Any moms out there that had c-sections?

Day three of turbo fire and BOY am I feeling it!! I think I worked it a little too hard yesterday but hey- no pain no gain right? Lol. I am already beginning to see and feel small changes. So exciting!! :)

Just have a quick question for moms out there who have had c-sections. I was overweight when I got pregnant and ballooned up to 225 by the end of it. Anywho, is there any hope for a flat stomach after all this? Any of you c-section moms have a flat stomach now?


  • mlachance9
    mlachance9 Posts: 49 Member
    I had a c-section with my second child and had gotten up to 224 before I lost 75 lbs a couple years ago. My stomach never got totally flat. I'm not sure what your desired ending weight is, so maybe if your goal weight is less then mine you might have less of a stomach, but due to where the scar is - I think we will always have something there. But then who knows if you do a lot of crunches (not my thing), then that might help as well. Good luck! And feel free to friend me if you want.
  • tksCHILL
    tksCHILL Posts: 2 Member
    I was about 210 at delivery and 132.5 now. I workout with a trainer 2x per week and abs are part of every workout. My stomach appears nearly flat in clothes, but without, you can still some excess skin, particularly when I'm bent over. My trainer assures me the skin will tighten over time. Fortunately, I don't have any overhang / pooch above the incision line due to my OB's excellent work. I do believe with more toning exercises it will get even better. Keep working at it and you'll get there!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    My pregnancy nearly left me dead, but the C-Section was necessary due to really bad health problems that I didnt know I had...But when you deliver an almost 10lb instant TODDLER, yeah, Im not banking on having a flat stomach again! LOL!!!!!!

    After 70lbs gone, I see a much smaller stomach, but I definitely have some loose skin. After I lose the next 70lbs, Im pretty sure for me, I will need some reconstructive work done...

    Im not going to hope for a flat stomach when all is said and done, Im more focused on eating only healthy foods, no junk, no processed... will keep the exercise going... and that is what Im going to focus on....
  • Thanks ladies! I have noticed that the more weight I lose the more the skin sags :(. Ah well. I'll call them my "crusade wounds" lol

    My goal is to get to 130 lbs. I started losing at 240 lbs and and currently down to 194. I'm terribly impatient but am excited to see turbo fire is ALREADY changing my body. Love it!!
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Csection and a vbac. I got up to 200lbs with my first. My youngest is now 13 months. I did Insanity, running an biking. I have the smallest pooch left but it's going away slooowly. I didn't do any ab work cause I hate it lol you can see my belly in my profile pic.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    c-section mom, started at 193. almost flat.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    4 c-sections and almost there!:heart:
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Not super rock hard flat, but flat enough.
  • jeorwa
    jeorwa Posts: 92 Member
    I had a c section...and I plan on having a flat stomach! I'm 12 weeks post partum, and I have a "dunlop" but when I was fat before I had one as well...when I lost the weight it went away. Here's to hoping it will again when I lose the weight!
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    Mine is flat, although when I bend over it's a little flabby. But, I can live with it!
  • carrie564
    carrie564 Posts: 44 Member
    I've had 2 c-sections & the tummy never gets totally toned after. I even had two trainers tell me so. You can hope to get rid of almost all the fat by doing tons of cardio & toning, but not the 'looseness'. The bottom line is that they cut through skin, your abs and nerves: The trainer told me how those nerves and blood vessels around the area are practially dead & gone after being sliced up, so blood & nutrient & exercise 'flow' just aren't ever going to get to that area like it should. I'm fairly vain, so I'm considering lipo whenever I'm done having kids... it's really frustrating never wearing dresses because there's always just a little pouch popping out of my silouhette. I'm sick of little kids poking it at church, asking "What's that?" and people thinking i'm "preggo & just not telling people yet.". ULGH. You just have to learn to dress differently. My whole wardrobe is based around my tummy being hidden now.
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    I had 3 c sections and an emergency appendectomy 5 days after my first child was born (scar down from my belly button that connects to small c section scars...LOVELY). I've gotten down to 118 lbs at one point, very very fit, long distance runner and did lots of weights, abs etc... my lower stomach never got flat. My dr said the only thing that would change it would be a tummy tuck. I think it is what it is, and a small price to pay for 3 amazing children, now 12, 10 and 6 years. :smile:
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    i have had two csections and now weigh 112 and my tummy is flat.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    This mommy had 4 c-sections and my last baby was well over 10 lbs. I was way over weight for many years. I don't expect to ever get a flat tummy without plastic surgery. Thank God that clothes hide things and I've got a good man by my side. :-)
  • kayleen_longworth
    kayleen_longworth Posts: 147 Member
    I am just getting started, but I know what you mean about having a flat stomach after a c-section. The upside down shelf look sucks. I am convinced that in order for it to look like it did before kids, I will need a tuck. But if I lose enough weight, I will be happy regardless. As long as it isn't noticable in clothing, I am fine with it so far. Maybe after the next pregnancy they can do a little tuck right after delivery to smooth things out. Wishful thinking I know. :)
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I've had 2 c-sections and my tummy is pretty flat. I'm 5'5.5" tall and currently weigh 123. When I was pregnant with my first I was just over 200lbs when I had her.

    Watch your carbs, eat lots of protein and work out. The tummy will go away. I proudly wear a bikini now - something I never did even before I had kids because I wasn't this weight or in such good shape.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    i have had two csections and now weigh 112 and my tummy is flat.

    You look fantastic. Can I ask how tall you are? I'm shooting for a goal weight of 115, the last few pounds probably being a bit more for "vanity" and hoping that the last small layer of fat over my abs will melt off and I can show off the muscles that I can feel under that little layer of fat. :)
  • I also ballooned to about 225 lbs (and I'm 5'3). I had a c-section as well. I'm now 178lbs, and I am noticing changes, but I don't think my stomach could become completely flat unless I worked with a trainer. Also, nothing fixes excess skin aside from surgery (unfortunately) and that's a bit of my problem as well. If I get to my goal of 125, and I'm really unhappy with my tummy's appearance, I may consider having skin removed surgically. But that's a very personal choice and I am in no way recommending it.

    Keep working at it!! I DO know women who had c-sections who now have flat stomachs, but they also didn't gain quite as much as I did during their pregnancies.

  • I've had 3 c-sections, was up to 200lbs with my first and never got below 180 with any of them. I'm down to 123-124 not, and yes there's still a pooch sort of thing, but mostly noticable when I bend over...I'd LOVE a tummy tuck someday, and a boob job...and lypo on my butt lol but for right now I'm pretty happy at where I'm at for haveing 3 kids 5 and under.
  • bkw2488
    bkw2488 Posts: 190 Member
    I have had 6 C-Sections, I am pretty sure, I will never have a flat stomach :cry: I still have some more weight to lose, sure hoping it get's alot better over time. I drink lots of water and use lotion daily.
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