Too fat to tone?

I was wanting to know if 5'1 204 lbs is to fat to do exercises like sit ups and the weights at the gym. I have a fear of building muscle under the fat and my stomach not going flat because of it...any advice would be welcome!


  • I would say that if you are losing weight then it won't be a bid deal. Plus muscle burns more calories, so it will help to get you to your goal! I'm in a similar boat, and though I've only been at this for about two weeks, I feel like I can already see a small change- even under all of my fat! (Even if I'm imagining it, its keeping me motivated and I feel so much healthier already!)
  • Why would you have a fear of building muscle? Muscle is good to improve your core strength and muscle is not fat, so there will be less fat. If you want the 6 pack though, you need to do cardio as well as weights (but then who wants to exercise for vanity rather than health...apart from me that is?) Good luck
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Now is the best time for weightlifting. It will increase your metabolism thereby allowing a more practical diet.

    Forget all the 'toning' stuff you've read in magazines. I suggest New Rules of Lifting for Women as a starting point.
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    Hi, I'm 5 foot and started at 206- I'm now at 182 which I have done just by healthy eating and doing cardio at the gym on my own. I've just started with a trainer at my gym and she has designed a programme for me with upper body weights, lower body resistance and planks for my core, alongside cardio. I'm like you and son't see any point in doing toning exercises because I still have so much weight to lose, but she says I need to build more muscle to burn more calories- and swapping body fat for muscle is a good thing as well.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I was wanting to know if 5'1 204 lbs is to fat to do exercises like sit ups and the weights at the gym. I have a fear of building muscle under the fat and my stomach not going flat because of it...any advice would be welcome!

    No, 5ft1" 204 pounds is not too fat to do sit ups and weights. We are the same height and I'm a big girl too. You should always work your abs and core. I don't lift heavy, because that's not my cup of tea, but I do strength train, which I rather do cardio/strength than just regular strength.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Now is the best time for weightlifting. It will increase your metabolism thereby allowing a more practical diet.

    I agree. The earlier you start strength training of any sort, the quicker you will boost your metabolism.
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    To address your abs question and concern directly, you will probably see your stomach pull in with some core training. If your core is weak the muscles aren't as taut and when they tighten up will actually draw your stomach in.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    As others have said... the sooner your start the better. I've never been a big fan of the word "tone", but when talking about a "toned appearance", you have to have some muscle. So why not start building it now? Then when you've lost the weight the muscle will already be there to show off.
  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    I think it's a 2X1 benefit! It builds muscle which helps you burn calories more effectively...and just think, after you have melted the fat, you'll have a toned body waiting for you!
  • Muscle is good! I have hard muscles under my layer(s) of fat... I'm just waiting for them to eat my fat. :)

    Muscle helps you burn more fat and overall calories!!
  • Now is the best time for weightlifting. It will increase your metabolism thereby allowing a more practical diet.

    Forget all the 'toning' stuff you've read in magazines. I suggest New Rules of Lifting for Women as a starting point.

    I definitely agree with this. You need to work all your muscles in your body. Those isolating exercises are definitely not the most efficient use of your time. Your muscles are meant to work together to get a job done. Overall strength is the best way to do that. Being able to do ten billion crunches isn't going to help the big picture.
  • caramia311
    caramia311 Posts: 49 Member
    Agree with the above about weight lifting, so I won't repeat all of the benefits.

    The only thing I would add is to wait before doing any kind of weighted crunches (crunches while you hold a weight above you) as that could bulk up your ab muscles and give the appearance of a larger stomach.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Definitely weight lift! I would suggest New Rules of Lifting for Women as a starting place. It will show you that muscle doesn't bulk you up and that strength is a good thing.

    I love strength training. When you can increase a body weight exercise by one rep or add 5 lbs to a weight lift, it is so encouraging. It gives you a whole new found confidence that will keep you motivated and working toward your goal. :smile:
  • Muscle is good! I have hard muscles under my layer(s) of fat... I'm just waiting for them to eat my fat. :)

    Muscle helps you burn more fat and overall calories!!
    ^^^^ Ditto! hard muscles!