Help please.....

I joined MFP - I believe, on 10/24. I haven't lost weight since 11/21 and I haven't lost any inches since 12/07. Between 10/24 and 11/21 I lost 6 lbs and that is it. Nothing more since then. I would love objective opinions (even if they are harsh) as to what I am doing wrong. I will open my diary too. Even though it'll make this post long I'll put what I've ate in the past 2 weeks because people may not want to have to scroll thru my whole diary.
I don't have insurance or money to see a nutritionist, I don't have money to see a personal trainer or go to a gym. I fit in doing work out videos either at 11 pm at night or 5:30 in the morning as that is my only time to do it. I have 3, or 4 or 6 kids depending on what day of the week it is. I work full time. My husband and I work opposite shifts, so time is very crunched. I was doing the 30 day shred. Now I am doing the 30 day shred it with weights (the kettle ball one). I try and do that every day so far I've done it 12 days out of the last 15. In addition (I don't always log these): But I am trying to do lunges, squats, just recently started a 100 push up challenge because I can barely do 2. I walk sometimes. I jog sometimes. But the only thing I do consistently is the video. I just ordered the rules of heavy lifting for women, waiting for that to come in the mail. I also try and do bicep and tricep stuff because that's about all I have in my house at the moment. and (hopefully the book will teach me more stuff I can do at home) I know I've improved in that area a bit because I could only curl 10 lbs at first and now I am up to 25 lbs. So basically I try to stay under my 1300 calories and do my work out video.
I am 30 years old. I am 5 ft 8 in. and I weigh 189 pounds.
I've done WW in the past with success, but I did it this summer and lost 3 lbs total. So I gave up on that one.
Oh, another thing to consider is I am not gung ho about trying insanity or p90x due to all the jumping because last Feb I completely tore my ACL, partially tore my MCL and meniscus and I haven't had surgery or anything to repair it so I need to be careful of that.
I try not to eat too many exercise calories back because 1) what if I am not counting my caloric intake perfectly and 2) how do I really know I've burned 300 calories with the video
I know this is a bunch of randomness but I am trying to think of all the important bits of info..... because I'd really love to know what I am doing wrong. I am trying not to completely focus on the # on the scale.... because I know that isn't always an indicator of how good someone looks or how healthy they are.... but I haven't lost any more inches either.....

Thanks in advance for any time you took reading this and giving me any of your opinions.


  • AWiggity
    Sunday 1/1- 1,284 calories (also work out video- burned 300 cals)
    breakfast: coffee with sugar free creamer, special k fruit and yogurt cereal with almond milk
    lunch: none
    dinner: beef stew with german spaetzle noodles, one biscuit and one slice of everything italian bread
    snacks: air popped popcorn with spray butter, 5 gummy bears, 1 scoop of protein powder in unsweetened almond milk

    Monday 1/2- 1,269 calories (also work out video- burned 300 cals)
    breakfast: DD medium coffee w/ cream and 3 splenda, special k fruit & yogurt cereal w/ almond milk
    lunch: chicken gumbo soup and baked lays
    dinner: salad with light ranch and crunch salad topping (that's like baco bits with sunseeds), green beans and asparagus, steak and a bite of stuffing
    snacks included: half scoop protein powder in unsweetened almond milk, baked lays, and a mini 3 musketeer

    Tuesday 1/3- 1,276 (work out video- burned 300 cals, jogged 1 mile, weight lifting)
    breakfast: coffee w/ skim milk & splenda, special k fruit & yogurt cereal w/ almond milk
    lunch: salad w/ baco bits and light ranch, chicken barley soup
    dinner: 2 eggs, 3 slices of turkey bacon, 2 pieces of 35 cal bread, 1 tbsp no sugar added strawberry preserves
    snack: nuts

    Wednesday 1/4- 1,301
    breakfast: DD medium coffee w/ cream and splenda, 1/2 protein bar
    lunch: greek salad w/ chicken & balsamic
    dinner: fish and tartar sauce on a roll w/ 5 sweet pickle slices, slice of american cheese, lettuce with fat free italian and salad toppers
    snack: 1 tbsp of PB

    Thursday 1/5- 1,518 (work out vide0- burn 300 cals, weight lifting)
    breakfast: coffee w/ sugar free creamer, oatmeal w/ egg whites
    lunch- beef soup
    snack- 15 pretzels
    dinner- I ate chinese and put in 1000 calories for it

    Friday 1/6- 1,608 (work out video- burn 300 cals)
    breakfast: coffee w/ sugar free creamer, mandarin orange, 1/2 protein bar
    lunch: greek salad w/ chicken
    dinner: 1/2 steak and cheese sub, slice of pizza
    snack: popcorn

    Saturday 1/7- unsure

    Sunday 1/8- 1,152
    breakfast: coffee w/sugar free creamer, apple, 100 calorie egg & ham cup
    lunch: piece of salami and cheese wrapped together, baked lays
    dinner: PBJ, bite of ham, bite of potatoes
    snack: one whiskey and coke, popcorn, some doritos earlier in the day

    Monday 1/9- 1,018
    breakfast: coffee w/sugar free creamer, Kellogg special k strawberry bar
    snack: apple
    lunch: salad w/ light ranch, chicken noodle soup
    dinner: salami sandwich on lite bread and baked lays
    snack: 100 calorie fudge pop

    Tuesday 1/10- 1,328 (work out video, run 1 mile, 10 more mins of work out video- burned 600 cals)
    breakfast: coffee w/ sugar free creamer, special k fruit & yogurt cereal w almond milk
    snack: pear
    lunch: 2 slices of pizza
    dinner: one potato, cod, scallops- tartar sauce
    snack: scoop of protein powder in almond milk

    Wednesday 1/11- 1,367 (work out video- burn 300 cals)
    breakfast: coffee w/ sugar free creamer, apple and 1 tbsp PB
    lunch: chicken curry soup
    dinner: 2 pancakes w/ blueberry syrup, 1 egg, 3 slices turkey bacon
    snack: scoop of protein powder in skim milk

    Thursday 1/12- 1,286 (weight lifting, push ups)
    breakfast: egg white &oatmeal, coffee w/ sugar free creamer
    lunch: tuna wrapped in lettuce leaves and some more lettuce w/ balsamic vinegar on it
    dinner: chicken w/slice of cheese, 1 slice bacon on a roll, zucchini, onion, and broccoli, pierogies

    Friday 1/13- (work out video- burn 300 cals)
    breakfast: coffee and 2 hard boiled eggs
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Add more fresh foods. Less processed.
  • casbar911
    casbar911 Posts: 61 Member
    Lots of sodium in the processed foods....
  • beckie4442
    Eat more, less processed foods, drink LOTS of water..... Get a heart rate monitor, When I did 30DS i burned 185 cals per session. :happy:
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Try zig zagging your calories, mixing it up may help your body. It also helps me to have a big calorie day every once in a while when I'm at a stand still. Also, eating healthier would help as well, but I lost my weight not eating the greatest, so I feel it can be done.
  • nnapieralski
    nnapieralski Posts: 132 Member
    Cut out potatoes and stay away from white breads.
  • tlcohn
    tlcohn Posts: 6 Member
    The key is calorie intake. portion control & EXERCISE!! Process food is so bad for you.. I lost 50 lbs last year slacked over the summer and put 10+ back on.. I am back on track and found you want pizza make it yourself with low fat items (eg: cheese, sause & wheat dough) I make mini pizza for a snakk I make it with wheat english muffins.. they are so good! When I do order chinese I ask for no MSG..Good luck to you!
    check this out...