
I know this is a weird question, but how many pounds do you have to lose before you actually start seeing results?? I know I just started but I'm a bit curious. Does anyone know any good ways to exercise without going to thegym?? Cuz im kinda busy with school work....
Please friend me!! I need the support!!


  • sm_4ever17
    sm_4ever17 Posts: 128 Member
    hi it depends on ur height m 5 feet n av dropped 6 lbs n 1 jean size am bottom heavy. so the taller you r the more you have to lose in order to see weight loss. taller mean above 5.4
  • thebiggestloser1234
    Well, im 5 foot 5, so....
  • sm_4ever17
    sm_4ever17 Posts: 128 Member
    you'll have to lose more thn 10 to see weight loss
  • rebeccawalker1982
    rebeccawalker1982 Posts: 117 Member
    Take the stairs, park in the back of the parking lot (weather permitting), if you have an office job, get up to relay a message instead of using the phone, try to save 10-15 mins during your lunch break to go for a short walk, even if it is just a few laps around the outside of the building you work in or walk up and down the stairs a few times. For school, if you have a treadmill or stationary bike, read your text books while you ride or walk. If you have time in between classes, take the long way to your next class.
  • amywhite8809
    Good question!!! Im 5'5 as well and have lost 7lbs and dont see any diference.. I measured and the #s are the same.. Figured itd take about 10lbs to SEE a little difference...
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I'm 5'3 and it takes me losing 30+ pounds to really start noticing it myself.
  • amywhite8809
    Ohh and I dont go to the gym either.. I bought the biggest loser dvd.. which only uses your body and dumbbells if you want. I also have a medicine ball that i use. I do those 3xs a week and walk/jog 3miles a day..
  • karagav
    karagav Posts: 172 Member
    it's different for everyone! i think it's also different to be the person losing the weight, because you don't see if as fast as other people can. when i was 180lbs and lost 10lbs, everyone around me started telling me i was looking trimmer, however i don't think it really showed for me, personally until i was at about 160lbs.
    i recommend that you measure yourself because more important than the actual number is the inches you're losing. i did this once a month initially when i was losing weight and it was a good motivator for me. definitely something to try :)
  • Carlamere84
    I'm a woman 5'9 and lost 16lbs so far. I can see a difference, however I'm still the same size. I notice that my double chin is smaller, but still there...and my third and fourth boobs are going away. LOL. You'll start noticing a difference in about a month or two, depending on your routine.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    As a scientist, I have to say that it depends on may factors. I would urge you to take measurements regularly, and don't just rely on the scale for visible progress.
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    I didn't notice a difference in myself until I had lost at least 30 pounds. The further you are away from your goal, the longer it takes, unfortunately. Once you get closer you'll see the change quicker.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I have only lost 25 and am down two pants sizes, a bra cup size and almost two shirt sizes, so mine started showing soon. I am about 5 3....

    Good luck...just keep on working and it WILL show!!!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Take pictures. It's hard to see results when you see yourself every day. Any extra activity to start will do. Try walking extra to work/class (even if it's just parking at the other end of the lot) or look for workout DVDs that are short. Crunch (on netflix) workouts are usually 10 minutes and Jillian Michaels keeps hers to 20. Good Luck!
  • thebiggestloser1234
    Yeah, i forgot to mention, im only 18, so i still live with my parents and their not very supportive.(in other words, they are not willing to buy m the equipment and exercise dvds), so im trying my best. You guys have some good ideas though!! Thanks!!
  • sm_4ever17
    sm_4ever17 Posts: 128 Member
    your like me my family duznt support me either my sis will say ur ok ur thin enough n when i stop dieting they start making fun of me so nw av decided that i will nt stop dieting until i reach 46kg n laugh @ them cz @ dat w8 i'll b the slimmest in my family.

    m 20 year old female :smile: :flowerforyou: n i dnt really exercise what you cn do is go in your room n jog continously for 10 min thats what m dooing it'll tone your legs :wink:
  • thebiggestloser1234
    You mean jog in place??