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Im dieting and exercising but ive put weight on!!!!!

I was wondering if anyone could help me, ive only been doing this a week (today actually lol)
and i know it will take time for my body to get used to the change but ive been keeping to my calories and if ive gone over any ive tried to exercise to make up for it. ive been exercising daily and eating more fruit and veg. I know i need to try and drink more water so thats going to be a new goal for me. I lost 0.6lb in the first 5 days (weighed in on wii fit board on Tuesday) but when i went on wii fitt last night ive put on 1lb. Since yesterday, sould this be due to the change in my exercise plan as i have been trying to do as much as i can every night or could you help me with my food diary to whittle out the kinks im having.

ps please add me as a friend so we can give each other some support throughout out journeys.

Thanks all

Vicki xx


  • ajlarz
    ajlarz Posts: 155 Member
    Keep doing what you are doing....sometimes it takes your body a while to figure out what it's supposed to be doing. I think that the first few weeks are the hardest to get through because not losing a lot of weight right away is discouraging. However...soon it will melt off! I do know one thing that could contribute to not losing weight is having too much sodium in your diet, so monitor that.

    You can do this!!
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Are you weighing at the same time each day? Weight can vary throughout the day.
  • Thanks ill keep the sodium thing in mind from now on. And yes the same time every day give or take 30 mins lol.
  • F1uffy2
    F1uffy2 Posts: 84 Member
    Hiya MummyTink. I've had a quick squiz through your meals and noticed that the last 3 days you've had pasta. Pasta tends to absorb even more water whilst inside you and could explain the temporary weight gain for you. I'm not for one minute suggesting stopping eating it as it's a great slow energy release for you, but you should find this time next week you have a good loss if you stick with it.

    When I was attending Rosemary Conley classes (many moons ago) a few of us had a week of pasta/rice every day and we all either stayed the same or put on up to 2lbs. The following week we continued eating pasta/rice 2 or 3 times and it stabilised. We all lost a minimum of 2lb at the 2nd weigh in. The instructor suggested it would be a good idea for us to make sure we drank our water as it helps to flush out. Hope this has helped.x
  • All I can really say is water. I had this problem too and it i because of water. Because I didnt drink much water my body stored it because it didnt know when it would get more. Now that I am drinking about 2 gallons a day, the water doesnt stay in me so I do not have any water weight. Also dont sprinkle salt on any of your food. foods have alot of sodium as is. And i would try not to weigh yourself everyday. you will get discouraged because your weight can actually go up or down 5 pounds everyday depending on how much water you have had, your bowels, etc.
  • livetolove24
    livetolove24 Posts: 16 Member
    Also if your near your time of the month, it could be water weight from bloating.
  • First of all, you're doing great so keep it up! Second, I have been told that once you begin an exercise and diet program do not weigh yourself for the first month! Your body is adjusting to what you're doing and it will take some time for the scale to show it. After that, it's good to only weigh yourself once a week, not every day since weight can fluctuate each day. You'll end up driving yourself absolutely nuts! Focus instead on how you feel and how your clothes fit instead of what the scale says. Hope this helps!
  • stephaniethomas80
    stephaniethomas80 Posts: 190 Member
    i know how you feel, it is very discouraging. a healthy amount of weight loss is around 1 lb per week. you must make sure that you eat at least 1200 cals a day or your body will begin storing anything you eat. there are lots of factors why u may have gained that pound rather than losing it as the others have said. If after a month you still haven't lost anything, try a stricter diet, less carbs more meat and veggies. i wish you luck and please do not get discouraged! weight loss is a tough battle, be strong and believe that you can do it!
  • pinchy7354
    pinchy7354 Posts: 6 Member
    Try not to weigh yourself too much because your body weight changes daily. I made that mistake and now weigh myself once a week
  • I've read too that when you start working out after having not for a while, our even just changing your routine, that your muscles tear, stretch and what the body does to heal it is retain water. So the first few Weeks could look like you are gaining, but really its your muscle tissue saying whoa what's going on! Lol. But then once you're muscles get used to it you lose the water you retained and one week it will seem like a dramatic difference in weight. That's what I read on another forum about p90x anyway because when I started that I got so upset because I was gaining, but that is what happened to most of the women on the forum. Hope that encourages! (realize I'm just quoting other people,I am not a health professional lol)
  • roguex_1979
    roguex_1979 Posts: 247 Member
    Are you weighing at the same time each day? Weight can vary throughout the day.

    And the wii fit board, if on carpet, is not very reliable I've found. And different scales can differ too (stupid as that is)!! You should defo be weighing yourself the same time of day, either naked or with the same weight of clothes you wore for the first weigh in and the SAME SCALES each time in the same place. I weigh differently if I weigh myself on the same scales but in a different room!

    All the other posters are right too. Water retention, the food you eat, sodium etc.

    You'll do fine! Weigh yourself once more, choose the time of day, morning before breakfast is best, and stick to that, and then don't weigh yourself for a week.

    Good luck!!

    Ooh! P.S. I've found for me that Wednesday is my 'light' day (when I WAS weighing myself everyday to begin with)...LOL!
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Same scales, same time, naked, preferrably in the morning after you've wee-ed. Time of month can make you gain something like 4lbs in water retention. Weight loss will happen - it isn't linear though, it will vary.. Just be patient and notice your overall patterns rather than daily or even weekly loss.
  • kessalove
    kessalove Posts: 27 Member
    I tried going back to being a semi vegetarian and noticed that I gained weight but when I was on vacation with BF I ate nothing but steaks, veggies and bread I lost weight...so I decided to have some pork this week and lo and behold, I lost the 10 pounds I gained back from after vacation...so I told BF that he's just going to have to accept it that I can no longer be a vegetarian as much as I and he would like me to be due to my corn allergy!