
Tried a 60 minute Zumba class for the first time at my gym. Loved it. I want to be able to track my calories burnt on my exercise journal but couldn't find Zumba as an entry. Does anyone know the equivalent so I know what I burnt? Thanks.


  • Perfect reason to buy a nice HRM (Heart Rate Monitor)!

    There are too many variables involved for you to be able to accurately track how many calories you burned during such an activity. Everyone in the class will experience different burns due to their own physical traits, level of exertion, fitness level, etc.

    An HRM monitors YOU and gives YOU exact results, not an estimation based off some chart or table. It's a great investment that you'll be able to use for all your workouts. You might be suprised to see just how "off" some estimates can be, whether it's MFP, or equipment at a gym.

    This is MY body, and I'm doing this for ME! So I want to be as precise as I can. Just my $0.02 :)
  • I went to zumbacalories.com and found it there. Then did a little more trail and error on MFP and found that belly dancing was about the same as the zumbacalories.com.... you can always change the calories when you add the excersise.
  • I've been wondering the same thing and am thrilled to finally have an answer! Thank you!
  • LouiseWalton
    LouiseWalton Posts: 3 Member
    I've always just used aerobics at 474 cals. Am I anywhere near?
  • AliR105
    AliR105 Posts: 30 Member
    glad ur enjoying zumba :) i go too about twice a week at the gym and totally love it. i have the same problem tho. i really want to know how much ive managed to burn. i have zumba for the wii to but this site doesnt seem to understand the word zumba or the word wii lol xx
  • CourteneyLove
    CourteneyLove Posts: 246 Member
    I went to zumbacalories.com and found it there. Then did a little more trail and error on MFP and found that belly dancing was about the same as the zumbacalories.com.... you can always change the calories when you add the excersise.

    I think it's interesting they have belly dancing before Zumba. You'd think it'd be the opposite.
  • Zoey290
    Zoey290 Posts: 13
    It really does depend on the instructor, but zumbacalories.com will give you a rough idea. I go to 2 diff instructors...several people have worn the heart rate monitors...one averages between 800 to 1000/hour and the other instructor averages 600-800. So I just go inbetween and log 600/hour. LOVE ZUMBA!!!!
  • I just started Zumba last week and my class is full, I had to ask the people there how many calories they burned and one of the ladies had a little monitor, and hers said she burned of 836 calories and she was very sweaty, so I believe her monitor :) The instructor herself told me depending on how much you put into it, it ranges from 300 to 800 with her class because its quite intense. I do 3 hours of Zumba a week and it is really amazing! Good luck on your journey. x
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    I can burn over 800 calories an hour doing Zumba.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I log it as aerobic - high impact. This gives a slightly lower number than the zumbacalories website, but it's pretty close. If everything else on MFP is accurate, then this seems pretty correct since I lost at the rate it said I should when I ate that many calories back.

    ETA: I do the Zumba DVDs, not a live class The web site may be more accurate for the DVDs or games, since an instructor may vary from the standard Zumba moves at times.
  • apesid
    apesid Posts: 135 Member
    I think it really depends on the person and how fit they are also. I just did Zumba for the first time last night too (SO fun!) and I burned 724 cals (according to my HRM) in the hour.
  • Hi, I agree! where can I find a HRM monitor? My local walmart? Thanks ;)
  • YbFit
    YbFit Posts: 3 Member
    BuildABetterMe has the BEST answer yet!!!

    Ladies & Gents, it's important to get the correct burn rates for your bodies!!! A HRM is a great investment!!!!!
  • Oh my gosh! Im sooo jealous! I want to go to a zumba class so bad! I tried my friends Zumba fitness for the wii and i hated it. I keep dropping hints to my husband(ok, there not really hints lol) to buy the dvds we always see on tv... I would definately prefer the motavation of a class much better! Will it be worth the 45-60 min drive?oh, I also bought Dance off the inches Belly Dance with Kili Marti. It was ok, but I think there is something better as far as belly dance goes?
  • Zoey290
    Zoey290 Posts: 13
    Oh my gosh! Im sooo jealous! I want to go to a zumba class so bad! I tried my friends Zumba fitness for the wii and i hated it. I keep dropping hints to my husband(ok, there not really hints lol) to buy the dvds we always see on tv... I would definately prefer the motavation of a class much better! Will it be worth the 45-60 min drive?oh, I also bought Dance off the inches Belly Dance with Kili Marti. It was ok, but I think there is something better as far as belly dance goes?

    FYI...I have the Zumba dvd's and like them, but classes at the gym are WAY more intense and alot more FUN.
  • Not a bad idea. Thanks for the response. I will look into it.
  • mrsjefa
    mrsjefa Posts: 20 Member
    My old instructor said about 800 cals!! Zumba rocks!!!
  • hottiewannabe
    hottiewannabe Posts: 92 Member
    A heart monitor is the BEST way to get accurate calorie count for Zumba. And, it really does vary between instructors. I can burn 800 or 900 with a really intense instructor, but average 600-800 with most. The DVDs are convenient but nowhere near as fun as a class. Hope this helps!

    P.S. Once you get a monitor and get an average reading, you can add your own exercise and personalize it for you.
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    The calorie burn varies so much depending on your class and your height/weight. My little teeny tiny instructor burns about 300 in a 45 minute class. I don't have a HRM (nor would it be accurate on me my fitness instructor says, as I take meds to lower my heart rate), but I did look up the average calories and just used that.
  • Yeah, I finnaly got the Zumba Exhilarate!!! I also took my first local Zumba class that just started in town and it was so nice to have a space bigger than my tiny living room and be with other people! What fun! The sweat just drips from the ends of my hair! lol. I lost four inches in about five days! wow, That has never happened to me before! I just log it in under Zumba high intensity(60) min a day and I have been doing something right cause it's working. I also have checked out the Zumba web site it asks for your weight and level of intensity you worked out at and then configures your number. I will definatly be working on buying a heart moniter because I wanna do whats THE BEST for me, I deserve it ;)