Hi Everyone

Hello Everyone,

This is my 2nd day on MFP and I am so excited to have found this type of support. Last year I lost about 25 pounds but have gained back 20. I am so hopeful again that I can get healthy for good. :)


  • kmhallett
    kmhallett Posts: 98 Member
    This place is amazing for support. I used to laugh at these sites but this one inspires me. Eveytime I feel down about my diet, have a question or just need some motivation I come here and read. Good luck!
  • Shellebell921
    Shellebell921 Posts: 12 Member
    I am also new to this site and in need of some friends to share in the weight loss experience. I have been tracking my meals since the beginning of Jan. but i recently discovered the community feature a couple of days ago. I think it's great and its been very exciting. I am hoping to make this time around a lifestyle change instead of the yo yo dieting that I have experienced in the past. Please feel free to add me as a friend and we can encourage and motivate each other.. Good Luck on your journey and hope to hear from you soon..
  • Lillian1984
    Hello, I have been on MFP for about a week or so now..My co workers and I thought it would be a good idea to hold each other accountable this year!!! I love this website!!! I wish u the best of luck and your weight loss dreams come true!!! :tongue: