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Feel so disheartened

Hi all

I really need some help and encouragement. I have been dieting and exercising like mad. I eat some of my calories back from exercising. I have a 12 week old baby and I am wondering if this has changed my metabolism a bit....coz I have lost no weight! In fact I have gained 1lb!

I am trying to eat the right things, I allow myself a little treat every day, usually 2 rich tea lights. I have been eating more fruit and veg, more lean meats, seafood etc...but I still haven't lost weight. This time last year when I had just started my diet, I'd been doing it for 2 weeks and lost 10lb.

Atm I feel like just giving up.


  • LD6686
    LD6686 Posts: 77 Member
    Sorry I have now done this
  • Gracestar12
    Gracestar12 Posts: 46 Member
    I know absolutely nothing about the whole baby thing, but eating really good foods would mean better quality milk for bubs, wouldn't it? :smile:
  • LD6686
    LD6686 Posts: 77 Member
    I know absolutely nothing about the whole baby thing, but eating really good foods would mean better quality milk for bubs, wouldn't it? :smile:

    I wish. Unfortunately, due to some issues, I could never breast feed. So I was expressing for her. But my hv advised me to stop as it was causing me a lot of stress and I was getting depressed. We later found out she is lactose intollerant too.
  • Don't give up! How long have you been changing your life style? (I dislike the word dieting, it implies you'll go back to old ways) Safe weight loss is a pound a week. When did you weigh yourself when you were up a pound? Was it AM, PM? Was it the day after having too much salt? There's a lot that could explain one pound. Also...how do the clothes feel? Losing fat/changing your body is a whole lot different than losing pounds. Pounds is truly just a number. It's a number we all want to see go down, but it isn't what we should base everything off of. If your clothes are feeling better, then you're losing whether you see it on the scale or not. So you should feel good about that.

    Just don't give up. It takes time. Your past weight loss of 10 pounds in two weeks is absolutely insane! Did you do it in a healthy way? That's a lot of weight in two weeks and that's not a normal rate of weight loss. And maybe your metabolism did change this time. It might take you a little bit longer. But it WILL happen if you stick with it. That's why so many people fail, they don't stick with it.

    Stay up, stay positive. Refocus your energy and determination and you'll be fine. It'll happen. Just takes longer than we'd like sometimes.

    Good luck!
  • alisha232
    alisha232 Posts: 43 Member
    I know how you feel. We're in the same boat. My scale hasn't budged either. I just keep telling myself that either way I'm being healthier and getting stronger. Just try to stay motivated. I know it's hard.
  • LD6686
    LD6686 Posts: 77 Member
    Don't give up! How long have you been changing your life style? (I dislike the word dieting, it implies you'll go back to old ways) Safe weight loss is a pound a week. When did you weigh yourself when you were up a pound? Was it AM, PM? Was it the day after having too much salt? There's a lot that could explain one pound. Also...how do the clothes feel? Losing fat/changing your body is a whole lot different than losing pounds. Pounds is truly just a number. It's a number we all want to see go down, but it isn't what we should base everything off of. If your clothes are feeling better, then you're losing whether you see it on the scale or not. So you should feel good about that.

    Just don't give up. It takes time. Your past weight loss of 10 pounds in two weeks is absolutely insane! Did you do it in a healthy way? That's a lot of weight in two weeks and that's not a normal rate of weight loss. And maybe your metabolism did change this time. It might take you a little bit longer. But it WILL happen if you stick with it. That's why so many people fail, they don't stick with it.

    Stay up, stay positive. Refocus your energy and determination and you'll be fine. It'll happen. Just takes longer than we'd like sometimes.

    Good luck!

    Thank you! Last time I spent a lot of time in the gym, swimming and doing exercises on my kinect. I stuck to my 1200 calories and drank lots of water. I did have quite a high salt dinner last night (was at my partners parents and she made carbonara :/). I weighed myself this morning before breakfast and after going to the toilet (sorry tmi) and I have been on this weight loss journey for 2 weeks now. I also dislike the word diet, and usually use the same phrase "lifestyle change" as I have cut out a lot of the rubbish I used to eat. I guess there is just more to cut out.

    I also have problems drinking enough. For instance yesterday for the whole day I just had a 250ml diet lemonade and a cup of tea. That was it. I should really force myself to drink more. Perhaps I should work on portion sizes and drinking properly before I try to exercise too much
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    Keep up the good work it takes time. some weeks the scale doesnt move, some weeks it magically goes down two. I've lost 16 pounds so far and my baby is 8 months. i work my *kitten* off at the gym and eat near insane.
  • Remember you baby is still only 12 weeks old,its early days, so dont be too hard on yourself. Your hormones probably arent back to normal after having the baby so you may be right and your metabolism might be different. I put on over 3 stone in both my pregnancies, and they do say 9 months to put on the weight, 9 months to loose the weight, so give yourself the time. I know how easy it is to be disheartened thou, i started my diet this week and have tried to hard and my scales are still the same!! and im the worst person for loosing motivation and giving up. Hopefully we'll see results soon xx
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Yes, give yourself a break! A twelve week old baby is a tsunami in life-changing effects. Your hormones are probably still all over the place, you're probably not getting much sleep... goodness, I wouldn't suggest adding extreme exercise and very restricted calories to that!

