Looking for buddies

Hi everyone. My name is Robyn and I am new to this site, but not to the weight loss game. I am 53 yrs old, married 26 years, mom of 3 (32.22,14) and grandma of 2 (11, 9). I have been trying to lose weight most of my adult life and have failed miserably each time. I would really like to find some buddies who have 100 lbs or more to lose. My biggest problem is the length of time it will take me to lose such a large amount makes the end seem impossible to reach, and I reach a certain point (usually 25 lbs) and I give up. I amd very bad at being consistent with the day to day things I plan. I have joined Weight Watchers at least 7 times. My daughters who are also overweight have recently joined Weight Watchers Online and want me to join also. I really don't want to go back simply because I have already failed at it so many times, that in my mind going again is an automatic failure for me. I found this website and am hoping to use it like they use the WW website. If there are any others out there who have a long term goal like me, please get in touch. I'm hoping to finally succeed but I know it will take alot of support.


  • Welcome, Robyn. You'll find many wonderful, supportive people/friends on here. Just think, by years' end you can be close to where you want to be, or be exactly where you want to be!! Take it day by day, you have the strength to do this!! Wishing you all the best on your weight-loss journey!! :flowerforyou:
  • mrFerris
    mrFerris Posts: 122 Member
    Welcome aboard Robyn. I have only been with this site since January 1st but I can say that there are a lot of very friendly and encouraging people on here. I too tried WW ang gained weight! So far on here I have lost 7lb and hope to keep it going. It is much easier with calorie and exercise counters along with the excellent tools and recipes ... I could go on forever but the best thing about the site is the people. They are lovely. Enjoy your stay.
  • shad1018
    shad1018 Posts: 191 Member
    Welcome Robyn - I too have been a WW drop out multiple times over the years. Been using MFP since JUly and I LOVE it, people are great, you get ideas, suport and encourage - as much or little as you want/need.

    I love read the success stories, they give me hope and encouragement I need to stick with it.

    I started at 280 lbs - easily 115 pounds over the high end of my helathy BMI range. Today I am 30 lbs lighter and feel so much better. I am committed to changeing my lifestyle and losing weight along the journey. I lloked forward to the day when I can say I am under 200 lbs.

    Married , mom of three, (26, 13 and 9).

    I am sending you a friend request now:smile:

  • cmoore1220
    cmoore1220 Posts: 5 Member