30 years of failure...have to try something different

Hi, my name is Daryl and I'm ....fat. 30 years of feeling like a bloated cow and most of the time just ignoring the increasing health problems and resigning myself to an early death. I'm 100 pounds overweight and I have a 50 inch waist. I've had three stints of OA and several starts and stops with cutting back and exercising on my own. I pray for the obsession with food to be lifted from me but nothing happens. I am definitely a compulsive overeater but I have to do something different to change my eating habits. Even in OA I found myself craving foods and I never was able to define abstinence as anything but hunger. If I defined it differently, I gained weight. So, here I am, desperate to lose weight but happy with my life overall despite the extra weight.

What really scares me is that my 13 year old son is following in my footsteps except he hatephysicalal activity where I was very active as a teenager. I was able to keep the pounds off until I was in college but it was downhill after that. I had some brief successes in OA but my weight gain through my adult years is catching up with me, and worse, my family. I want to lead by example and show my son and my overweight wife that i am willing to change for all of us. If I don't, I fear I doom my son to a life of depression and sadness. I know I don't have control over his life much less mine, but at least I can try to lead, and today i did.

I have always been reluctant to count calories. I have never been willing to weight my food. I have always been reluctant to keep track of my exercise. I sure as heck wasn't wiling to keep a food diary so this online tool is very handy and depressing at the same time. I looked up the calories on a TGIF Turkey Burger today and found out I hadn't eaten as healthily as I thought at lunch, considering that thing is 1100 calories. So, for someone who always felt vknowledgeableable about nutrition and food, after all, I am a Chemist! I found out I didn't know as much as I thought. I have to try something different. My isn'tisnt' working. Maybe there is an answer here and with God's help, I pray that it works.

My journey begins today. I fully expect this to be one of my few postings as i haven't kept a journal or writing more than 3 days in a row but at least I had today. Today was good. I pray that it continues. Hope to make friends along the journey.


  • lovelymrs
    Daryl, this is new to me too. Keep tracking it really does make a difference. Good luck!
  • Rumen29
    Hi Daryl my name is Rumen and read your post and just wanted to say good luck because anything is possible only when you put the effort towards it. As you know nothing is simple in life so it's going to take lots of hard work, there's a say "Hardship followed by ease" which i really believe, so push yourself to the limit and relax after you reach your goals.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Hi Daryl,
    Take a few days and really record what you are eating... record it here and maybe take a picture of your plate before and after you eat. It will help you realize exactly what and how much you are eating.
    THEN, and only then, would I start making small choices... drink more water, cut back on soda, add more veggies to my meals, eat a healthier breakfast, make one better choice each day or at each meal. Reward your small victories.
    Add back in exercise you enjoy... walking, playing sports on a team, play ball with your son.... get active. You can do this!
  • sheeshee
    Good luck daryl! You can do it.
  • suzzee2000
    suzzee2000 Posts: 85 Member
    Hello Dayrl,
    I feel for you but you can do this once you really make up your mind that you're going to it. It looks like you already have. Nothing is ever easy I know that too. Someday you will look back on this and know it was the best thing you've ever done! My advice to you is to begin reading the success stories and begin to believe you will be there too, because you will!

    Also please know that One size does not fit all, so search around for the best diet for you that you can live with. There are plenty out there.
    I personally have to follow a low carbohydrate diet per my Dr.s orders
    Good Luck and feel free to add me to your list of friends for support.
  • darylspindler
    darylspindler Posts: 35 Member
    Well, shut my mouth! I actually kept track of everything I've eaten for two consecutive days. I have NEVER done that. So, at least for two days, it's been a success. I made good food choices today. I am so grateful for the restaurant food database is so wide because I travel a lot and if I go to chain restaurants, I can really narrow down well what I can eat and keep within my alloted calorie range. I'm a big guy (305 lb) and according to the software I can only eat 2100 calories per day to lose 1 1/2 pounds per week. That's a little depressing but for some reason, knowing there is a number that I can input actually gives me positive feedback. I figure if I can stay within 100 calories either way, the weight will drop off.

    My worst time has always been after dinner when I crave something sweet and fatty. DonutsCinnamonon toast, cake, pie, cookies..all that stuff does me in. I had some cravings last night but i just wentoot bed and although I woke up hungry, I then realized I missed nothing by not having my regular nightly sugar/fat fix. I bet I added 500-1000 calories per day doing that.

    Anyway, glad to actually post a second message. I really didn't think I would. God bless us all!
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    Found myself looking for the 'like' button. LOL Glad for your success at the start! I feel for you. Your situation sounds similar to mine. Just keep plodding along, I guess...until we get light enough to run with it!
  • darylspindler
    darylspindler Posts: 35 Member
    I wonder if the cravings for sweet/fats after dinner ever subside for others?
  • dbuzzard1
    Daryl, i just got started on myfitnesspal.com yesterday. two days of food tracking for me, too. best of luck to you.
  • sarahbaldwinrose
    I believe that any support in this journey is beneficial if it works. I just joined a few days ago and as i was telling my friends and family about it they were like " Oh yah, I've been on this program for so long and I have lost so much weight" So, here I am giving it a try. It really is important to invite people you know and share these tools with them.
  • sarahbaldwinrose
    I am still not sure how to add the info to the food diary yet. do I really need to include all the ingredients with every meal?
  • XOchocolate
    XOchocolate Posts: 95 Member
    Way to go Dary!!! Keep it up! When you get those evening cravings just try to focus on something else...call a friend, read, exercise, check out post on this site. Just get your mind off food. I too love to eat in the evenings so I totally understand what your going though. I usually save a few cals for those moments. If you do give in the best thing to do is DON'T beat yourself up over it....DON'T ever give up.
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    I wonder if the cravings for sweet/fats after dinner ever subside for others?

    Yes, they do................I am a sweetaholic............lol! You have to cut the sweets, carbs, etc for a good 2 -3 weeks and by then, your body should be adjusted to not missing or craving them........Add some good protein and fiber to your diet so that you don't feel hungry, eat all of your calories and drink your water. Oh, and don't forget your snacks........3 meals, 2 snacks = awesome day:) Good luck and friend me if you'd like:)