Need a jump-start

Hello! I am new-ish to MFP. Had the ap for some time. Used it religiously at first, then waned. Today, I have renewed my committment to tracking all of my food and am dipping my toe in the MFP 'community' for support! I feel stuck in the cold, gray winter, that is western NY and it has been really hard to motivate myself to get to the gym. Looking for some tips from those in snow country on how to stay (ahem, or start, in my case) active, when you're snowed in! :happy:


  • gjprincess
    gjprincess Posts: 29 Member
    I live in Colorado, even though we are weak on the snow this year there is still a lot of fun activities. I enjoy putting on my boots, bundeling up and head out on a hike with my camera in tow. Snowshoeing is another great way to get out and get active. Most sporting goods stores that cater to winter sports have some you can rent. Of course there is always cross country skiing to. (again you can usually rent those for around $25) :happy: Just because there's snow doesn't mean you cant get out. On a daily bases I do my workout videos and treadmill. :laugh:
  • kmhallett
    kmhallett Posts: 98 Member
    How funny I am from Western NY as well! How do you like the snow today?
  • LOVE it! hehe. Got all ready for the gym super-early and then we lost power because of the ice. My motivation was so low, that's all it took for me to ditch the gym and drink a pot of lukewarm coffee instead. I don't know what I'll do when we get a substantial amount of snow!
  • Hello! I am new-ish to MFP. Had the ap for some time. Used it religiously at first, then waned. Today, I have renewed my committment to tracking all of my food and am dipping my toe in the MFP 'community' for support! I feel stuck in the cold, gray winter, that is western NY and it has been really hard to motivate myself to get to the gym. Looking for some tips from those in snow country on how to stay (ahem, or start, in my case) active, when you're snowed in! :happy:

    Well I'm from Canada! So I know what you're experiencing with the cold and bleakness of winter! But I have to tell you, there is no reason to fret! I have recently taken up P90X!!! It is a phenomenal home workout! :) i still hit the gym for the elliptical but the results I've seen in the last couple of weeks, using cardioX and ab ripperX have sent my body into overdrive and I'm really starting to tone and the inches are coming off!!! :) You should give it a try! :)
  • Snowshoeing sounds like fun! What a good idea. I have more access to parks and open land, than I ever did before, so besides renting/borrowing snowshoes, it'd be practically free to do. I pretty much counted outdoor activities 'out' after our first snow fall...besides snow shoveling, that's nice to be reminded that there are activities to be had. Thanks!
  • kmhallett
    kmhallett Posts: 98 Member
    Today is the first day I feel like we are in Western NY. I cant believe only one school closed around here. I bought an elliptical so today Im turning up the music and looking out the window and going for it. Im gonna enjoy the snow while we get it:)
  • Oh, an elliptical at home sounds awesome! I'd have some convincing to do with my fiance, who'd like me to use my gym membership first, but I always thought it would be ideal to have an elliptical or treadmill. Also, I have seen the P90X infomercials before...definately caught my interest. Although, I have always been afraid of weight or resistance training - of any sort. It's intimidating, but I know it shouldn't be!