New member 5'3 wanting to lose 20lbs by June.

Hey everyone! I'm Jessenia and I've just started last week. Ive been working out all these past days since January 1, and I have lost 2 lbs but I weighed myself today and gained those 2 lbs :( can anyone help me know why I'm gaining than losing? I mean I've been going to the gym for 2 hours a day doing cardio classes and some strength training ugh I just struggle alot with losing weight.


  • Could just be your muscles retaining water after the work out. don't worry all that much about what the scale says day to day. Take some pictures and grab a tape measure, and log some measurement on your biceps, chest, waist, and thighs. Believe me you'll be amazed at how the numbers change and what the pictures show you, a month from now.
  • ChickaDee2012
    ChickaDee2012 Posts: 49 Member
    There are some key things out there that you might want to consider:
    1) Are you drinking enough water? They say 8 glasses of water. You need to drink lots so that all the toxins are flushed from your body.
    2) Are you watching your diet? The food tracker here is pretty decent and it gives you an idea of what you need to do.
    3) Getting enough sleep? Sleep is soooo important, cuz that's when your body does most of the work.
    4) If you are starting Day 1 and were going from zero activity to high activity, your body is still getting adjusted to a new level of metabolism. When your body gets to a more optimum metabolism that's when you will see results. So focus on upping your metabolism through nutrition, exercise and sleep.
    5) Maybe try more frequent smaller meals (6 meals a day) - This might help you increase your metabolism. Think of it like a fire....Fueling the fire on a regular basis is better to maintain a consistent fire, than it is than loading it up only 3 times in the day.
    6) Intensity - Only you know how intense you work out.. But an intense workout for 30 minutes will produce different results than 30 minutes at a comfortable pace.

    Food for thought anyway....Hope it helps!
  • KatelynnMDuggan
    KatelynnMDuggan Posts: 41 Member
    you could also be gaining muscle too. i wish i could find a link. i look for a lot of inspirational websites and i found one of a girl who was quite small and weighed in the 120's and she got up to the 130's, but she looked even more amazing with the extra weight because the weight she gained was all in muscle. I agree with Kalani2012...measurements are a good thing to take because if you are gaining muscle you are still going to tone up, so they show you the big picture.
  • randompatch
    randompatch Posts: 14 Member
    I would recommend putting the scale away for the first month and focus on being that thinner person you see yourself becoming. Don't torture yourself with excessive exercise or drastically cutting your calories because its really stressful on your body (and who wants to live with constant torture?). Ease into it to help your body adjust to the change. Have fun exercising! Eat a wide array of good-for-you foods! (I do recommend the food journal, its very helpful) Being fit is a lifestyle, not a fad. In 6 months I'm sure you will notice the difference in your body and your overall health regardless of what the scale says.

    Congratulations and best of luck on your journey!

    Fit For Life
  • Thank you everyone! I will go buy a measure tape and not cobstantly weigh myself. Thus is all great information and motivation to try better on eating healthier! You can all add me for support :)