Why does it seem I am loosing inches but not even a POUND???

I have been doing the calorie counter for months. And I work out on a regular basis. I average about 5 days a week and am very active. I am 5'7 and weight 158 pounds. Been that way for months. I have only lost 5 pounds. BUT I do feel alot of inches coming off as my pants fit better. How can I lose weight? HELP I need to get 15 pounds off by April.


  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Why worry about the # if you are losing inches??

    You lifting weights? I lift weights to help maintain as much muscle mass as possible and try to lose only the fat and as little muscle as possible. Unfortunately, that makes my weight loss very, very slow.
  • Sounds like you are replacing fat with muscle. Unfortunately muscle is heavier than fat and it will be improving with all the working out you are doing.

    Try focussing your exercise more on cardio and avoid strength training for a while and that might help you drop the pounds.
  • samiakhalid
    samiakhalid Posts: 6 Member
    Jeff: Yes I am lifting weights. Maybe you're right I shouldnt worry so much about the scale. But it just bothers me that it just doesnt budge at all no matter what. It seems as I get older its harder and harder to maintain.
  • samiakhalid
    samiakhalid Posts: 6 Member
    I usually do more cardio than strength trainin. Only because I feel so good after that run.
  • as long as you look slimmer it doesn't matter how much you weigh.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Unless you're in a weight class sport or there's a health concern or something like that, inches should trump the scale every time. Start taking those measurements and tracking that as well. It'll help.
  • slimgal613
    slimgal613 Posts: 52 Member
    That is what happened to me at first. Lost inches..then the pounds would start to come off. Inches lost is goooood!! Keep up the great work.

  • Bekzness
    Bekzness Posts: 122
    I found a great visual to summarize this...


    There was a great article I read a few months ago where a girl was slightly over weight. She decided she wanted to lose weight and get fit. She dropped about 30lbs and continued to train and improve her fitness. Her new goal suddenly changed from wanting to be 130lbs... to wanting to be as physically fit as she could be. She built up her muscle and toned her body, there were pics too, she looked amazing! The amazing thing about the change was her weight.... she ended up weiging more than she started but had hardly any fat on her.

    The point of course being its not all about weight... I will try hunt down the article as it had lots of her progress pictures on it and showed really what a difference in appearance there is in a body made up of 30% fat compared to that of the same body, weighing more, but made up of 18% fat :)
  • gcook1
    gcook1 Posts: 15
    thanks so much for that visual. I WAS getting the munchies. Now I don't think I'll be hungry for a few days. GROSS!!!!
  • Bekzness
    Bekzness Posts: 122
    thanks so much for that visual. I WAS getting the munchies. Now I don't think I'll be hungry for a few days. GROSS!!!!

    glad to be of service... the ultimate tool in weight loss.. ha ha ;) It's only what lays under all of our skin... it's just up to us which one is the greater amount!
  • Hello, I'm the exact same way. I have been here since Nov. and i have lost 5lbs but that is it. I work out almost everyday for an hour or so and have noticed i have lost inches but no weight. I wasn't too concerned with the number of pounds anymore just with the idea that i'm getting smaller. I know i am gaining more muscle so my weight isn't changing.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    In total agreement with everyone else. Would you rather it the other way around? That you reach a number on the scale you like, but didn't lose the inches you want?
  • timadotcom
    timadotcom Posts: 653 Member
    this happens to me - i feel the inches coming off, however the scale remains the same. What I have noticed when this happens is that the scale catches up with the inches lost. I have skinny jeans that felt looser on me and bam 2 days later scale dropped 2 lbs,

    The scale always catches up so stay at it:)
  • Agree with everyone else, it's how you feel then the number on the scale. Muscle is denser than fat so you could potentially weigh more but look smaller. A pound of muscle is the same as a pound of fat, a pound is a pound. But since muscle is denser, whereas fat is 'fluffier', you are going to look smaller with the higher composition of muscle over fat. Keep up the hard work, sounds like your doing well!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Let me put it this way...only you see the number on the scale and everyone else see you. I would rather losing inches than weight....and in fact I pretty much did for the last hummmmm 4 months.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Sounds like you are replacing fat with muscle
    Not true. A woman needs to eat clean and seriously strength train for a long time before muscle building takes place. And muscle does not replace fat. Fat cells and muscle cells are two different things and are not interchangeable.
    Unfortunately muscle is heavier than fat
    Muscle is heavier "by volume".
    Try focusing your exercise more on cardio and avoid strength training for a while
    Nothing wrong with cardio, but strength training will help you burn fat, it will allow your body to continue to burn fat post workout. It's not wise advice for a healthy woman to avoid strength training.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Try focusing your exercise more on cardio and avoid strength training for a while
    Nothing wrong with cardio, but strength training will help you burn fat, it will allow your body to continue to burn fat post workout. It's not wise advice for a healthy woman to avoid strength training.

    Absolutely!!! Who cares what the scale says?! Given the choice, I'd rather weigh MORE and wear a certain size than weigh LESS and wear the same size. Weighing more, you're burning more calories 24/7 and as a result, you get to eat more. I don't want to be stuck eating tiny portions and low calories forever and ever.

    Illustrating the point: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/449570-mfp-mythbusters-losing-weight-fast-exercise-calories-girl