    Be gentle to yourself and your body *will* respond! Don't punish your poor body - it did give you a lovely baby, after all. :smile:
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    OK - had a quick look at your diary - and from my perspective (and what works for me) you are lacking vegetables and salads in your nutritional plan.....and it is a good habit to get into, as you will need to incorporate into your little ones menu in any case in the near future...

    I would add at least one to two cups of vegetables / salad to your lunch and dinner plans....

    Other than that - are you measuring / weighing everything - making sure you understand actualy portion sizes?

    Keep on going - and try to get moving a bit - don't wait with that - you don't necesarilly start working out in the gym - but make sure you take that gorgeous baby of yours for some nice fast walks....

    Oh - and drink water - it is not a myth that it is good for you (and helps with weight loss!!)

    Good luck - keep on trucking - and the weight will start to shift ;-)
  • leanne1973
    leanne1973 Posts: 8 Member
    Remember you baby is still only 12 weeks old,its early days, so dont be too hard on yourself. Your hormones probably arent back to normal after having the baby so you may be right and your metabolism might be different. I put on over 3 stone in both my pregnancies, and they do say 9 months to put on the weight, 9 months to loose the weight, so give yourself the time. I know how easy it is to be disheartened thou, i started my diet this week and have tried to hard and my scales are still the same!! and im the worst person for loosing motivation and giving up. Hopefully we'll see results soon xx

    I agree with catsophie. But also, remember this. You have just made and produced a baby! Give yourself a pat on the back! Your body now has to replenish all the calcium, fat and protein it used up making and nurturing a baby for 9 months. Don't be so hard on it! Take it slowly, and remember, if your weight stays the same, that is just as good as it going down - it's better than it going up isn't it?!

    Enjoy the small victories and try not to see anything else as a failure. It's hard (God I know it's hard!) but you can do it. Chin up chuck :D
  • LD6686
    LD6686 Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks all.

    I know I should give myself a break, but when I have been obeses for the past 9 years it really upsets me that I can't lose it now that I want to.

    You are right, I have a gorgeous baby girl who is the most perfect little angel. She has been sleeping through the night now since New Years Eve. She goes 10 til 7, so i get plenty of sleep.

    I probably should eat more vegetables but it's so difficult at times trying to think what to do with them. I'm not a very good cook! But I do weigh everything out properly, and if I feel full I won't eat everything just coz it is there.

    As for exercise, I try to get out as often as I can with the baby. We go for up to 1hour walks at times, and where I live it's all up and down hills. However I suffered with a ripped pelvis (SPD) during pregnancy so still recovering from this. I do more yoga and cardio boxing on the kinect using a hrm. Think it's gonna be a big shop for veggies this week, no rubbish at all, not even treats. Just lean meats and veggies for every meal. See if that makes a difference :-)
  • Hi there..

    I checked your diary and see that you have your cals set in at 1200.. did you put in there that you'd like to lose 2lbs a week. This often becomes the default and I know it's difficult to wrap your head around.. But you may need to eat more. In order to lose weight successfully you should only be at a 500 cal defecit to what you're used to. Maybe set it to lose 1lb or even 1.5lbs a week.. And always eat your exercise cals. I never understood this before, but if you don't your just increasing your defecit which you certainly don't want to get over 1000 cals. I know it's really tough - and you must be having a really tough time with a new baby. But really just stick with it. I have days where I want to throw in the towel - but you have to push through it if you want to reach your goals. Eat lots of healthy stuff and feed your body. I know people can become desperate and expect quick weight loss, but unfortunately it's an unrealistic goal. KEEP AT IT!!! you'll do great - you just need to believe in yourself :)
  • Juleeroch
    Juleeroch Posts: 98 Member
    Dont give up.... !!!!!!!
    Perhaps you need to eat a bit more (set your calories to 1500 instead of 1200). Your body takes a long time to recover after pregnancy...........everything about your body has changed - and obviously your metabolism too. I would concentrate on trying to lose only half a pound a week..... dont get caught in the trap that you want to lose a dramatic amount each week.

    Good luck..................eat a bit more and eat healthy.....DONT get hung up on weight loss.... dieting etc..... enjoy your little baby and the weight will come off gradually.:happy:
  • LD6686
    LD6686 Posts: 77 Member
    I've taken people's advice and upped my calories. I shall see how I get on with that. I am also going to buy bottles of water so it is sat in front of me so I remember to drink more.

    I will add salad to every lunch and lots of veggies to my dinners. Hopefully I'll see some changes soon. Clothes still fit the same though.