fallen off the wagon today and yesterday...help?



  • comet_wow
    comet_wow Posts: 180 Member
    I know exactly where you're coming from. Please don't give up. You will have days where it all goes to hell but it takes time to change . Don't let a couple of off days throw you off the wagon. Good luck :)
  • lradatz
    lradatz Posts: 61 Member
    It depends on what your binging on... If you deprive yourself of anything and everything bad completely, your body will crave it if that's what you normally had. It's ok to give in to a couple bites of chocolate or a cookie or two, or whatever it may be, as long as you don't over do it, you will be ok and still lose weight. But it's very difficult in the beginning to lose weight and do good eating, if your just beginning. You will learn to control your cravings and want to do good, just remember it's ok to give in every once in a while, and have a day off if you need to, just pick yourself up the next day... Don't give up and stress out :)
  • thejenster90
    no I don't think I am eating enough to be honest, I lost a kelo this week...maybe its too fast?
  • MrsGreen1985
    MrsGreen1985 Posts: 53 Member
    Dont beat yourself up,it happens but I would suggest if it happens again dont starve yourself all day and only have an evening meal it will just make it worse.At least eat breakfast and drink plenty of water x
  • ldennett
    ldennett Posts: 75 Member
    yup - I see lots of others are saying it too. Don't punish your body for a lapse. You need food everyday. When we deny ourselves, something in our brain freaks out and tells us to shove food in our mouths. Just make a goal to stay within your calories. If you are finding that you are binging alot, you might have to slow the pace of your weightloss and add in another 200 calories a day or something. The ability to squeeze in an extra treat a day might be your answer to losing weight without feeling the need to binge.
  • gigglepiggle
    gigglepiggle Posts: 29 Member
    I had a really bad day yesterday, I pigged out at lunch and spent the whole afternoon feeling cross with myself about it and ended up not eating dinner and going to bed hungry.

    Today I planned all my meals first thing and stuck within my calories so I feel better. I'm sure I'll fall off the wagon again, probably in the not too distant future but I have far more good days than bad :)
  • GinNouveau
    GinNouveau Posts: 143 Member
    Forgive yourself. :) It has happened to all of us. And it won't be the last time. Do the best you can when you can. You'll get better at this and it will get easier and happen less often. Figure out why you pigged out. Have you been too restrictive? Did you do it to celebrate your loss? Did you do it because you figured you would have a week left to undo the damage? Were you upset about something? Or were you just too hungry and it set off a chain reaction? I've binged for all these reasons plus 1000 others. Through trial and pizza I have learned how to avoid some of my triggers and you will too. Just climb back on the wagon. Nothing different in today and the first day you started except you are more experienced :)
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Listen to the people telling you to forgive yourself. I should have learned that I long time ago... But I didn't. I'm still learning.

    Do NOT try to make up for today by eating significantly less tomorrow. You only end up "punishing" yourself in the morning, and "rewarding" yourself in the evening. Be nice to yourself all day long with healthy and tasty foods that meet your goals.
    You deserve to be healthy and happy. Both, not either!
  • thejenster90
    I wish I didn't live with my parents then I could limit the amount of food in the house, but they like their chocolate and biscuits so there's allot in the cupboards...and they're out right now which meant kitchen raid!
  • determinedsocialworker
    Like someone else wondered... sounds a bit like self-sabotage. I've done it many times..it's like, Oooh, I did well..that's a bit scary..can't allow myself to feel too proud because really, it's not much..I have so much left to lose..ugh..screw it..food.. Or something of that variation... the other part you said about making up for it by not eating until late... the only thing that is doing is further slowing your metabolism. For many years I have been looking at food as "good" and "bad" and my trainer told me that if I learn nothing else to remember this-- don't demonize food. Skinny people eat pizza sometimes.. they have cookies... but they are also eating well the other 80-90% of the time and it's no big deal with a healthy lifestyle...

    Just keep moving forward.. it's all about ups and downs... we fall all the time (I had 8 timbits yesterday.. did you know they are SIXTY calories each?? Yeah, me neither until AFTER I got home and logged on)... that's life.. we move on... Just realizing what you're doing and writing the post is a great thing!! Keep moving forward... You can do it!!!
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    Space up your food intake so you don't get to that "I'm starving!!!!" stage. Tomorrow is a new day, we all need to tweek this until we get what's right for our own bodies.
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    Make sure you eat throughout the day. Worst thing is to come home hungry, then you get thrown off the wagon!
  • thejenster90
    you guys are amazing. thank you thank you and thank you again. I have seen what I did wrong and cannot wait to start tomorrow and do it right! good luck to everyone, its so great that we have each other, someone who understands
  • marleebaby
    One thing I have done to prevent cramming junk food into my stomach - I cleaned out my pantry and fridge, took everything that wasnt healthy to me and gave it to someone who needed it, then went grocery shopping. Even if I tried to pig out, it would be on something healthy.. because that's all that's in my fridge!
  • Akijade
    Akijade Posts: 210 Member
    Everyone has those days. Just have to pick yourself back up, and jump back on the wagon. One or two days isn't going to set you back that much. :)
  • marleebaby
    Just saw that you live with your folks so you can't do what I suggested.. Maybe invest in a mini fridge? XD
  • 4hotmama
    4hotmama Posts: 112 Member
    Add in some high protein as someone else said, I lov my chocolate and carbs, but I am able to stay away from them more when I fill with higher protein. U asked for examples- protein shakes, I try to have a hard boiled egg a day, chicken breast or turkey meat, cottage cheese. If u really need some sweets I go for a little bit of lite coolwhip with some fruit in it like strawberries or look up pumpkin fluff on here & I add a tad of walnuts for some crunch or sugar free cherry pie filling with walnuts and the coolwhip. Also lots of water- I add lemon juice to mine for taste. Good luck- it all comes with time and there will be pitfalls, but u gotta just get up and dust yourself off and get right back on it again:)
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Honestly, I'm still falling (from day before yesterday until today.)
  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    Were all here to help!! :) no worries, don't beat yourself up over it
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    It's a new day! Just get back right on it. If you stop, you'll feel bad about it later. Just keep doing it!