Familial Brain Aneurysms


Maybe this isn't the right place to post this, but here goes.

My mom had an aneurysm to rupture in February 1997. She found out she had 3 aneurysms left. She has been left disabled. Can't use her left arm at all and she's very limited to walking. She is in a wheelchair most of the time. My mom's mom was also diagnosed with an aneurysm while she was being checked for something else, but her's was never operated on because it never ruptured.

Anyways, I worry every day when I have strange feelings in my head, thinking I have an aneurysm. I have battled every day for the last 12 years, whether or not I should have a test done to see if I have one. I am worrying myself sick here. PLEASE HELP!!!!! :cry:


  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    Take the test! It will put your mind at ease, or at least if you do have them, you will know and then plan accordingly. It's better to know and be able to prepare. Also, just because they are in the family doesn't mean that you have them for sure. A brother of my son's friend (that's confusing), had one that put him in a coma, and it's taken 2 years for him to recover to the point where he can stand with assistance. They tested everyone else in the immediate family and they are all clear.

  • SulisVioletWings
    I am sorry that your Mom did not find out until something happened. I also get strange feelings on the side of my head since I was a teenager. I have had the doctor informed of them but he has told me they are muscle spasisms (sorry spelling). If these feelings have been worring you then I would personally go and ask your doctor about them. It really might be nothing at all but stressed out muscles from working at your computer for example... Better to be that little bit more sure than to keep thinking badly... It would only make it worse and then you have spent needless energy on negative thoughts.

    Have a check-up and keep your doctor in the loop... If you are still unsure cause your heart tells you there is something more get it looked into by a specialist... Once you have the all clear let it go...

    Also good luck with your weight loss program! :happy:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Get tested! My Dad had the BRCA2 gene which wsa found when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It can lead to a very high risk for breast cancer (50- 80%) and a high risk of ovariancancer(25%)

    I got tested, found out I had teh same gene and have been doing things to help lower my risk ( total hysterectomy, eating better foods, exercise, weight reduction, cutting back on alcohol)

    When you know, you can deal with it better
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    My dad and aunt both had surgeries to control brain aneurysms. So the surgeon told me and my sister that we should get tested as adults. I had a cat scan last year to look for them. I was worried because I had started getting migranes. It came out clean and I am glad I had it done. I say go for it, after all stressing about it isn't good for you and if you do have one it's best to find out sooner rather than later.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    My best friend's mother had an aneurysm.
    My best friend was worried, had the test, received an all clear.
    Take the test. One result would put you at ease, the other would prepare you medically.
  • bh34
    bh34 Posts: 94
    My best friend's mother had an aneurysm.
    My best friend was worried, had the test, received an all clear.
    Take the test. One result would put you at ease, the other would prepare you medically.

    Thank you for the words of encouragement. I'm so worried and confused as to what to do. I've been battling in my mind mentally for the last 12 years. I'm frustrated. Plus I have 2 daughters that I want to grow old with and I keep worrying about that. I can't enjoy life much, for worrying about the stuff. :frown:
  • bh34
    bh34 Posts: 94
    My dad and aunt both had surgeries to control brain aneurysms. So the surgeon told me and my sister that we should get tested as adults. I had a cat scan last year to look for them. I was worried because I had started getting migranes. It came out clean and I am glad I had it done. I say go for it, after all stressing about it isn't good for you and if you do have one it's best to find out sooner rather than later.

    I'm glad that your's came back clean. It's very scary. If I knew that I would get the "all clear," I would go tomorrow and have the test. But, I'm so worried that it's going to be bad news. My mom's ruptured when she was 40. I will be 35 this year. I guess the closer I get to 40, the more it scares me. HELP!!!!
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    My sister-in-law had one at 37 and had surgery, she has been fine for over 10yrs now. I can totally understand your fears and being scared to find out. My suggestion is that you start thinking of this from your kids point of view. Would they want you to know and get it fixed? or not know and have it sneak up on you and possible take you from them? Of course they want you well!!!! And since It seems to be hereditary, what are you going to tell them to do? are you going to encourage them to get tested? I think you will, but you have to take care of yourself first, then you will have all the answers to their questions when it comes time for them to face this issue in their own lives.
    Please talk with your Dr. and find the peace of mind and rest from the stress that you so deserve. Just reading your post touched my heart and I feel your anxiety in my heart for your situation.
    We all have issues that we fear, we are all human and all face mortality, as scarey as it is. I fear my heart. I have had tests done, and they came out with an irregularity, but nothing that can be pinpointed. so I secretly worry and have it rechecked every couple years. I've done everything I can, "quit smoking, eating healthy, exercise," to decrease my likelihood of a heartattack. and that is all I have the power to do, from here I leave it up to GOD and pray that he gives me a long and happy life.
    I wish you luck, happiness, and peace.....go get the tests....face your fears head on.. you can do it !!
  • bh34
    bh34 Posts: 94
    My sister-in-law had one at 37 and had surgery, she has been fine for over 10yrs now. I can totally understand your fears and being scared to find out. My suggestion is that you start thinking of this from your kids point of view. Would they want you to know and get it fixed? or not know and have it sneak up on you and possible take you from them? Of course they want you well!!!! And since It seems to be hereditary, what are you going to tell them to do? are you going to encourage them to get tested? I think you will, but you have to take care of yourself first, then you will have all the answers to their questions when it comes time for them to face this issue in their own lives.
    Please talk with your Dr. and find the peace of mind and rest from the stress that you so deserve. Just reading your post touched my heart and I feel your anxiety in my heart for your situation.
    We all have issues that we fear, we are all human and all face mortality, as scarey as it is. I fear my heart. I have had tests done, and they came out with an irregularity, but nothing that can be pinpointed. so I secretly worry and have it rechecked every couple years. I've done everything I can, "quit smoking, eating healthy, exercise," to decrease my likelihood of a heartattack. and that is all I have the power to do, from here I leave it up to GOD and pray that he gives me a long and happy life.
    I wish you luck, happiness, and peace.....go get the tests....face your fears head on.. you can do it !!

