. It wasn't a big surprise, since I knew my lifestyle had sucked for the past 8 years and I had gained a good 60 lbs and was getting to the age when those things start to creep up on you. In addition, I had been taking meds for high blood pressure and high cholesterol for about year.

Still, that was the last straw I needed to take control AND to get family support for my efforts. It helped that I am out of work and had the time to reorganize my lifestyle.

First nine weeks--very successful. Lost 30 lbs, stuck to a consistent 5 day/wk avg exercise routine, was able to run consistently (albeit much slower) for the first time in years, completely normalized by blood sugar readings. I was sticking to 1400 Kcal-1600Kcal/day, losing 2-3 lbs a week. I was able to cope with some social events--monthly wine tastings, a few celebration dinners--enjoying the food and drink without any lasting negative effects.

We had a HS graduation party scheduled last Saturday for my stepson. Munchies during the afternoon and dinner in the evening. I made sure I kept up with my routine, even ran 50+ minutes (1000 calories) on the treadmill before the guests arrived.

Then something happened--I just started eating and couldn't stop, Chips, cheese, crab dip, fried chicken, alcohol. I figured, OK, one day I'll just not worry about it. But the next day (Sunday) was almost as bad--we had a bunch of no-shows, so there was tons of food left over. A little improvement on Monday, but not back to normal. Tuesday (yesterday), I dared the scale--gained 6 lbs since saturday. Even worse, it was like all the discipline I had worked on for 9 weeks just vanished like puff of smoke.

Today, I am really trying to rededicate myself. Part of the problem is that I am very data-intensive. A big motivator is tracking my numbers. Now that the numbers suck--even temporarily--I find the lack of positive reinforcement a real disincentive. It also doesn't help that I had to start taking antibiotics for a sinus infection that I think is affecting my workouts. And, we are at the end of the month and, because of the party, have completely blown the budget, so I am trying to make do with eating what is available in the fridge and it's not the best stuff in the world.

This reaction took me completely by surprise. This has been an interesting journey and I feel like I have learned a lot. Although I have been off the "front line" for 8 years, the previous 20 were spent working in the fitness and wellness business. I was always empathetic with my clients, but I have really gained some new insights about the challenges of lifestyle changes and weight loss.

And I have learned my lesson--no more parties at my house!!


  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    here's some tough love- you blew it.

    here's some advice- let it go. get back on the path and DO NOT LET YOURSELF FAIL!!!!!!!!!!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I'm actually wondering how much of that weight might be water weight. It sounds like you had a lot of salt. Drink lots of water and take care of yourself and hopefully the few pounds you gained will come off just as quickly. Altho, its an eye opener for those that think this is a diet and not a life change when it comes to food choices.:smile:
  • cdickey
    cdickey Posts: 230
    Well, I totally understand what happened to you. I have been tracking my calories for only a few months but I have already had one of these "off the wagon" months. I was doing so good even without a major amount of excercise but somehow have managed to get side tracked. At first I was so focused and nothing could sway me but then a weekend of relaxing a bit turned into a month of it. Not horrible eating habits but just not watching as closely as I should be. Now I have spent 3 weeks wallering around with the same 5 or 6 pounds:mad: .

    I hope that your jump back up on the wagon is successful and I know we'll both do better in the future. As much as some have told me that it's a lifestyle change and I'll get used to it, I think it's something I'll forever have to be careful with or I'll fall right back into my old habits.:cry:
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    I know how that goes. At the BBQ on Monday, I ate about 3000 calories but I just couldn't seem to stop myself from eating. I made sure the worst of the foods got taken home by others or thrown away. I'm trying to see it as a small speed bump but definitely not enough to derail me.
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    Falling off the wagon isn't that hard to do. It sounds like your mind has taken control over your will power to control it and it's hitting you hard. It's happened to me twice in the past 18 months and it's a very tough thing to recover from because you really are battling your "evil twin" and there's no simple solution to help you get to that point.

    Do drink lots of water and start looking at very near term situations and eating routines. Don't think about lunch during breakfast, occupy your time with everything you can like cleaning the house, washing the car, gardening, etc. when you're not at work and at work find other things to keep you busy so that you don't let yourself wander mentally toward food.

    Oh, and what I had to do most, don't go to the grocery store to buy food for the house -- get someone else to do it or you'll find yourself picking up that little something extra to eat on the way home.

    Good Luck!
  • librarygirl
    librarygirl Posts: 182
    I'm sure you are not the only one who has fallen off the wagon. As I read your story I could totally relate to what you were saying. A few weeks ago my boyfriend and I went on a trip to the states for a little get away. I was so excited because I was going to allow myself to have peanut m&m's and I was also going to buy Combo's at Walgreens (we don't have those here in Canada). The thing was that I didn't just buy one bag of each of those goodies (which I should have) but I bought two and I ate them all over 2 1/2 days! I only got a medium sized bag of m&m's but I was the one who ate them. My weigh in is not for another week and a half but I was dis-heartened to see that I too had gained about 4 lbs while I was away. It made me realize that these days are going to happen but maybe instead of buying 2 bags each of those items I should have gotten only one? It also made me think about whether or not it was worth it to have all that food?