Went way over calorie limit tonight! :/

I am new to this and I love this program! Recording what you eat really makes a difference in your day to day choices. My question is, what do you do when you have those bad days and you go way over your calorie limit. I am really diappointed because I had been doing so well all week, but I really want to keep going! Thanks! You all are very inspiring! :)


  • MandieBellie
    MandieBellie Posts: 39 Member
    Do an extra work out during the week. You have two sets of caloric goals. One is your daily intake, the other is your weekly intake. And don;'t beat yourself up if you are a little over now and then. We all have to slurge every now and then to keep our sanity.
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Accept it and move on.

    We all go over our calorie recommendation sometimes. It's not a huge deal, and it doesn't mean your hard work this week is all in vain. Keep going! Tomorrow's a new day.
  • That would be my biggest fault. Fall off the wagon and stay off. If you have a bad day, just chalk it up to treat day and start fresh in the morning.. 5 good days and one bad day! Think about it.....5 GOOD days....Keep on truckin!
  • I try not to make it happen but if it does I will work my a** off the next day (or straight after I realise that I have gone over) and burn those calories off through exercise. Also, if you enter your food diary as soon as you have eaten whatever that keeps you on track and you know where you are with calories remaining.....
  • I try not to stress too much! We are human after all. I might try to eat super healthy the next day and maybe workout a bit harder, but if you never allow yourself indulgences, you are setting yourself up for failure.
  • ldalbello
    ldalbello Posts: 207 Member
    I plan on going way over my calories tomorrow. After work I am going to have a few too many drinks and pizza and ice cream. I cant wait ! After that I will get back on track.
  • sheesha19
    sheesha19 Posts: 1
    I just went waay over my calories today after doing good during the week. Heck, the day before I had 200 calories extra at the end of the day. I've lost 10 lbs. so far so I get kinda worried about indulging a bit cuz I don't wanna back track. But after reading everybody else's comments, I agree. It's one day out of 5 or 6 days and if you plan some extra workouts throughout the week I'm sure you'll make up for it. That's my plan! :)