    Thanks for your reply. You've touched me in a way, that I can't explain. I started to cry when I read your post. :cry:

    I DO want to be around for my kids. I will also encourage them to be tested as they get older. The only thing is, my husband doesn't understand. He's not being very supportive of me being scared and wanting to be tested. On the other hand, my mom thinks I should.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry, I just wanted you to know that we are all the same in so many ways and that your not alone in your fears. I hope that you can find the strength that you need to do what you need to do.
    :smile: I have faith in you:smile:
    please don't let anyone else( husband) influence your decisions about YOUR health. You may have to just tell him point blank, that it is your body and you have to make the smartest choices for yourself and your kids and if he can't support you in that, than he should just step aside and keep it to himself.
    "I'm sorry if I sound harsh, I will never be tollerant of people, who can't be supportive to the people they love and share their life with"
    Please don't let that stop you from doing the right thing for yourself. If he won't help you out, find someone who will, a friend, your mom, anyone that you can lean on for support. And if there is no one there, you just stand up tall and lean on yourself, you show them all how strong you are and that you can take care of yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • bh34
    bh34 Posts: 94
    I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry, I just wanted you to know that we are all the same in so many ways and that your not alone in your fears. I hope that you can find the strength that you need to do what you need to do.
    :smile: I have faith in you:smile:
    please don't let anyone else( husband) influence your decisions about YOUR health. You may have to just tell him point blank, that it is your body and you have to make the smartest choices for yourself and your kids and if he can't support you in that, than he should just step aside and keep it to himself.
    "I'm sorry if I sound harsh, I will never be tollerant of people, who can't be supportive to the people they love and share their life with"
    Please don't let that stop you from doing the right thing for yourself. If he won't help you out, find someone who will, a friend, your mom, anyone that you can lean on for support. And if there is no one there, you just stand up tall and lean on yourself, you show them all how strong you are and that you can take care of yourself. :flowerforyou:

    It's okay. I get sentimental when it comes to my kids and my health. Wow, what an inspiration you are. You should really think about writing a book or something. You could touch other people's hearts and lives. I will take every word you said to heart and think really hard about it. Maybe I can get my mom and dad to go with me for an MRI.

    ~Becky~ :smile:
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    My dad and aunt both had surgeries to control brain aneurysms. So the surgeon told me and my sister that we should get tested as adults. I had a cat scan last year to look for them. I was worried because I had started getting migranes. It came out clean and I am glad I had it done. I say go for it, after all stressing about it isn't good for you and if you do have one it's best to find out sooner rather than later.

    I'm glad that your's came back clean. It's very scary. If I knew that I would get the "all clear," I would go tomorrow and have the test. But, I'm so worried that it's going to be bad news. My mom's ruptured when she was 40. I will be 35 this year. I guess the closer I get to 40, the more it scares me. HELP!!!!
    I know you are worried about that bad news but you should be more worried about what will happen if they don't find it in time. I know that sounds harsh but it is true. I know this sounds bad too, but in a way you are lucky that you know you are predisposed for it so that you can get checked early.
    The ones that my dad and aunt had did not rupture but they were so big that they had to cut open their skulls to operate to stabilize them and prevent them from rupturing. My dad had a stroke on the operating table and almost died. Storkes are a big risk with that kind of brain surgery. Had they been caught earlier their is a much less invasive procedure where they go up an artery near your groin to stabilize them. You do not need to be put under and their is next to no risk or recovery time. Not knowing is not the answer! Now go get that test!!!! :happy: By the way if you keep stressing yourself out over this you are just going to cause yourself other health problems.... make an appointment today.:flowerforyou:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry, I just wanted you to know that we are all the same in so many ways and that your not alone in your fears. I hope that you can find the strength that you need to do what you need to do.
    :smile: I have faith in you:smile:
    please don't let anyone else( husband) influence your decisions about YOUR health. You may have to just tell him point blank, that it is your body and you have to make the smartest choices for yourself and your kids and if he can't support you in that, than he should just step aside and keep it to himself.
    "I'm sorry if I sound harsh, I will never be tollerant of people, who can't be supportive to the people they love and share their life with"
    Please don't let that stop you from doing the right thing for yourself. If he won't help you out, find someone who will, a friend, your mom, anyone that you can lean on for support. And if there is no one there, you just stand up tall and lean on yourself, you show them all how strong you are and that you can take care of yourself. :flowerforyou:

    It's okay. I get sentimental when it comes to my kids and my health. Wow, what an inspiration you are. You should really think about writing a book or something. You could touch other people's hearts and lives. I will take every word you said to heart and think really hard about it. Maybe I can get my mom and dad to go with me for an MRI.

    ~Becky~ :smile:

    I totally get the "Sentimental" stuff. I am so with you girl. YOu are so sweet to say such nice things, I don't usually get so personal unless what someone says really touches me, and your story does. I just feel where your coming from and hope that you really can find your way to a little more peace of mind.
    :happy: Now ,you go out there and kick some butt today!!!!!!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Did you make the appointment?:wink: